
E-commerce and Management

What is the specialty of e-commerce and management major:
This specialization bears many names such as e-marketing, e-business management, business administration and e-commerce.
History of e-commerce and management majors:
Electronic commerce (in English: e-commerce) is a new term in the world of economics that appeared with the spread of the Internet in the early nineties of the twentieth century, but some researchers indicated its existence from the seventies of the last century through electronic information exchange systems between industrial companies (Electronic Data). Interchange -ED
The importance of e-commerce and management specialization:
Studying this major helps keep pace with modern technological developments. Gain many skills and practical experience in the field of electronics. The field of e-commerce study has become one of the most important fields in which the demand in the labor market has increased. The ability to design websites in the field of business administration.

Fields of work for the specialization of e-commerce and management:

  •      Work as a consultant in information security and e-commerce
  • Business Analyst.
  •     Freelance work.
  •     Director of Public Relations.
  •     Work in many companies, institutions and banks.
  •     Purchasing Manager, Administrative Manager or Marketing Manager in a company.
  •     Work in the teaching profession. 
  •     Principles of administration.
  •     Introduction to E-Business
  •     IT Basics
  •     Principles of Marketing.
  •     Accounting principles.
  •     Intelligent business systems.
  •     Multimedia systems and applications.
  •     E-business strategies.
  •     E-commerce and electronic payment.
  •     Web site security.
  •     Development of electronic business systems.
  •     E-business applications and tools.
  •     Website design and management.
  •     E-business models and processes.
  •     leading businesses.
  •     Legal and ethical issues in e-business.
  •     Information systems project management.
  •     E-Business Technologies.
  •     commercial legislation.
  •     Business Administration and E-Commerce.
  •     Human Resources.
  •      Economy
  •     Accounting.
  •     Business Management.
  •      Finance 
    The best universities to study e-commerce and management in Turke
  •     Istanbul Gelisim University
  •     Yedite University
  •     Istanbul Commerce University

The best universities to study e-commerce and management in Russia:

  •     Saint Petersburg University
  •     International Management Institute in St. Petersburg
  •     Lomonosov Business School of Moscow State University
  •     IBS Moscow, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  •     State University of Management

The best universities to study e-commerce and management in Germany:

  •     GISMA Business School.
  •     Berlin School of Business & Innovation (BSBI)
  •     IUBH University of Applied Sciences Online Studies