

What is management specialization?
It is the process of achieving the set goals using the optimal use of the available resources, according to a specific approach, within a specific environment, and management is a branch of social sciences. Management is considered one of the most important human activities in any society, on the basis of its different stages and development, due to the management’s impact on the lives of societies due to its connection with economic, social and political affairs. And because the administration is the one that collects and employs economic resources in order to satisfy the needs of the individual and the group in society. Through management, social progress is made, and on it, countries depend on achieving progress and prosperity for their citizens. Successful management is the basis for the success of the organization and its superiority over its competitors.

The importance of studying management
The progress of nations is due to the administration in which it is located. The administration is responsible for the success of organizations within the community, because it is able to exploit human and material resources with high efficiency and effectiveness. There are many countries that have financial and human resources, but due to the lack of administrative experience, they remain in a backward position. It can also be said: The success of the economic and social development plan and its achievement of its objectives can only be achieved by making good use of the available material and human resources. As well as the success of various projects in all economic activities, agricultural and industrial services. There is no doubt that the use of available resources without extravagance or negligence depends mainly on the adequacy of management in the leftover areas of activity, just as the success of projects and their achievement of their objectives set out in their work plan depends on the adequacy of their management, and from here we find that the success of economic and social development plans is linked to the level of administrative sufficiency in projects. different within countries. While talking about development and management, developing countries face many administrative problems that require administrative capacity and efficiency to confront, address and solve them, so that they can achieve the desired development goals.
Management courses:

  •     Introduction to Economics
  •     Business Management
  •     Mathematics and Statistics
  •     Accounting principles
  •     Cost accounting
  •     Health Department
  •     biology
  •     Human resource management in health institution

Business areas for management specialization:

  •     Financial Manager.
  •     Production Manager.
  •     Purchasing Manager.
  •     marketing manager.
  •     Bank manager.
  •     Sales Manager.
  •     Administrative manager.
  •     Project Manager

The best universities to study management majors in Turkey:

  •     Istanbul Eden University
  •     Sabanci University
  •     Bilkent University


The best universities to study management majors in Russia:


  •     Graduate School of Management, Saint Petersburg University
  •     IMISP - International Management Institute in St. Petersburg
  •     Lomonosov Business School of Moscow State University
  •     IBS Moscow, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

The best universities to study management majors in Germany

  •     Otto Besheim School of Management
  •     Leipzig School of Management
  •     Business School at the University of Mannheim
  •     Berlin European Business School
  •     Frankfurt School of Finance and Management