University of Rabat
Introduction by the Rabat National University:
The National University of Rabat is one of the largest Sudanese universities. This university is partly associated with the Sudanese police, but only the Police Science and Law Faculty graduates at the police level.
The vision of the National University of Rabat:
The University seeks to be one of the top five outstanding universities in Africa and the Arab world. They had to take care of their students in every respect (academic, climate-friendly, equipment and libraries).
The features of the National University of Rabat:
The University has a scientific body working in the field of security, legal, medical, technical and humanitarian studies within the framework of the general policy of the State and the programmes established by the National Council aimed at the rehabilitation, training and development of capacities in the security and other organs for the purpose of serving the nation and developing its resources in an intellectual, practical, economic, social and cultural manner. Without prejudice to the above,
the University shall pursue the following objectives:Preparation and degree of students.Promotion, development and dissemination of scientific research.Training and scientific and professional training of police officersGraduate and specialist studies in security, medical and other fieldsCooperation with scientific institutions within and outside the country.Confirmation of the identity and relevance of the nation through curricula developed and applied by the University
Date of establishment of the National University of Rabat:
The National University of Rabat was established in 2000 and is located in Khartoum.
Global Rankings of the National University of Rabat:
World ranking of 866
Local arrangement of the National University of Rabat:
15th place in Africa
Specialization | the years | The language | Fees Before Discount | Expenses |
Human Medicine | 5 | English | 0 | 0 |

University of Rabat
Sudan | Al Khartum
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