
media and communication systems

What is the specialty of media and communication systems specialization:
The journalism and media major is one of the most important majors in the world, which many students have sought to study and obtain higher degrees in. The title of the profession of trouble has been launched for the journalism and media profession.
The media has a major role in conveying the reality and facts as they exist on the ground. It also has a major role in shedding light on sensitive issues that arouse people’s interest and curiosity, and the media sheds light on the problems that people are going through.
The media and journalism specialization has been defined as the profession through which journalists and media professionals collect news and then edit this news and prepare it to be ready for transmission to people through various media such as television, newspapers, radio stations, websites, and magazines.
The media has also been defined as the role entrusted to journalists and those in charge of managing journalistic work, and their role is to inform the public about the things that are going on around them, and they inform them of all the developments that surround them.
The media has many fields from which the student can choose the field in which he wishes to specialize. Fashion and fashion It is possible to work in fashion magazines, and if he is interested in politics, he can work in the field of political journalism.
Working in the media field requires patience, endurance and work for long periods, given the difficulty of working in the media, as it requires the media to move and accompany the event everywhere.
The media specialization is one of the disciplines that requires the journalist to be bold and impartial in his presentation, in addition to having the ability to raise sensitive issues, given that the main task of the journalist is to shed light on issues that concern the citizen, address corruption issues and work to combat and combat it.

The importance of studying media and communication systems specialization:
Why should you choose to study media and journalism?

  • Studying the media expands the circle of culture, and gives the individual the skills of recitation, expressive ability and verbal fluency.
  •  It helps the student to get acquainted with the fields of modern and contemporary society.
  •  It helps the student to study the means by which facts and information are communicated to the community.

media and communication systems courses :
The duration of the study of the media specialization is four years, at the end of which the student obtains a bachelor's degree in media specialization.
In the fourth year, the student must submit a graduate thesis on a specific topic.

Fields of work of media and communication systems specialize:

  •     the press
  •     Working for official newspapers in the field of editing, preparing and investigating news
  •     news sites
  •     Work for news websites in the field of preparation, editing and follow-up
  •     Radio and TV
  •     Work for television and radio stations in various fields such as preparation and presentation
  •     Public relations
  •     Working in the field of public relations and media representation for government and private institutions
  •     Advertising companies
  •     Work for advertising companies in areas such as coordination, follow-up and public relations
  •     public areas
  •     Work in functional areas that require a bachelor’s degree in any discipline, such as some coordination and supervisory functions