
Human Resource Management

What is the specialty of Human Resource Management:

Human Resources The sum of the individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector or economy. Some use the term human capital synonymously with human resources, although human capital usually refers to a narrower view, other terms sometimes used include "workforce", talent, "labor" or just "people". HR existed as a product of the human relations movement in the early twentieth century when researchers began documenting ways to create business value through strategic workforce management. HR was once dominant in day-to-day procedural work, such as payroll and benefits management, but due to globalization, consolidation of organizations, technological advances, and advanced research, HR is now focusing on strategic initiatives such as mergers and acquisitions, talent management, succession plans, industrial or labor relations, and diversity and inclusion. In emerging organizations, HR tasks should be performed by a trained professional. In larger organizations, an entire department is usually dedicated to this field, with employees specialized in various areas of human resources involved in strategic decision-making with the rest of the departments. To train a practitioner to become a professional, higher education institutions, specialized bodies, and organizations themselves have developed specialized study programs for each part of the field. Academics and practitioners in organizations are also looking for engagement in the field of human resources,

Human resource management is the management of an organization's workforce or human resources. It is concerned with attracting employees, selecting, training, evaluating and rewarding employees, as well as following up on the organization's leadership and organizational culture and ensuring compliance with labor laws. In cases where employees are willing to conduct collective bargaining, the HR department will be the initial liaison with employee representatives, usually labor unions.

History of Human Resource Management majors:

Over time I have found hypothetical evidence to demonstrate the feasibility of strategic workforce management, and changes in business (Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller) and in public policy (La Sydney Peter Webb, Franklin Roosevelt and New Deal) changed the employer-employee relationship as the field became more formal as "labor relations." industrial". In 1913, one of the oldest organizations specialized in human resources - the Institute for Personal Development -

Founded in England as a labor welfare organization, also in the United States, the world's first graduate school specializing in work environment studies - the College of Industrial and Labor Relations - was founded at Cornell University in 1945.

During the late twentieth century, union memberships were clearly refused even though the management of the workforce continued to expand its influence within the organizations. 'Industrial financial relations' began to be used to refer specifically to collective bargaining problems, and many organizations began to use the 'personnel management function. In 1948, she founded the largest organization for human resource professionals - the Society for Human Resource Management - which was called the American Organization for Personnel Management (ASPA).

As the twenty-first-century approaches, advances in transportation and communications have greatly facilitated workforce mobility and collaboration. Organizations are beginning to see employees as more valuable assets than cogs in a machine. "Human Resource Management", then became dominant in the field - the American Organization for Personnel Management changed its name to the Organization of Human Resource Management in 1998. "Human Capital Management" is sometimes used instead of human resources, although human capital refers to the idea of Narrower than human resources, it is the knowledge that each person can share for the organization. Also, some terms have been used to name the field, including "organizational management", "manpower management", "talent management", "personnel management" or simply "people management".

Human Resources portrayed in much popular media in the American television series "The Office", such as "Toby Flenderson" the role of the Human Resources Officer, in which he appeared to be a grumbling person who constantly reminds his colleagues of the organization's regulations and government regulations.,

Also, for a long time, the American comedian "Dilbert" has often portrayed the politics of human resources personnel through a sadistic character called "Kate Burt", "the demonic tendencies of human resources." In addition, the "human resources manager" is a character in An Israeli film produced in 2010 was titled “Human Resources Manager,” while the “HR Trainee” was cast in the title role in the French film “Human Resources” in 1999. In addition, the BBC produced a skit called “Ladies Dinner.” The character was Principal "Philip" who represents the role of HR Manager.

The importance of studying the specialty of Human Resource Management:

HR management is one of the most important newly developed academic disciplines, whose importance has emerged and reached its maximum due to the technological progress that we are witnessing, especially in the field of business management and institutions, where it works primarily on the formation of an organizational structure for institutions by including the best competencies, training and raising their abilities and skills to achieve The benefit of the institution, including the need to develop human resources first hand, to keep pace with the latest developments in the labor market. Hence the need for the presence of such specializations in universities for students to enroll in, so that they can acquire human resource management skills.
It is distinguished from others as an opportunity for students to participate effectively in the advancement of societies because it gives them an opportunity to work in the best and most famous companies. Choosing the most appropriate and including it for the institution and excluding individuals who are ineffective in their fields, and perhaps this is one of the most important reasons for the success of institutions and their need for qualified elements and a high degree of efficiency and experience in the field of human resource management, given that human resources are one of the most important factors on which factories, institutions and companies depend to achieve an economic and profitable shift During a short period of work practice.

Therefore, it is advised to pay attention to studying this field and motivate students to join it, in order to provide excellent job opportunities after graduation, which will match the large market need to include the best experiences and qualifications first hand. Therefore, regional and international universities are interested in opening new horizons and providing multiple courses for those wishing to study human resource management.

Human Resource Management courses:

  • Personnel affairs, employee relations or their services.
  • training and development
  • Human Resource Management
  • Disciplinary procedures.
  • Organization and curricula.
  • work-study
  • industrial relations
  • Equal opportunity
  • Job evaluation
  • Performance evaluation.
  • Planning and Recruitment
  • Benefits, wages and compensation

Fields of work for the Human Resource Management major:

  • HR Executive.
  • General Manager of Human Resources.
  • Deputy Director of Human Resources.

Best Universities for Human Resource Management in Turkey:

  • Anadolu University
  • Beykoz University
  • Dicle University

Best Universities for Human Resource Management in Russia:

  • Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg University
  • IMISP - International Management Institute in St. Petersburg 
  • Lomonosov Business School of Moscow State University 
  • IBS Moscow, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
  • Graduate School of Business - State University of Management

Best Universities for Human Resource Management in Germany:

  • Otto Besheim School of Management
  • Leipzig School of Management
  • Business School at the University of Mannheim
  • Berlin European Business School
  • Frankfurt School of Finance and Management