Introduction by the University of Nisantasi:

Nisantasi University is one of the most important and prestigious private universities in Turkey. It was founded in 2009 by the Nisantasi Foundation for Education and Culture, and the university has begun to develop its own distinctive approach aimed at providing students with the necessary academic skills, which help them develop and advance in society and life. professional. It also provided them with all the means that lead to this goal, including advanced technological infrastructure and advanced technologies, and opportunities to get to know themselves and their dreams set their goals and overcome obstacles on their way to these goals.

It is worth noting that Nisantasi University is one of the leading universities not only in Turkey but also in Europe, as it has a huge capacity despite the short period of its establishment. The university aims to represent Turkey in the international arenas with its students and academic staff, by including 5 faculties: the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Art and Design. This is in addition to 5 schools and an institute for graduate studies. It offers 54 undergraduate programs, 45 graduate programs and 70 associate degree programs.

University vision:

The university's vision is to adopt an educational model that is open to international cooperation, includes the latest technological developments, supports research and development, focuses on developing innovative products, teaches students the values ​​of entrepreneurship, and prioritizes business models that can be transferred to digital platforms. The vision of Nisantasi University is also based on training a generation that uses digital technology to meet the needs of the world of technology, modern technologies and artificial intelligence so that they can play a major role in their future professional life.

University mission:

The university's mission is to evaluate and benefit from the innovations and opportunities resulting from the technological revolution in social and work life. By following a project-based learning model, which produces knowledge resulting from science, analytical and critical thinking and the use of technologies of the digital world, integrating with automation systems and robotic technologies; In order to graduate generations aiming for lifelong learning and able to compete strongly in various current and future professions.

Advantages of studying at Nisantasi University:

The university integrates contemporary theoretical and applied curricula in line with international academic quality standards.

The university has an office for the coordination of scientific projects, which works to assist students and researchers and expand the scope of scientific research.

The university always seeks to create the necessary environment for the development of social and cultural knowledge as well as academic knowledge. Therefore, it holds seminars, symposia and conferences in many fields in the university conference halls.

The university is interested in organizing sessions for the psychological needs of students through an academic staff that helps students develop their identity, communicate, relieve test stress, adaptation problems and other psychological conditions, in addition to organizing seminars and conferences that discuss various topics.

The university is concerned with the health and physical aspect, and therefore it has multiple sports fields and halls for fitness activities.

It contains 66 student clubs, such as the Research and Development Club, the Sports Club, the Dance Arts Club, the Economics Club, the Literary Masterpieces Club, the Photography Club, the Press Club, the Authors Club, the Entrepreneurs Club, the International Students Club, the Architecture Club, the Culinary Arts Club, and the Entrepreneurs Club. cinema, and so on.

The university is a member of the (Erasmus) Student Exchange Program, where it has concluded 85 agreements with different universities in all European countries.

It has a wide range of academic programs geared to meet the needs of the business world and is keen on practical training to gain practical experience and skills in cooperation with 127 companies.

Research Centers at Nisantasi University:

Research and studies centers have an important role in producing ideas and contributing to the industry and providing knowledge in various fields. They are entrusted with research, analysis, providing solutions to problems and foreseeing future visions. Therefore, the university owns 6 research centers, including:

Research and Application Center for Continuing Education: Providing effective and effective training programs that keep pace with the continuous development in various professional and educational fields, and providing professional advice and international examinations for all institutions and individuals. In view of the presence of qualified and distinguished trainers and human cadres from different countries of the world in the Continuing Education Center; The Center is empowered to ensure that the most impactful and comprehensive training opportunities are provided to the largest number of students, enhancing their readiness and providing them with the latest developments in their fields of specialization.

Center for Applied Research, Financial Research, Economics and Politics: The center aims to conduct scientific research, practice, education and training in the field of social sciences, especially in economics, international relations and political science, and to cooperate with organizations of the public and private sectors, national and international within the scope of the provisions of relevant legislation.

Applied Research Center for Women and Family Studies: A Women and Family Studies and Research Center was established at the university with the aim of evaluating and promoting women's empowerment, in addition to organizing procedures and principles related to women and the family.

University campus:

The university is located on the European side of Istanbul, with two campuses:

Osmanbey Campus: It is the first campus of the university and is located on Pangaltı Ergenekon Street in the heart of Istanbul and houses classrooms, a fashion design atelier, computer and foreign language laboratories, a beauty center, a drawing workshop and a large library with a large number of books and volumes.

Neotech Campus: As part of Nisantasi University's pursuit of keeping pace with development and technology, it launched its largest project, the Neotech Campus. Which provides students with a global university life experience as the campus has a full-service campus that provides everything needed for university students, academics and administrators. In this way, Nisantasi University students enjoy the benefits of studying on the New Tech campus, graduating as culturally, artistically and socially developed individuals in addition to obtaining the best academic education.

