
Turkish language and literature

What is the specialty of Turkish language and literature:

Turkish Language and Literature is a discipline created to study Turkish language and literature in all its characteristics and components, from the past to the present. This specialty is represented and taught in the Turkish Language and Literature Departments of Universities, educational institutions where science exists as a whole.

The Department of Turkish Language and Literature is of distinct importance among other departments of language and literature. This importance stems first from the characteristics of Turkish language and literature. Turkish is not a simple language. It is among the oldest languages in the world and is also one of the most common in the world. It's also the language of a great civilization. Accordingly, Turkish literature is a great literature with a long history, with many writers and literary works that are important not only to the Turkish nation, but also to humanity as a whole. Therefore, there are Turkish language and literature departments not only in Turkey, but also in many universities in different countries. It should also be noted that the Turkish language and literature are of particular importance.

History  of Turkish language and literature :

During the Ottoman Empire (1453 - 1920), the Turks were one of the many linguistic and ethnic groups living in Turkey. There were three languages in use: Arabic, which was used as a basic language for religious matters. Persian, which was the language of art, high literature and diplomacy; On the official Ottoman Turkish level it was used only for the administration of the Empire. Members of the civil, military, and religious elites spoke and conducted their business in Ottoman Turkey, which was a combination of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. The Ottoman Turkish language vocabulary includes an Afra and complete expressions of Arabic and Persian as well as grammatical structures. Turkish is not Arabic, Arabic is not spoken in Turkey, and the last alphabet is not used. With 71.5 million native speakers and 125 million Turkish speakers, the Turkish language can be returned to the Ural-Altaic family. It is spoken in Turkey and minorities from 35 other countries, and is used in States such as Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Greece, the northern part of Cyprus, Macedonia, Romania and Uzbekistan. What gave the language in Turkey status

The importance of studying Turkish language and literature specialization :

Turkish is an important language first because of the huge number of people who speak it. 75 million people speak Turkish as their first language, making it one of the 15 most widely spoken languages in the world. There are other communities of speakers in the Balkans and Caucasus, and many very large Turkish immigrant communities in Western Europe (for example, Turkish is the second most widely spoken language in Germany). Another 15 million people speak Turkish as a second language. Thus, Turkish knowledge and Turkey's knowledge are useful to anyone interested in international business or politics in that area. Similarly, for students pursuing jobs in business or government services, opportunities will continue to increase only as Turkey continues to develop as a global economic powerhouse. The study of Turkish gives you a depth of understanding that makes you a valuable asset for companies, government and other organizations that promote fruitful alliances with the Aos East. Business opportunities open up quickly in Turkey Turkey's suspended membership in the European Union will strengthen its global trade importance more effectively The political structure of Turkey is based on a secular, democratic, pluralist and parliamentary system in which law and justice protect the rights of the human being.

Subjects for Turkish Language and Literature:

  • Turkish economy
  • Turkish language sources and text reviews
  • International political economy
  • Modern Turkish Literature
  • Historical development of the Turkish sentences

Fields of work for the specialization of Turkish language and literature:

  • Dubbing Domain
  • Field of education (schools, grammar institutes, special courses)
  • Working as a translator in companies

The best universities to study Turkish language and literature in Turkey:

  • istanbul Bahçeşehir University 
  • Istanbul Aydin University
  • istanbul AltenBach University
  • Istanbul Gelisim University
  • istanbul Ishik University
  • istanbul Üsküdar University
  • istanbul okan university
  • istanbul Bilgi University