
Veterinary Medicine

What is the specialty of Veterinary specialty:

It is the application of medical, diagnostic and therapeutic principles to production, domestic and wild animals.

In the past, interest in horse and mule diseases began, especially in armies, due to the importance of these animals in wars. The profession of veterinary medicine rose when she founded a school of veterinary medicine in Lyon in 1861. The interests of veterinary medicine expanded and included almost all animals, ranging from pets to cats, dogs and various birds.

The experience of veterinary medicine has greatly benefited human medicine when conducting animal experiments, as this contributed to the development of medical sciences and the science of vaccines and vaccination, which was pioneered by the scientist Louis Pasteur and the scientist Robert Koch.

Veterinary medicine is usually practiced in a veterinary clinic, veterinary hospital, or on a farm. Veterinary medicine plays a major role in protecting humans from foodborne diseases. Specialization in veterinary medicine has become popular in recent years. These specializations include: anesthesiology, behavioral sciences, dermatology, emergency and critical care medicine, internal medicine, cardiology, cancer, ophthalmology, neurology, joint diseases, infectious diseases, reproductive and obstetrics, radiography and surgery.

History of Veterinary Medicine:

Archeological evidence, in the form of an excavated cow skull, shows that people were performing veterinary procedures in the Neolithic period (3400-3000 BC)

Subjects for Veterinary Medicine:

Several subspecialties of veterinary medicine are available for enrollment in the field of studies :

  • Viruses
  • Physiology
  • Anatomy
  • obstetrics and gynecology
  • Artificial Vaccination
  • Internal diseases
  • Clinical Pathology
  • food hygiene control
  • Pathology and Pathology

Fields of work for the VeterinarySpecialization:

  • The veterinary medicine major is one of the disciplines that provides the student with a large number of job opportunities and provides jobs with good salaries, including:
  • The graduate can open a veterinary clinic in which he treats animals and performs operations for them.
  • The graduate can work in the General Authority for Veterinary Services as a general observer in the Veterinary Epidemiology Department and an observer in the Rinderpest Department.
  • The graduate can work in veterinary hospitals and veterinary quarries.
  • Work as an observer in reproductive care and IVF.
  • Work as a sales representative in veterinary drug companies and centers.
  • Work in the laboratories of the veterinary pharmaceutical industry.
  • The graduate can work as a nutrition officer.
  • Production of therapeutic serums for some diseases that can infect humans and animals.

The best universities to study Veterinary Medicine in Turkey:

  • Istanbul University (State University)
  • Ankara University (State University)
  • Ataturk University (State University)
  • Adnan Menderes University (public)
  • Al-Furat University (public)
  • Near East University (Private)

The best universities to study Veterinary Medicine in Russia:

  • Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy
  • Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Peter I
  • Volgograd State Agrarian University
  • Ulyanov State Agrarian Academy named after Stolypin
  • Stavropol State Agrarian University
  • North Aura State Agricultural University
  • Smart State Agricultural Academy
  • Sankt Peterburg State Agricultural University
  • Ryazan State AgroTechnological University in the name of Kosti Shiva
  • Russian State Agricultural University named after Timiryazeva
  • Rostov-on-Don State Academy of Agricultural Automation
  • Prim State Agricultural Academy named after Biryani Shenkov Primorsk “State Agricultural Academy”
  • Penza State Agricultural Academy
  • Orenburg state agricultural university
  • Omsk State Agrarian University
  • Novosibirsk State Agrarian University
  • Nizhgorod State Agricultural Academy
  • Michurin State Agricultural University
  • Kolan State Agricultural University
  • Kazan State Agrarian University
  • Kabardino-Balkar State University in the name of Kokova
  • Izhevsk State Agrarian Academy
  • Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy
  • Far Eastern State Agricultural University
  • Porat State Agricultural Academy named after Philip
  • Beryansem State Agricultural Academy
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University
  • Altai State Agricultural University

The best universities to study Veterinary Medicine in Germany:

  • University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover
  • Free University of Berlin in Germany
  • University of Giessen in Germany