
Addiction Counseling and Rehabilitation

What is the specialty of  Addiction Counseling and Rehabilitation specialization:

Addiction medicine is a medical subspecialty that deals with the diagnosis, prevention, evaluation, treatment, and recovery of people with addictions, those with drug-related and addiction disorders, and people who exhibit unhealthy use of substances including alcohol, nicotine, prescription medications, and other illicit and licit drugs. Medical subspecialty often moves to other fields, as different aspects of addiction fall into the fields of public health, psychology, social work, mental health counseling, psychiatry, and internal medicine, among others. Detoxification, rehabilitation, harm reduction, abstinence-based therapy, individual and group therapies, supervision of halfway homes, treatment of withdrawal-related symptoms, acute intervention, and long-term therapies designed to reduce the possibility of relapse are included in the specialty. Some specialists, especially those with experience in family medicine or internal medicine, also provide treatment for conditions commonly associated with substance abuse, such as hepatitis and HIV infection.

Physicians in this field generally agree regarding the applicability of treatment to drug addicts, such as alcohol and heroin, and often also to gambling, which have similar properties and are well described in the scientific literature. There is less agreement regarding the definition or treatment of so-called addictive behaviors such as sexual addiction and Internet addiction, such behaviors are not generally characterized by physiological tolerance or withdrawal.

Physicians focusing on addiction medicine are medical professionals who focus on diseases of addiction and have special study and training focused on the prevention and treatment of such diseases. There are two ways to specialize in addiction: one through a psychiatric pathway and one through other fields of medicine. The American Society of Addiction Medicine notes that approximately 40% of its members are psychiatrists (MD/DOs) while the remainder have had initial medical training in other areas.

History of Addiction Counseling and Rehabilitation:

The face of addiction, the perception of those who fight addiction, and addiction treatment has changed a lot over the years in the United States. The most recent national survey, which was completed in 2013, was published that 24.6 million Americans (over the age of 11) considered current illegal drug users and had used illegal drugs in the month prior to the survey, and 21.6 million were considered to have a substance abuse or dependence problem in the previous year .

Drug addicts have been vilified, criminalized, or subjected to many questionable “cures” over the years, with the general and medical concept of addiction being somewhat fluid. The current definition of addiction rules is that it is not a failure of moral character, but rather a disease of the brain that affects the reward system, willpower, and emotional regulation of a person. Addiction requires specialized treatment to recover and to avoid relapses.

Today's addiction is believed to be caused by genetics, biology, and environmental influences. A combination of pharmacological and behavioral therapies may be beneficial. Treatment can be found in one of more than 14,500 addiction treatment programs in the United States. Addiction and drug treatment in America have come a long way over the centuries and continue to evolve with the introduction of new research and scientific evidence.

The emergence of addiction in the United States and the need for treatment

During the Civil War, opioids were distributed free of charge for all kinds of medical ailments. Because opiates are highly addictive, this led to widespread drug addiction in the post-war United States. Prior to this, people addicted to mind-altering drugs were likely considered a scourge of society and likely to have been part of an unwanted "secret,"

Which consists of gamblers, prostitutes and criminals. Drug addiction may be relatively uncommon and may persist in Chinese opium dens.

Upper- and middle-class women in the 19th century were more likely to get addicted to fighting opioid addiction

Opiate drugs were used to treat a variety of medical problems and injuries during and after the war. By the late 19th century, Civil War soldiers consisted of a number of opiate addicts. However, the large-8-medium-12 columns of those battling opioid addiction at this point are likely to be upper- and middle-class white women, who may have been initially prescribed drugs for menstrual problems. An estimated 300,000 people in America are addicted to opioids and have been sympathetically treated and prescribed more opioids or sent for "treatment" in a sanatorium.

Individuals with alcoholism or drug addiction may have been held in a sugar facility for a period of time to help them "dehydrate," as treatment may focus primarily on detoxification, withdrawal, and physical stability. Built in 1858, it was in fact probably one of the first institutions to attempt to treat alcoholism as a disease, catering to upper-class New York society in the late 19th century until that belief was discarded. The government-run treatment center was forced to close and later reopen as a psychiatric hospital for the "chronic insane" where it used outrageous treatments such as frontal lobe surgery, hydrotherapy and electroconvulsive therapy. Diabetic clinics have kept patients on site, likely even against their will, for a variety of different addiction treatments that may be present today.

  The importance of studying  Addiction Counseling and Rehabilitation specializing :

An addiction counselor collaborates with their patients to assess their condition and set goals to develop a customized treatment plan. Your counselor should be a good listener and have a general demeanor of empathy. Initial counseling sessions are designed to lay the foundation for mutual trust, which is imperative to a successful outcome.

I contribute hard work, and friends at AA to help me stay sober. I am still in touch with my Greenhouse consultant for my rehab. I love talking to other recovering addicts.

Subjects for the Addiction Counseling and Rehabilitation specialization :

  • Addiction and the family.
  • Assessment and case management.
  • Assessment of substance and addiction disorders.
  • Community mental health.
  • Counseling ethics.
  • Counseling skills and practice.
  • Counseling theories.
  • Identifying and resolving crises.

Fields of work for the Addiction Counseling and Rehabilitation major :

  • Addiction counselor.
  • Advanced alcohol and drug counselor.
  • Concurrent Disorders Counselor.
  • Mental health counselor.
  • School counselor.
  • Social Service Manager.

The best universities to study Addiction Counseling and Rehabilitation in Turkey:

  • istanbul Üsküdar University