
Economy and Finance

What is the specialty of majoring in Economy and Finance:

Financial economics is the branch of economics characterized by a focus on monetary activities, in which money of one kind or another is likely to appear on both sides of trade. Thus, her interest is the interdependence of financial variables, such as prices, interest rates, and stocks, versus those of the real economy. It has two main areas of focus: asset pricing and corporate finance; The first is the perspective of the providers of capital, the investors, and the second is the perspective of the users of capital.

The topic relates to "allocation and diffusion of economic resources, spatially and over time, in an unstable environment". It therefore focuses on making decisions under uncertainty in the context of financial markets, and the resulting economic and financial models and principles, and is concerned with deriving testable or policy implications from accepted assumptions. It is based on the foundations of microeconomics and reading theory.

History of majoring in Economy and Finance:

Economics is the science that studies how societies produce and consume goods and services. Economic theory has influenced global finance at many important junctures throughout history and is an essential factor in our daily lives. However, the assumptions guiding the study of economics have changed significantly throughout history. Here we take a quick look at the history of economic thought.

Civilizations in the Middle East, China, and elsewhere used complex financial concepts and produced written guides to economic best practices and standards in the first millennium BC.

The Tunisian philosopher Ibn Khaldun, writing in the 14th century, was among the first theorists to study the division of labor, the profit motive, and international trade.

In the 18th century, Scottish economist Adam Smith used the ideas of French Enlightenment writers to develop a treatise on how economies work, and in the 19th century, Karl Marx and Thomas Malthus expanded on his work.

Economists in the late 19th century Lyon Walras and Alfred Marshall used statistics and mathematics to express economic concepts, such as economies of scale.

John Maynard Keynes developed theories in the early 20th century that the Federal Reserve still uses to conduct monetary policy today.

Most modern economic theories are based on the work of Keynes and Milton Friedman's free market theories, which suggest that more capital in a system reduces the need for government involvement.

The importance of studyin the specialty of Economy and Finance:

So, why study economics? Here are five reasons why the study of economics is important.

Economists provide information and forecasting to inform decisions within companies and governments. This knowledge of economics - or economic intelligence - is based on data and modeling.

Economic issues affect our daily lives. This includes issues such as taxes and inflation, interest rates and wealth, inequality and emerging markets, energy and the environment. A broad subject, economics provides answers to a range of health, social and political issues that affect families and broader communities.

Businesses of all sizes and industries have to rely on the economy, whether it's research and development of products, pricing strategies, or how to advertise. This broad impact means that studying economics can open up a variety of career options in all sectors of the economy, from agriculture to manufacturing to banking and consulting.

Understanding how consumers behave is vital to business success. Economists use theories and models to predict behavior and inform business strategies. For example, how to analyze "big data".

The economy affects the world in which we live. Understanding local and international perspectives - both historical and current - can provide useful insight into how different cultures and societies interact. For international companies, an understanding of the global economy is fundamental to driving success.

Economy and Finance majors:

  • advanced financial theory.
  • Advanced Macroeconomics.
  • Advanced Microeconomics.
  • Corporate Finance.

Fields of work for the Economy and Finance specialization:

  • Personnel.
  • A teacher at school or university.
  • Chartered accountant, or assistant accountant.
  • Work in public and private banks.
  • Economic Analyst.

The best universities to study Economy and Finance in Turkey:

  • .Istanbul Gelişim University
  • Istanbul Okan University.
  • istanbul Işık University.
  • Istanbul Aydın University.

The best universities to study Economy and Finance in Russia:

  • Novosibirsk State University.
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University.

The best universities to study Economy and Finance in Germany:

  • Rheinische Für University.
  • Yiddrich in Bonn.
  • University of Mannheim.
  • Free University of Berlin.
  • University of Cologne.
  • Frankfurt School of Economics.