
Civil Engineering

What is the specialty of Civil Engineering:
As the oldest engineering branch still in practice, civil engineering deals with the planning, design, construction, maintenance, renovation and recycling of all infrastructure components including buildings, bridges, tunnels, roads, subways, railways, ports, airports, dams and waterways, pipeline systems, land
Civil engineering is the professional practice of designing and developing infrastructure projects. This can be widespread, such as the development of national transport systems or water supply systems, or on a smaller scale, such as the development of individual roads or buildings.

All aspects of the construction of the structure fall under the jurisdiction of the civil engineer. This can include planning, design, budgeting, surveying, construction management and analysis, and civil engineering functions often include a combination of all these elements.

The great thing about civil engineering in the real world is that it is an industry that is always adapted to the demands and desires of society. In recent years, civil engineering has adapted to consider many contemporary environmental concerns, helping to address issues of pollution and scarcity of water supplies, taking into account the potential of sustainable energy within the industry.

History of civil engineering:
At the stages of the development of the history of civil engineering: The first civil engineering projects in ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia began between 2000-4000 BC, when people began building a residential shelter for them rather than living in nomadic civilization, to be established in the aftermath of transportation systems for people's need to navigate and move. The pyramids built in Egypt in 2500-2700 BC returned the first massive construction in civil engineering. In 2550 BC, the architect Amhotep discovered the building art with stone, building a stepped pyramid for King Zoser as a monument to him through simple calculations and mathematical instruments. Many ancient civil installations were designed with channels to regulate water management, such as the Greek Parthenon Temple in ancient Greece between 447-438 BC, the Appian Road by Roman engineers in 312 BC, the Great Wall of China by General Meng Tien, and the Romanians developed many structures and aqueducts in their empire such as; ports, bridges, dams, roads. Other magnificent historical structures were built for city engineering, such as, irrigation projects in China in 220 BC, the bridge built across the Rhine in 55 BC by Julius Caesar, and the Romans built several bridges in Rome, created highway systems to facilitate trade operations, and the Indians also established comprehensive irrigation systems. The city of Machu Picchu was built among the Andes in 1450 by the Inca people and the help of water-resource engineers. They created running-water drainage systems and elaborate stone structures that lasted 500 years. Civil engineering is the oldest engineering discipline; Since the first person to build a roof of his home, or to put a tree trunk across the river, as the population increases and large numbers of people begin to live in villages and cities, the need for clean water sources, sewage systems, road and street networks and some of the most ancient civil engineering projects has emerged; the roads of the Roman Empire, the Great Wall of China, the cliff houses of Mesa Verde, the ruins of the Mayan civilization in Copán, and many others.

Importance of studying the specialty of civil engineering:

There may be many reasons why you want to study a degree in civil engineering. Graduates benefit from exposure and ability to work in a variety of industries, including construction, transport and communications. Additional reasons for the study of civil engineering may include:

  • Practical experience
  • A variety of areas of study
  • Post-graduate opportunities
  • Recruitment
  • Functional satisfaction
  • Valuable skills

civil engineering courses:

  • Possibilities
  • Statistics
  • Biology
  • Creation Management
  • Project management
  • Foundations
  • Remote sensing
  • Geometric Economy
  • Structural analysis
  • Structures of armed concrete structures
  • Design Pads
  • Differential and Integration
  • Geometric Mathematics
  • Geometric Numerical Methods
  • Contracts and specifications
  • Geosciences
  • Electromagnetism and modern physics
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Engineering Laboratory
  • Material Resistance
  • Introduction to Programming Sciences
  • Introduction to earthquake engineering
  • Computer skills and programming applications
  • Building materials and their properties
  • Fluorescent Mechanics
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Bridge Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Water resource engineering
  • Exhaust water engineering
  • Steel Structures
  • Hydrology

fields of work for civil engineering:

  • Self - employment, civil engineer general.
  • Head of Civil Engineering.
  • Work in civil engineering services of all kinds.
  • Working in real estate banks.
  • Work for the contractors.
  • Work in engineering consulting companies.
  • Work in environmental and water laboratories.
  • Work in civil engineering supervision

The best universities to study civil engineering in Turkey:

  • Beykent Üniversitesi.
  • University of Scaria
  • Sakarya Üniversitesi.
  • University of Karapok

The best universities to study civil engineering in Russia:

  • Ivanovo University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Kazan University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Moscow Higher Institute of Architecture (State Academy)

The best universities to study civil engineering in Germany:

  • University of Dresden
  • Akhen University
  • University of Stuttgart
  • Kalsruh Institute of Technology:
  • Cottbus Technical University
  • Darmstadt University
  • Hamburg Technical University