
Instruments Musical String

What is the specialty of Instruments Musical String:

A string is a vibrating element that produces sound in string instruments such as guitars, harp, piano (piano wire), and violin family members. Strings are the lengths of a flexible material that the musical instrument carries under the tenor so that it can vibrate freely, but is manageable. The tendons may be "normal," consisting only of one material, such as steel, nylon, digestive duct, or wound, and have a "heart" of material and a cover for another material. This is to make the tendon vibrate with the desired tone while maintaining a low level and sufficient flexibility for playability.

The invention of wound threads, such as nylon covered with wound metal, was a crucial step in the technique of tendon machines because a metal cabbage tendon can produce a lower degree of sound than a similarly thick catgut string. This enabled the tendon machines to be made with thicker floral chains. On string machines that the player clicks or bends directly (for example, double flares), this enabled toolmakers to use thinner strings for lower tone strings, making it easier to play low layer strings. In string machines in which the player compresses on the keyboard, causing a mechanism to hit strings, such as a piano, this enabled piano makers to use shorter, thicker strings to produce low-pitch flutes, enabling the construction of smaller vertical piano instruments designed for small rooms and training rooms.

History of Instruments Musical String Specialization:

It goes back to about c. 1300 BC, the cave painting in the Troy Frère cave in France depicts what some believe to be a musical arc, a hunting bow used as a single-string musical instrument. From the musical arc, families of string instruments evolved; Since each string plays one tone, the addition of strings adds new tones, creating guitars, guitars, and guitars, which in turn has led to the ability to play strings and duets. Another innovation occurred when the bow harp was rectified and a bridge was used to lift the strings from the stick's neck, creating the stick.

This picture of the musical arc of the harp arc is theoretical and has been challenged. In 1965, Franz Jahnil wrote of his criticism, saying that the early ancestors of the severed machines are currently unknown. He felt that the harp bow was a long cry from the evolution of West Asian civilizations in 4000 BC that took up primitive technology and created "well-crafted, technically made guitars, guitars, and promises."

Archaeological excavations have identified some of the oldest string machines at ancient Mesopotamian sites, such as Orr's guitars, which contain artifacts more than 3,000 years old. The development of harp tools required technology to establish a control mechanism to tighten and reduce string tights. The guitars with wooden bodies and strings used for strings or bow playing are the main instruments referring to subsequent guitars and violin-type instruments; Moreover, Indian machines were discovered from 500 BC with anything from 7 to 21 strings.

The importance of studying the specialty of Instruments Musical String:

Music has a unique effect on our emotions, it can make us happy or sad, or even amplify the current emotions we feel. Studies have shown that music can help keep you calm, and it has been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure, which in turn reduces cortisol hormone, thus making us feel comfortable. While listening to music only helps, research has shown that learning to play a musical instrument brings relief and daily repetition, which helps to eliminate tension. Music can help reduce stress by helping people communicate with others, and that's what psychologist Michael Golkowski said, "Um... (Music) can satisfy the need to relax life's concerns, but unlike other things that people often use for this purpose, such as overeating, drinking, television, or aimlessly browsing the Web, it makes people more vibrant and connected. " Psychologist Jane Collingwood reiterates the claim that music can reduce tension by saying: "... Music can have a tremendous effect in relaxing our minds and bodies, especially slow and quiet music... This kind of music can have a beneficial effect on our physiological functions, slowing the pulse and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and reducing stress hormone levels. "

Instruments Musical String courses:

  • Free Rhythm
  • Sound Science

Fields of work for the Instruments Musical String major:

  • Set Piano
  • String Machine Reformer
  • Brass Machine Repair Technician
  • Fix the banjo

Best Universities for Instruments Musical String in Turkey:

  • Istanbul Baskent University