
International Trade

What is the specialty of International Trade major:

International trade is the exchange of capital, goods and services across international borders or territories due to a need or shortage of goods or services.

In most countries, this trade accounts for a large share of GDP. While international trade has existed throughout history (e.g. Utara Patha, Silk Road, Amber Road, Fought over Africa, Atlantic slave trade, salt routes), its economic, social and political importance has been on the rise in recent centuries.

Conducting trade internationally is a complex process when compared to domestic trade. When trade occurs between two or more countries, factors such as currency, government policies, the economy, the judicial system, laws, and markets influence the trade.

To facilitate and justify the process of trade between countries of different economic standing in the modern era, some international economic organizations have been formed, such as the World Trade Organization. These organizations work towards facilitating international trade and its growth. The statistical services of intergovernmental and supranational organizations and government statistical agencies publish official statistics on international trade.

History of International Trade major:

Bartering goods or services between different peoples is an ancient practice, perhaps as old as human history. However, international trade refers specifically to exchange between members of different nations, and accounts and interpretations of such trade (although the earlier discussion is fragmentary) begin only with the rise of the modern nation-state at the end of the European Middle Ages. When philosophers and political thinkers began to study the nature and function of a nation, trade with other countries became a special topic of their investigations. Accordingly, it is not surprising that we find one of the first attempts to describe the function of international trade within that highly nationalistic group of thought now known as mercantilism.

Subjects studied in the International Trade major:

  • Business dealings between countries.
  • Study everything related to financial investments.
  • Fundamentals of project management.
  • Negotiation Strategies.

Fields of work for the International Trade major:

  • Join the global import and export companies.
  • Work within international airports.
  • Work in the ports.
  • Economic analysis.
  • Work in customs offices.
  • Commercial departments in embassies.
  • Work at the International Monetary Fund

The best universities to study International Trade in Turkey:

  • istanbu Bahçeşehir University.
  • istanbul Okan University.
  • istanbul Gelişim University.
  • istanbul Altinbas University.

The best universities to study International Trade in Russia:

  • Rostov State University of Economics.
  • RANEPA- Institute of Business Studies (IBS)
  • The Global Alliance in Management Education.
  • Irkutsk State Linguistic University.
  • International University in Moscow IUM.
  • Volgograd State Technical University

The best universities to study International Trade in Germany:

  • GISMA Business School.
  • Berlin School of Business & Innovation (BSBI).
  • IUBH University of Applied Sciences Online Studies.