It is easier to reach the university, because of its strategic location, there are means of transportation such as the metro at the Istanbul Technical University station, and then the student will find the private bus to the university, which provides it to transport students from a metro station to the university campus in just 12 minutes.

Arab countries recognizing the League:

Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Yemen


Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
International Trade 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Political Science and Public Relations 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Historiography 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Psychology 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
International Trade 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Communication Design 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Exercise And Sports Sciences 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Theater 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Social Work 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
International Relations 4 English 7481 $ 3400 $
Music 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Gastronomy 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Sociology 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Psychology 4 English 7481 $ 3400 $
International Trade 4 English 7481 $ 3400 $
English Language and Literature 4 English 7481 $ 3400 $
Translation and Interpretation 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Public Relations 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Management information systems 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Sports Management 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Finance and Banking 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
aviation management: 4 English 7481 $ 3400 $
Business Administration 4 English 7481 $ 3400 $
aviation management: 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Business Administration 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Interior Design 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Software Engineering 4 English 0 3950$
Software Engineering 4 English 7481 $ 3400 $
Civil Engineering 4 English 7481 $ 3950$
Architecture Engineering 4 English 7481 $ 3950$
Interior Design 4 English 7481 $ 3400 $
Computer Engineering 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Architecture Engineering 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Electrical Engineering 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Industrial Engineering 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Mechanical Engineering 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Mechatronics Engineering 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Civil Engineering 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Language and Speech Therapy 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Dentistry 5 Turkish 0 12000$
Dentistry 5 English 0 14000$
Physiotherapy 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Nutrition and Dietetics 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Industrial Design 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Entertainment 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Aircraft Engine Maintenance 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Digital Game Design 4 Turkish 2950$ 2950$
Fashion Design 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Journalism 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
New Media 4 English 7481 $ 3400 $
Graphic Design 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$
Radio, Film and Television 4 Turkish 7481 $ 2950$

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Business Administration 2 Turkish Exists 7481 $ 3274 $
Business Administration 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 7481 $ 2900 $
Health management 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 7481 $ 2806 $
Health management 2 Turkish Exists 7481 $ 3274 $
Human Resource Management 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 7481 $ 2806 $
Human Resource Management 2 Turkish Exists 7481 $ 3274 $
Political Science and International Relations 2 Turkish Exists 7481 $ 3274 $
Political Science and International Relations 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 7481 $ 2806 $
Advertising and Brand Contact 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 7481 $ 2806 $
Advertising and Brand Contact 2 Turkish Exists 7481 $ 3274 $
Sports Management 2 Turkish Exists 7481 $ 3274 $
Sports Management 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 7481 $ 2806 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Civil Engineering 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 7481 $ 2806 $
Civil Engineering 2 Turkish Exists 7481 $ 3274 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
International Trade 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 7481 $ 2806 $
Psychology 2 Turkish Exists 7481 $ 3274 $
Exercise And Sports Sciences 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 7481 $ 2806 $
Exercise And Sports Sciences 2 Turkish Exists 7481 $ 3274 $
Gastronomy 2 Turkish Exists 7481 $ 3274 $
Gastronomy 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 7481 $ 2806 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Fashion Design 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 7481 $ 2806 $
Fashion Design 2 Turkish Exists 7481 $ 3274 $
Information Security Technology 2 Turkish Exists 7481 $ 3274 $
Information Security Technology 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 7481 $ 2806 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Clinical Psychology 2 Turkish Exists 15000 $ 12500 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Business Administration 4 Turkish 16000 $ 7481 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Graphic Design 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
first aid 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Medical Imaging 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Anesthesia 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Hemodialysis 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Operating room services 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Audiology 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
optics 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
The mouth and teeth's health 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Physiotherapy 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
radiotherapy 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Prosthodontics technology 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Medical and secretarial documentation 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Medical laboratory techniquess 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Orthopedics and prosthetic 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Pathology Laboratory Techniques 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
pharmacy services 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Fashion Design 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Aircraft Maintenance 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
International Trade 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Gastronomy 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Child Development 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Rights 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Accounting 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Physical Education 2 Turkish 7481$ 2450$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Radio, Film and Television 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Social Service 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Sports Management 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Tourism and Hotel Management 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Banking and Insurance 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Business Administration 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
logistics management 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Construction Management 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
logistics management 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Health management 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Software Engineering 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Electrical Engineering 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Automotive Engineering 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Interior Design 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
Mechanical Engineering 2 Turkish 4676$ 2000$
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Nisantasi University

Nisantasi University

Turkey | Istanbul

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order international rank :

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collages number of colleges :

depts Number of specialties :

mahad number of institutes :

students Number of students :

students study roll :

Turkish and English

depts type :


depts University headquarters :

Maslak Mahallesi, Taşyoncası Sokak, No: 1V ve No:1Y Bina Kodu: 34481742, 34398 Sarıyer/İstanbul

ticket Subscription price

7481$ 2950$
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