
Social Service

What is the specialty of Social Service:

The major social work studies social welfare systems, those public or private assistance programs intended to help people who may be vulnerable or disadvantaged. Through the curriculum, students develop skills in communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and time management.

History of Social Service specialization:

Many suggest that the roots of clinical social work begin with the case study methods used by charitable organizations from 1877 to 1883, and in 1898 the first chapter on social work was introduced at Columbia University by the New York Charitable Organization. The college, in collaboration with Harvard University, established the Boston School of Social Workers, and also in 1904, Columbia University introduced its first graduate program in social work, although it was not called the New York College of Social Work until 1917, and in 1917 Mary Richmond conceived a case study In her text a social diagnosis.

The term social work began to fade out of use after 1920 and the term psychosocial work became more common in addition to the application of psychoanalytic theory. Ehrenkranz reports that the first use of the term clinical social work was in 1940 at the Louisiana State University School of Social Work which introduced a clinical curriculum: 1940 The National Federation of Clinical Social Work Societies was created in 1971, which later became the Medical Association. Social Work Association in 2006. The Journal of Clinical Social Work began in 1973 shortly after the founding of the National Federation of Clinical Social Work Associations. In 1978, the National Association of Social Workers' Task Force on Clinical Social Work Practice formulated the first working definition of clinical social work. The National Association of Social Workers established the Diploma in Clinical Social Work (DCSW) in 1986. In 1987, the American Council of Examiners in Clinical Social Work, which later became the American Council of Clinical Social Work in 2020, established a board-certified diploma in Clinical Social Work (BCD). Today, clinical social work is licensed in all 50 US states, the District of Columbia, the US Virgin Islands, all 10 Canadian provinces, Guam, and the US Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, as well as licensed or certified by other jurisdictions around the world.

The importance of studying the specialty of Social Service:

Social workers help relieve people's suffering, fight for social justice, and improve lives and societies. Most people think of social workers when they think of poverty alleviation and childcare. Many social workers do this kind of work, and we do so much more.

Some of the most prominent community helpers were the social workers. Jane Addams is the founder of our profession. Frances Perkins was Secretary of Labor under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Dorothy Height and Whitney Young were both civil rights legends. All these people were social workers. They have made significant contributions to our community during some of our most troubling times. These pioneers paved the way for today's social workers. They set a wonderful example of our commitment to advocacy, social justice, and assistance to individuals, families, and communities who need us most.

We can be in hospitals, help people deal with acute cases and chronic diseases. We provide therapy and community health centers and help prevent students from dropping out of school. We assist prisoners as they enter communities and provide rehabilitative support at drug and alcohol centers.

Social Service courses:

  • psychology
  • Sociology

Fields of work for the Social Service major:

  • Management and Organization.
  • Advocacy and community organization.
  • aging.
  • developmental disabilities.
  • Health Care.
  • International social work. .
  • Justice and corrections.
  • Mental health and clinical social work

Best Universities for Social Service in Turkey:

  • Istanbul Gelisim University
  • Istanbul Aydin University
  • Istanbul Medipol University