
Electrical Engineering

What is the specialty of Electrical Engineering:

The study of electrical engineering in Turkish universities is a distinct discipline; The fact that Turkey is one of the most important States in the field of engineering in general, thanks to scientific and research development in recent years, through the application of state-of-the-art technological means of teaching, the supervision of a large selection of professors and experts specializing in electronics engineering, as well as the special attention given by Turkish universities to the holding of seminars and scientific activities urging students to share their experience and knowledge, as well as the provision of laboratories and laboratories equipped at the highest level.

The Definition of Electrical Engineering (English: Electronic Engineering) as a branch of engineering concerned with the practical application of electricity in all its forms, including electronic applications; Electrical engineering deals with electrical and photovoltaic power devices and systems, and is based on the design and development of electrical machinery and equipment, new electrical control systems, as well as problem solving and equipment testing. The basis of this engineering is the large-scale production and distribution of electrical power, through the application of a number of scientific fields such as: Electrical engineering applications also include transportation networks, lighting systems, heating, ventilation, lift systems, power generation and distribution, renewable energy, manufacturing and construction, and project planning and scale estimation.

History of Electrical Engineering:

The separation of electrical engineering from physics began from the time of Thomas Edison and Werner von Siemens. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning compass and published between 1751 and 1753 the results of his experiments entitled "Experiments and Observations of Electricity. In 1800, Alexander Volta built his first battery, called the Volta Column, after admiring Luigi Galvani's experience in 1792.

Importance of studying the specialty of Electrical Engineering:

In the course of his studies, an electrical engineer acquired many skills, develops them in addition to acquiring new skills, the most important of which is design skills, problem solving skills, risk assessment of a project, and at the social skill level, electrical engineers acquire communication skills, the arts of dealing with others, teamwork skills, leadership skills. At the personal level, engineers learn how to manage their time and resources effectively, and add to

Electrical Engineering subjects:

The study of electrical and electronic engineering includes different theoretical and practical subjects. In the following paragraphs, we mention the academic content of all years of study. The following educational content may vary from university to university.

First school year:

  • The Foundations of Mathematics
  • Calculus
  • Exponential functions and logarithms
  • Physics sciences and Newton's theories and applications
  • General Chemistry
  • Electrical units and measurements
  • Introduction to algorithms
  • Programming
  • Algebra and linear equations systems

Second school year:

  • Nodal and tangent equations
  • Matrix and linear algebra
  • Modeling and programming
  • Probability and random variables
  • Differential equations
  • Subjects of Turkish language and its place among world languages and their history and development

Third school year:

  • Foundations for building communication systems
  • Microprocessors
  • Computer systems design
  • Electronic Circuits
  • Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship culture

Fourth school year:

Preparation of the graduation project, which covers engineering developments in the field of specialization, and the content varies depending on the research interest of the student and supervisor. The student will complete the application and testing procedures for his project during the first and second chapters of this year.

Areas of work for electrical engineering:

Graduates of electrical engineering and electronics may work in more than one field of work or specialized companies such as:

  • Domestic and international communication networks.
  • Satellites and air communications.
  • Smartphone design and development.
  • Design of electrical and electronic systems for cars and bicycles.
  • Design of aircraft and spacecraft control systems.
  • Design of remote control systems and automated control systems that are used in many areas.
  • power generation and generators.

The best universities to study electrical engineering in Turkey:

  • General Abdallah Ghul
  • University of Ankara
  • Ghazi University.
  • University of bahcesahir
  • Istanbul Bilgi University
  • Okan University
  • medipol University 
  • istenya University 
  • Ishik University
  •  Pelkent University 

The best universities to study electrical engineering in Russia: 

  • Lomonosov Moscow State University.
  • Peter the Great St.
  • National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPE.
  • Ural Federal University – UrFU.
  • The National University of Science and Technology MISIS.
  • Samara National Research University (Samara University

The best universities to study electrical engineering in Germany:

  • Darmstadt University
  • University of Kaisslauten
  • University of Munich
  • Akhen University
  • University of Ulm
  • University of Hanover
  • Braunschweig Technical University
  • Technical University of Dresden