Introduction by the University of Yedi Tebe :

Yedi Tebe Private University was founded in 1996 by the Istanbul Foundation for Education and Culture (ISTEK). It was founded by Mr. Badreddin Dallan in accordance with modern standards. Through cutting-edge academic and training programmes, Yeditepe University offers technology and information-age-compatible education, which in turn aims to prepare a generation of privileged young people, provide them with all the skills needed in the modern business world, and make them aware of technical developments and global culture.

Yedi Tebh University continues its academic activities in 13 colleges, including dentistry, pharmacy, education, science, literature, fine arts, law, economics, administrative sciences, communications, engineering, health sciences, medicine and commercial sciences.

Yedi Tebh University also has approximately 71 undergraduate programmes for bachelor's degree students, 4 degree programs for institutes and 91 programmes for master's degree students and 44 for doctoral students.

University vision:

By providing high-quality education internationally in all scientific fields, as well as conducting scientific research activities with the participation of international students and academic professors in an effort to create an environment capable of providing lifelong education to society.

University functions:

To be a global university whose education depends on the foundations of contemporary science and science.

Take into account the needs of society through the transformation of scientific research into beneficial production.

Develop educational programmes consistent with local and international quality standards.

advantages of the study at Yeditepe University:

Eddy Tebh University is environmentally friendly by using solar energy with solar panels on its rooftops. The University has also invested in wind power to benefit from it.

YediTepe University, distinguished by being the first stop university in Turkey to pass the European University Federation Institutional Evaluation Program (EUA) with its understanding of education provided in accordance with global standards, has proved its quality through audits of national and international accreditation institutions.

The University adopts 8 languages in its education.

Yeditepe University, which became a university that first produced and transmitted information in Turkey, received 210 patents.

Besides active academic activities, the university also offers students the possibility to develop themselves through 53 student clubs on campus.

Yedi Tebh University leads higher education in Turkey by providing more than 700 collaborations with the world's leading universities, especially in Europe, the USA, Canada, Russia, South America and the Far East.

This made it the first Turkish university in terms of the number of students to receive an exchange of studies within the Erasmus International Program.

As a research university, Yedi Tebh University is increasing its contributions to industry by pursuing scientific studies, as well as owning 14 research and application centers, 175 laboratories and 46 workshops.

The Scientific Research Centers at Yedi University:

The University of Yedi Tepe attaches great importance to research and allows its students to conduct research at several research centers that are the most recent at Turkish universities, including:

Center for Applied Research and Information Systems: Conducts theoretical and applied scientific research and studies in the field of information techniques, which include key topics such as information systems, software development and application.

Dental Medical Practice and Research Center: It focuses on education and scientific research activities related to the continuous improvement of oral and dental health services.

Center for Pharmacological Research and Applications: It is concerned with conducting biomedical research in cooperation with universities and governmental and non-governmental organizations in coordination with the University's School of Pharmacy.

Stem Cell Center: The Center was established with the support of the Istanbul Development Agency to implement important projects in stem cell and gene therapy.

Center for the Future: It was founded with the contribution of the Istanbul Development Agency, Turkey's first "future center." Provides a space specifically designed for individuals and organizations (public, private, NGO) to develop innovative ideas and practices away from routine ideas.

Ophthalmology Research Center: Provides more advanced diagnosis and treatment in ophthalmology, state-of-the-art scientific research and training of highly qualified ophthalmologists.

The Research Center for World Education and Cultural Studies (KEKAM) studies different regions through their cultural, social, political and economic aspects.

Center for Training, Research and Health Services: It aims to conduct scientific research in order to provide the most advanced methods of diagnosis and treatment, especially with regard to public health.

Center for Strategic Applications and Research: The Center aims to analyze Turkish international relations, predict the future of these relations and produce strategic political, military, social, economic, technological and cultural alternatives.

The University benefits from the knowledge of academics and independent experts.

