
Gum Disease

What is the specialty of Gum Disease:

Gum diseases are a group of inflammatory conditions that affect the tissues surrounding the teeth, and in their early stage, they are called gum inflammation, gum swelling, redness, and may bleeding. It is the main cause of tooth loss in adults worldwide. In its most dangerous form, which is called tooth gastroenteritis, the gums can move away from the teeth, the bones can be lost, the teeth may break or fall, and bad breathing may also occur.

Gastroenterology generally occurs because of the bacteria in the mouth that infect the tissue around the teeth. Factors that increase the risk of disease include smoking, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, family history, and certain medicines. Diagnosis is made by visually examining the tissue of the gums around the teeth and by a probe and X-ray to look for bone loss around the teeth.

Treatment includes good oral hygiene and regular occupational dental cleaning. Recommended oral hygiene includes brush and thread daily. Antibiotics or dental surgery may be recommended in some cases. It was estimated that 538 million people worldwide were affected in 2015 and are known to affect 10-15% of the overall population. In the United States, approximately half of people over 30 are affected to some extent, about 70% of people over 65 suffer from the condition, and males are more affected than females.

History of Gum Disease Specialization:

Gastroenteritis and gastroenteritis, known as gastroenteritis, have been with us for a long time. Gastroenteritis is not much worse than thin swollen gums that bleed when brushed. By the time the toothpaste starts, things get a lot worse. Gums start to get away from teeth. Bleeding is also common, and severe dental damage will begin. While gastroenteritis can be eliminated with additional attention to the oral hygiene routine, it is not easy to eliminate gastroenteritis.

This condition has been hitting humanity as long as we have teeth. Even animals can struggle with tooth decay and other oral health concerns. It was not until the 18th century that scientific research began on the inflammation of the tooth. Even at that point, it was a well-known case. Even ancient peoples realized that something was destroying their teeth.

One of the first cases of gastroenteritis observed that we know was the result of Egyptian mummies. Scientists were studying 4500 mummies from the Monastery of Bershaa cemetery in Egypt. During their studies, they were able to identify it in the corpse's teeth. Most surprisingly, they were able to identify the earliest known case of type one diabetes.

How did they I.D Lung? Well, we all know that mummies have their internal organs stored in jars. Those jars are expected to be filled with small piles of dust. The bones were in excellent condition. These teeth and teeth, of course, revealed gum disease in the mummy. The cavity, the loss of teeth, and the gums were all very obvious. He also confirmed a trend dating back to prehistoric times. Those with gum disease are at high risk of developing toothpick infections.

If you think this is amazing, wait. There's more dental history to share with you. Dr. Jordan, who practiced in 1778, concluded that scurvy was a possible cause of sclerosis. While this proved incorrect, his theory was based on the stagnation of the gums associated with the disease. Scurvy will also cause abscesses in the gums. As the teeth eventually lose and fall. One may be forgiven for incorrectly referring to scurvy as a cause of inflammation of the tooth.

The importance of studying the specialty of Gum Disease:

Due to inadequate home care efforts, all children, adolescents, and adults need to have their teeth cleaned regularly at the dentist's clinic. Some people are more likely to be infected with plaques and ulcers than others and require frequent professional cleaning operations. These abrasions remove the black and denture associated with teeth and reduce the chance of starting tooth decay. Cleanup also removes the accumulation of bacteria below the gum line to prevent and treat gum diseases. If gum disease is not treated, it develops and infects the bone tissue surrounding the dental roots. This is the main cause of tooth loss, not to mention discomfort, loss of bite strength, chewing, ugly gum tissue, the stench of the mouth, and infections in other parts of the body. As you can see, oral bacteria that cause gum infections can be transmitted through the bloodstream to other parts of the body. Scientific studies indicate that heart disease, diabetes, and osteoporosis are closely linked to inflammation of the tooth and gum infections. Maintaining gum health must be a priority for maintaining optimal systemic health.

Gum Disease courses:

  • Oral diseases
  • Gum Diseases
  • X-rays
  • Diagnosis of oral diseases
  • Anatomy of Tissue Teeth
  • Oral surgery
  • Oral Medicine
  • Anesthesiology

Fields of work for the Gum Disease major:

  • Oral and Dental Health Specialist
  • General dentist
  • Orthopedist
  • Pediatric dentist
  • Dentist at a clinic or hospital
  • Dental clinic manager

Best Universities for Gum Disease in Turkey:

  • Yeditepe University
  • İstanbul Medipol University
  • Izmir Katip Celebi University
  • İstanbul Okan University
  • İstanbul Altinbas University
  • İstanbul Biruni University
  • İstanbul Bahcesehir University
  • İstanbul Baskent University