

 What is the specialty of Archeology major:

Archeology is a science concerned with the study of material remains left by man. The history of the study of archeology begins with the beginning of man's manufacture of his tools (cutters and incisors). Perhaps it was called the science of antiquities in relation to the defunct tribe of Aad. It is a scientific study of the remnants of human civilization. past. It studies the lives of ancient peoples. These wastes include things such as: buildings and structures, art pieces, tools, pottery and bones. Some of the discoveries may be exciting, such as a tomb with gold ornaments, or the remains of a grandiose temple. However, the discovery of a few stone tools or seeds of charred grain, may better reveal many aspects of peoples' lives. And documenting the types of food used in the past, which reveals the similarities between the lives of those people and our current lives. And what the archeologist discovered, from large edifices to grain, contributes to drawing a picture of life in ancient societies. Archeological research is the only way to reveal the lives of societies that existed before the invention of writing nearly five thousand years ago. The archeological research itself constitutes an important tributary in enriching our knowledge of the ancient societies that left written records.

History of Archeology:

Archeology is usually divided into a group of branches and sections, and they differ from one region to another according to the historical periods and the civilizations that knew them, and often we do not find a field for Islamic antiquities in countries that were not covered by Islamic civilization, and the Greek and Roman antiquities are a separate branch for certain regions In Egypt, too, Pharaonic archeology is considered a branch, while in Algeria there are accredited branches and are taught on the basis that they are independent disciplines from each other. Among the most important subjects studied in archeology, which most Arab and international universities participate in are:

  • Prehistoric Archeology: It is concerned with studying archeology dating back to the beginning of man's emergence and until the advent of writing.
  • Ancient Antiquities: In this section, the relics of ancient civilizations are studied, starting with the Pharaonic civilization, Mesopotamia, the Greek civilization, then the Roman and Sassanid civilizations, in addition to the rest of the other civilizations around the world.
  • Islamic Archeology: This major studies the various antiquities left by Muslims from the advent of Islam to the end of the Islamic Caliphate.
  • Auxiliary sciences: There are many sciences that need other disciplines, and archeology also needs the help of other sciences to achieve its goals, and among those sciences we mention: fingerprint science, archeology, a science concerned with studying and identifying animals through their skeletal remains discovered during archeological excavations. Surveying, linguistics, ancient calligraphy.
  • Ethnology: This science is one of the branches of anthropology, and it is based on the comparative study of contemporary cultures to extract general concepts that can be applied to human societies.
  • History, physics, chemistry, cartography, geography.
  • Paleoidephology This science is concerned with trying to restore the state of the earth in ancient times based on the study of archeological levels belonging to each era, and the analysis of samples of its soil and the plant traces it contains.
  • Paleoclimatology This science studies the state of the climate in ancient times based on the study of archeological levels dating back to each era.
  • Petrology This science is based on physical and chemical analyzes on the structure of rocks to identify minerals and mines and determine their centers. Geology or Earth science studies the planet Earth and the materials made of it, the processes that affect these materials and their products and the history of the Earth.
  • Geomorphology is the science of the shape of the Earth that deals with the world's shape of the Earth by studying the nature, division, description, genesis, and development of the topographic features currently present on the Earth's surface.
  • Paleontology This science is similar to ontology in many ways, and is concerned with re-imagining the ancient ontological condition of a community.
  • Anthropology is the science that deals with the study of human beings, both from a social and natural point of view.
  • Chemistry uses archeological analysis to determine the history of skeletons.
  • Physics is useful in discovering archeological sites, numismatics is a science that studies the money and currencies that people have dealt with throughout the ages.
  • Finally... Some countries see archeology, such as America, as a branch of anthropology, which is the study of the human race and its intellectual and material heritage, and some countries see archeology, such as Europe, that this science is closely related to the field of history science, and some countries link archeology and tourism.

Subjects for the Archeology major:

  • Archeology and prehistoric science
  • Selected Topics in Cultural Resource Management and Museology
  • A study in history .
  • field work
  • art and architecture

Fields of work for the Archeology specialization:

Working independently in excavations, as many Egyptians work on missions as members of an expedition, and the remuneration is often generous and large, equivalent to what foreign colleagues receive.

Working in the field of translation, as few are familiar with archeology, Arabic and another language. You can work on translating mission reports or mission publications. If you prove your worth in this field, you will be dispatched to other places in the world, especially with the lack of distinguished cadres who can do such work.

Work in foreign institutes of antiquities, so you have the opportunity to obtain short-term contracts for specific projects.

Work in different museums located within your country.

Work as an antiquities inspector directly under the Ministry of Antiquities

Integration in the field of tourism and guidance, by working with foreign delegations that visit the tourist areas within your country.

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