

What is the specialty of advertising specialization:
Advertising is a marketing connection that uses a non-personal message with open sponsorship to promote or sell a product, service, or idea. 465 advertisers are usually companies that wish to promote their products or services. Public relations advertising differs in that the advertiser pays for and controls the message. It differs from a personal sale in that the message is impersonal, i.e. not addressed to a particular individual. and new media such as search results, blogs, social media, websites or text messages. The actual presentation of the message in an intermediary is referred to as a declaration: A short announcement or announcement.
Commercials often seek to increase consumption of their products or services through a "brand," which connects a product's name or image to certain traits in consumers' minds. On the other hand, ads aimed at obtaining an immediate sale are known as direct response ads. Non-commercial entities that advertise more than one product or consumer service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and government agencies. Non-profit organizations may use free means of persuasion, such as advertising public service. Advertising may also help to reassure employees or shareholders that the company is viable or successful.
Modern advertising originated with technologies introduced with tobacco advertising in the 1920s, most notably the campaigns of Edward Bernays, who is the founder of the modern "Madison Avenue" commercial.
Global spending on the Declaration in 2015 was estimated at US $529.43 billion. [The expected 2017 advertising distribution was 40.4% on television, 33.3% on digital, 9% on newspapers, 6.9% on magazines, 5.8% outdoors and 4.3% on radio. Internationally, the largest groups of advertising agencies (the "Big Five") are Dentsu, InterPublic, Omnicom, Public and WPP.
In Latin, the word adverter means "heading towards."

History of advertising specialization:
Egyptians used paperback to make sales letters and wall posters. Commercial messages and political campaign shows were found in the ruins of Pompeii and the ancient Arabian. Lost ads and finds on papyrus were common in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Graffiti or rock for commercials is another manifestation of the old advertising format, which still exists today in many parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. The tradition of graffiti can be traced back to Indian rock paintings dating back to 4000 BC.
In ancient China, the first known declaration was oral, as recorded in the poetry classics (11th and 7th centuries BC) of bamboo flutes that were played to sell desserts. The advertisement usually takes the form of written signs and inked papers. A brass print plate dating back to the Song dynasty is used to print stickers in the form of a square sheet with a rabbit emblem with "Jinan Lin's Fine Needle Shop" and "Buy high-quality steel bars and make high-quality needles to be ready for use at home at any one time."

In Europe, where medieval towns and cities began to grow, the general population was unable to read, instead of signs saying "scaffolding," "miller," "tailoring," or "mourning," associated images would be used as long shoes, suit, hat, watch, diamond, horseback, candle or even a fine bag. Fruit and vegetables were sold in the town square from the appearance of wagons and wagons and used street owners (city advocates) to announce their whereabouts. The first collection of these declarations was compiled in "Les Crieries de Paris," a 13th-century poem by Guillaume de la Villeneuve.
In the 18th century, advertising began to appear in weekly newspapers in England. These early print advertisements were used mainly to promote books and newspapers, which are increasingly accessible to all as the printing press progresses; and medicines that are increasingly in demand. However, false advertising and so-called "antidote" ads became a problem, leading to regulation.
Importance of studying the specialization of the Declaration:ّ
The skills of individuals, companies or countries are increased by focusing on a more limited task or product. They benefit greatly from the curve of learning and experience. Makes it more efficient.

When focusing on fewer products, companies can allocate more resources. They can be better at meeting consumer needs and desires than at producing multiple production lines. They could be better at digging up information, for example, about what product features consumers prefer.
After that, specialization within a limited product range also allows the company to reduce costs. For example, suppose the company produces only one product. They can achieve higher economies of scale by purchasing bulk inputs compared to producing two or more products. In addition, they can also divide the production process into specific tasks, with workers focusing on each job.
On the other hand, working on one or several specific tasks can make workers more efficient. In addition, the longer they work on the job, the more experience they have. Finally, they understand how to get things done faster. Thus, they become more productive in the performance of their tasks.
Advertising courses:


  • Theories of professional communication.
  • Concepts of advertising and perception.
  • Creative writing and content.
  • The regulation in advertising and public relations.
  • Design.
  • Marketing strategies.
  • Contemporary issues in information.
  • Advertising search.

fields of work for Advertising :



  • Digital marketing.
  • Marketing content.
  • Marketing social media.
  • Visual marketing.
  • Marketing through search engines.
  • Influential marketing.
  • Product marketing.
  • Marketing of brand management

Best universities to study advertising:


  • Glychim

  • Aidan