
Automotive Engineering

What is the specialty of Automotive Engineering:

Automotive engineering is a branch of vehicle engineering with mechanical, electrical and electronic engineering components. The study of automotive engineering involves the design and production of different types of vehicles, such as cars, buses, motorcycles and many modes of transport. Automotive Engineering (English: In addition to aviation, aerospace and marine architecture, modern engineering is a branch of engine architecture, connected by other elements such as mechanics, electricity, electronics, software, preventive engineering and design. In modern cars, many electronic systems are used and employed within vehicle services.

The importance of studying the specialty of Automotive Engineering:

One of the most notable features of the study of automotive engineering is the considerable effort being made by universities to provide students with the skills needed to participate in the race for scientific research, innovation and development, which is particularly rapid. In the automotive industry, this will open the door wide for students to be creative and innovative in various areas such as driving and bus level, working to develop their operating systems to reach the highest efficiency as well as modernizing the security and safety mechanisms of cars and buses in new and innovative ways.

Automotive Engineering courses:

The nomenclature of subjects and courses taught by automotive engineering students varies from university to university, but these are the main subjects taught in this discipline according to most universities.

  • Entrance to automotive engineering.
  • A general introduction to physics.
  • A general introduction to chemistry.
  • Dynamics.
  • Electrical and electron sciences.
  • Fluids mechanics.
  • Elements of God.
  • Computer engineering and design.
  • Vehicle security systems.
  • Electrical and electronic systems in machines.


Fields of work for the Automotive Engineering major:

  • Car engineer.
  • A car engineer.
  • Work in the maintenance centres.
  • Work for the Ministry of Transport.
  • Vehicle and automotive design.
  • Work in the design and supervision of mechanical systems.
  • Manager or supervisor at the power plants.
  • Car parts maintenance and sale centres.

Best Universities for Automotive Engineering in Turkey:

  • Istanbul Okan University
  • Atlim University
  • Isik University

Best Universities for Automotive Engineering in Russia:

  • Poltava National Technical University
  • Kharkiv National Technical University (Polytechnic)
  • Donetsk National Technical University
  • Vinitsa National Technical University
  • Lviv National University of Technical Sciences (Polytechnic)
  • Zaporija National University of Technical Sciences
  • Kyiv National Technical University (Polytechnic)

Best Universities for Automotive Engineering in Germany:

  • RWTH AKIN University
  • YU Dortmund University
  • The Technical University of Munich.
  • Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences.
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
  • T.H. Colin University of Applied Sciences.
  • The Technical University of Berlin.
  • Ingolstadt Technical University