It is a test only for Turkish universities, it is the test for foreign students who want to study in public universities in Turkey. When some public universities in Turkey require YÖS test results for admission to the test. This exam is held in Turkey as it is organized by some higher education institutions in various centers outside of Turkey. Therefore, each university organizes this exam separately.

In the event that there are justified and real reasons, undergraduate students can freeze enrollment for a maximum of two semesters.
As for doctoral students, they have the right to freeze registration for a period of four semesters at most, after submitting the request to the head of the department and the approval of the institute’s administration. In the event that the justified reasons are accepted, it is required to inform the department’s management within at least one month from submitting these reasons. In order to freeze registration, it must be at the beginning of the semester and, at the latest, within one month of completing the registration process.
It is taken into account that it includes only that semester and is not a continuation in order to suspend another semester, to extend the freeze, the student must repeat the stages of the freeze again.

Turkish law prohibits foreign students from officially working in Turkey, even if he holds a student visa, because he is only in Turkey to study. But we find most of the students working in Turkey in Arab companies located in Istanbul in particular.

Yes, it is mandatory, the student must reach an attendance rate of at least 70% to be able to take the exam.

Of course, most private Turkish universities send a detailed orientation program with all the study requirements and conditions of scientific life, as well as the start and end dates of each semester before your travling to Turkey, by E-mail.

There are two types of students, of which it is better to live in the dormitory of the university in which he studies, and in most cases, the cost of the dormitory is expensive in most private universities, and the cost of the dormitory in some of them amount to 1300 dollars per year at the minimum and 3500 dollars per year in the others at the maximum.
The second type of students prefer external accommodation in student dormitories which are often cheaper, and these are widely available near private universities and the monthly cost does not exceed $200.
As for the average cost of living and transportation, according to each student.

One of the most important requirements for applying to private Turkish universities is that the student has a high school/preparatory/high school diploma with a minimum rate of 70% to study medicine, dentistry and pharmacy. for the rest of the Specialties, the rate is not conditional in most universities.

  • A copy of the secondary certificate, translated and certified by the notary public.
  • A copy of a valid passport or a copy of identity or residence.
  • Photograph.
  • E-mail.

If the student does not have the TOEFL certificate of the diploma required by the university, he must pass a language level test. It is organized at the university after confirmation of registration and on the basis of the result the level of the student is determined. If the student exceeds the required level, which is generally level B2, he can study directly. otherwise he must Entry into the preparatory year for the English language.

Yes, there is no problem applying to complete Turkish Private Universities or Turkish Public Universities whether you are studying in a public or private university. However, most public universities do not accept transfer from private universities except under certain circumstances, including the grades obtained by the student, which must exceed a certain degree for each university separately.

International offices offer an orientation program that helps students:

  • • Learn how to navigate public transport (in addition to student cards).
  • Obtaining a residence permit.
  • Obtaining a student card.
  • Students can always come to the office if there is a problem.

Of course, some Arab countries like Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Kuwait and Algeria have a list of recognized universities in Turkish territory, except Egypt and Lebanon, which all recognize Turkish universities as long as they are recognized in Turkey. and supervised by the Turkish Ministry of Higher Education.

  • Application form for student residence permit (when the application is filled through the electronic residence system, it is processed through the system. A copy of the application form is obtained and it is signed by the foreign citizen and/or his legal representative ).
  • Original and photocopy of passport or valid document in lieu thereof (must have passport valid for 60 days longer than required period of stay or valid document in lieu of passport).
  • Photo (four photos must have been taken within the last six months, white background, biometric).
  • Valid health insurance (the duration of the health insurance must include the duration of the required residence permit).
  • A statement that he has sufficient and regular financial means during the period of stay in Turkey.
  • A valid and valid declaration of address (if residing in student accommodation, submits a stamped and electronically/hand-signed document of address;
  • A student document/data form for a student of foreign nationality proving that he can benefit from student rights.

it varies from university to university, but often enrollment starts from March each year for bachelor's, master's and doctoral levels, and in some universities enrollment is possible the whole year divided into two semesters.

Our center does not charge students any fees to apply to private universities in Turkey, as it is an official agent of private universities in Turkey.a

Each student studying in public and private Turkish universities has a state-supported transportation card, and this card is extracted from designated places belonging to the municipality in each of the provinces of Turkey, and the student who holds a student residence at a discount of up to half.

Every student who wishes to study in Turkish universities can equivalency their secondary certificate through the Turkish Embassy in their country or the Equations Department of the Turkish Ministry of Education in the province in which the student will study , by submitting the first, second and third secondary certificate to the Department of Equations After being translated into Turkish and certified by a notary public.

You must be nominated by your home university, and then apply for admission to university in Turkey.

The language adopted in many Turkish private universities is English. Exchange students under the Erasmus program and exchange students whose mother tongue is English do not need documents. As for students whose native language is not English, they must provide proof of English proficiency or take the English language exam at the university to which they have been accepted after completing the procedures for registration.

The language adopted in Turkish universities is either Turkish or English or both. Some universities teach specific specialties with 30% English language and 70% Turkish language.

If you enroll in a university program that accredits Turkish as the language of instruction, you must be proficient in Turkish. Please make sure which language you are studying in. If the supported language is English, you are not required to speak Turkish, but learning Turkish is highly recommended for the social and cultural experience.

The Turkish Higher Education Council oversees all Turkish universities, and the Council and Turkish universities participate in the European Union program which aims to harmonize academic standards in 47 countries. The equivalence for each country is usually determined by the country's education authority. Turkish universities, whether public or private, are recognized throughout the Arab world, depending on each country separately.

Turkey is one of the countries rich in different cultures, with a long history and a distinguished present. Turkey combines the nobility of the past and the development of the present, making it one of the most distinguished and different countries. This is not surprising when you see Turkey in its position as the sixth tourist destination in the world. It is also one of the most distinguished countries in the field of education due to the development of the education system over the last decade, which manifests itself in attracting thousands of students from all countries of the world.