

What is the specialty of Bioengineering :

Known as the Engineering of Medical Techniques, which is the science of geometrically studying the human body, it can be divided into five basic sections, described below, and it is a link between the science of medicine and the sciences of engineering (a biomedical engineer should know the body of an organism to design what is compatible with it from an industrial party, an organ or a medical device).

Biomedical engineering is one of the most recent engineering sciences that has emerged with the development of modern medicine. After the doctor alone performed all the diagnostic and treatment tasks, and even the manufacture of medicine, the medical engineer became an essential tool for the doctor to diagnose, process and monitor patients. Because there was an urgent need for the development of medical devices and equipment to serve the health and speed of recovery of patients, specialists from areas other than medicine had to intervene to design them, such as electrical engineers and mechanics.

History of Bioengineering:

Bioengineering is a scientific system based on biological sciences in the same way as chemical engineering, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. They depend on chemistry, physics, electricity, magnetism and fluid mechanics.

Before World War II, biological engineering began to be recognized as a branch of engineering, a new concept for people. After World War II, this branch began to grow very rapidly because of the term "bioengineering" coined by scientist and British broadcaster Heinz Wolf in 1954 at the National Institute of Medical Research. Wolfe graduated that same year to become the director of the Department of Biological Engineering at the University. This was the first time bioengineering had been taught within the university. The applications of bioengineering are not limited only to medical matters, but have expanded to include agricultural engineering and environmental modifications such as surface soil protection, soil tilting weights, waterways, beach protection, wind bumps, plant barriers including noise barriers.

The first biological engineering program was established at the University of California, San Diego in 1966. Then MIT and Utah State University launched more modern programs. According to Professor Doug Laufenberger of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, several agricultural engineering departments at universities around the world have introduced bioengineering programs for their curricula.

The evolution of this science is due to the expansion of its application base, ranging from the molecular level (molecular biology, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, protein chemistry, cellular biology, immunology and neuroscience) to cellular and tissue systems (including instrumentation and allergies), plants and animals.

Recently, bioengineering is being applied to control entire ecosystems.

The importance of studying the speciality of Bioengineering:

Science is used in the design of medical devices and diagnostic equipment, biocompatible materials, renewable bioenergy, environmental engineering, agricultural engineering and other areas that improve living standards in communities.

Bioengineering applications:

The number of years of study is 4 for the bachelor's degree and includes the academic content in most universities.

  • Physics and the Laws of Motion
  • Integration applications
  • Chemical bases and thermochemistry
  • Periodic table and characteristics
  • Properties of solutions and chemical reactions
  • Physical chemistry involving the laws of thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium and chemical reactions

Fields of work for the Bioengineering:

  • Hospitals and health centers
  • Specialized medical companies
  • Research centers for the manufacture of medical equipment
  • Organizations that produce, sell and supply medical equipment and supplies
  • Information processing units in health institutions

The best universities to study Bioengineering in Turkey:

  • istanbul bilgi university 
  • istanbul uskudar university 

The best universities to study Bioengineering in Russia:

Federal University of Siberia, National Research University for Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics, Tomsk National Polytechnic University, Tomsk State University, Saint Petersburg University of Applied Sciences

The best universities to study Bioengineering in Germany:

  • Technical University of Munich
  • Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Aachen University
  • University of Magdeburg
  • Technical University of Berlin
  • Brandenburg University of Technology
  • Kaiserslautern Technical University