

What is the specialty of architecture:
Architecture studies design history and theory while gaining practical experience in building layouts. Creativity, precision and skills in mathematics are essential for this field.
Architecture is the art and science of designing and engineering large structures and buildings. Those who choose to study architecture will have enthusiasm for both science and the arts, and the requirements for admission to architecture usually take into account both artistic ability and mathematical competence.
Architect design structures are suitable for human use and are therefore largely responsible for the integrity and reliability of these structures, so students must be prepared to study for a relatively long time before becoming licensed and fully qualified architects.
If you were asked to answer the question, "What's architecture?" Many people might simply say that architects design buildings. However, architectural functions often involve a more diverse workload. Often, a small to medium-sized firm-based architect will also be involved in planning, budgeting, handling financial accounts, negotiating with contractors, ensuring compliance with on-site health and safety regulations, preparing material specifications and working quality.

History of architecture:
With the beginning of humanity, when it was necessary to protect itself from the dangers surrounding it, he built the dwelling or used it in front of it to inhabit it and use it as shelter. Farmers took advantage of the trees that brought him to the idea of collecting them after cutting them, turning them into huts and sheltered houses, and sheep shepherds came to set up tents of sheep skins after tying them into wooden menus and sheltering them.

These forms of architecture then evolved into more environmentally friendly forms of human service. In this development, the greatest role played by religious beliefs and worship in all ancient civilizations as a result of ancient man's association with the worship of Othans and gods. We see in this religious passion and the cosmic mystery surrounding man the main motivation for man's beginning of figurative art and the construction of stone buildings for worship, and it can be said that stone formations of worship are the first forms of organized architecture that take on a certain character or at least are associated with a particular idea, that prehistoric architecture is nothing more than naive and pristine to the evolution of architecture in later times. Manhir Menhirs, Dolmens and Gromlechs.

The Stone Age civilization began in the southeast of Asia in 10,000BC and spread to the east and west.

The early period of this civilization was in the South-East Mongolian region of Mesopotamia, "currently Syria and Iraq" in 8000 BC, and some monuments were found in South-Eastern Europe from 7000 BC, and in Central Europe in 5500 BC.


The importance of studying the specialty of architecture:


  • Interesting and creative work.
  • The field attracts enthusiastic and like - minded people.
  • It's a wonderful, fast - paced career.
  • A greater appreciation and understanding of the cities and buildings around you.
  • You can influence the city and the people around you.
  • Respectable career
  • Applications of architecture:
  • Auto Cad
  • 3D Max program
  • Photoshop is a professional image modification software
  • In addition, physics, mathematics and free drawing must be learned.
  • Architectural courses:
  • Fundamentals of architectural design
  • Computing and design
  • Theory and History of Architecture
  • Configuration Systems
  • Construction techniques
  • Studies of debates in architecture and civilization (civilization)

Areas of work for architecture:

  • Faculty member of the Faculty of Engineering and Art Departments of Design and Architecture.
  • Engineering project manager.
  • Consultant for architectural sites.
  • Work in engineering consulting offices.
  • Working in real estate companies.

The best universities to study architecture in Turkey:

  • Istanbul Okan
  • The Joy of Istanbul
  • Istanbul Medibol
  • Istanbul Aiden
  • Elton Bash

The best universities to study architecture in Russia:

  • Ivanovo University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Kazan University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • * Moscow Higher Institute of Architecture (State Academy)
  • * Moscow Higher Institute of Communications and Civil Engineering

The best universities to study architecture in Germany:

  • Akhen University, School of Architecture
  • Bauhaus Weimar University, School of Architecture, Urban and Regional Planning
  • Braunschweig Technical University, Department of Architecture
  • Technical University of Berlin, Department of Architectur