 University Campus:

The campus of Yedi Tebh University is located in the Asian city of Istanbul in the Ata Shahr region and spans 125,000 square meters. The campus contains a large center of various services, including shops, a bank and a large shopping center over a vast area of 783 square metres. and studios for students studying film, television and radio. The campus contains many very distinctive green gardens, trees and plants, with more than 79000 square meters of green space and gardens within the campus. The university also provides cinema and theater, each with approximately 100 seats. Yedi Tebh University also has more than 367 classes for students. To maintain public health for students, the campus includes a comprehensive integrated physical fitness center, as well as a large squash field over a very large area.

Arab States recognized by the League:

Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen


Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Administrative Economy 4 English 15500 $ 15083 $
Public Administration 4 English 16000$ 15083 $
Tourism and Hotel Management 4 English 12000 $ 11340$
international economy 4 English 15500 $ 15083 $
Information and knowledge management 4 English 12000$ 11340$
Management information systems 4 English 12000 $ 11340 $
logistics management 4 English 12000 $ 11340 $
Business Administration 4 English 15500 $ 15083 $
Real estate and property management 4 English 11000$ 9180$
Human Resource Management 4 English 11000 $ 9180$
Political Science and International Relations 4 English 15500$ 15083 $
Political Science and International Relations 4 FRENSH 115500 $ 15083 $
International Transportation Systems 4 English 12000 $ 11340$
Customs Administration 4 English 11000$ 9180$
agricultural business 4 English 11000$ 9180$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Anthropology 4 English 12000 $ 11340$
Communication Design 4 English 12000 $ 11340 $
Rights 4 30% English - 70% Turkish 16000$ 15660$
Fine arts and Drawing 4 English 14000 $ 13646 $
Theater 4 English 14000 $ 13646 $
E-Commerce 4 English 12000 $ 11340 $
International Trade 4 English 12000 $ 11340$
English language teaching 4 English 9500$ 9180 $
Russian language and literature 4 Russian 11340$ 5670$
International Finance 4 English 115500 $ 15083 $
Architecture 4 English 15500$ 15083$
Psychological Counseling and Guidance 4 English 9500$ 9180$
Translation and Interpretation 4 English 12000$ 11340$
Philosophy 4 English 12000$ 11340$
English Language and Literature 4 English 12000$ 11340$
Psychology 4 English 11340$ 5670 $
Sociology 4 English 12000$ 11340$
Historiography 4 English 12000$ 11340$
Turkish language and literature 4 Turkish 12000$ 11340$
Gastronomy 4 English 13000$ 12420$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Human Medicine 6 English 29700$ 32400 $
Dentistry 5 English 29700$ 32400 $
Pharmacy 5 English 19980$ 19980 $
Physiotherapy 4 English 12500$ 12210 $
Nursing 4 English 14000$ 12210 $
Nutrition and Dietetics 4 English 13000 $ 12210 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Computer Engineering 4 English 18500 $ 17955 $
Industrial Engineering 4 English 18500 $ 17955 $
Chemical Engineering 4 English 18500 $ 17955 $
Mechanical Engineering 4 English 18500 $ 17955 $
Civil Engineering 4 English 18500 $ 17955 $
food engineering 4 English 18500 $ 17955 $
Architecture Engineering 4 English 18500 $ 17955 $
Interior Design 4 English 18500 $ 17955 $
Electrical Engineering 4 English 18500 $ 17955 $
Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 4 English 18500 $ 17955 $
Bioengineering 4 English 18500 $ 17955 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Software Development 4 English 9180$ 7542 $
Information Security Technology 4 English 12000$ 11340$
Industrial Design 4 English 12000$ 11340$
Architectural Design and Landscape Architecture 4 English 12000$ 11340$
Computer Education and Educational Technology 4 English 9500$ 9180$
Elementary School Mathematics 4 English 9500$ 9180$
Physics 4 English 12000$ 11340$
Mathematics 4 English 12000$ 11340$
Educational administration and supervision 4 English 10260$ 7542 $
Fashion Design 4 English 14000 $ 13646 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Journalism 4 English 12000 $ 11340$
Radio, Film and Television 4 English 12000 $ 11340$
media and communication systems 4 English 12000$ 11340$
Graphic Design 4 English 14000 $ 13646 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Physiology 2 English Doesn't exist 7560$ 7000$
Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2 English Exists 9720$ 9000$
Technologies for the production of medicines and cosmetics 2 English Exists 9720$ 9000$
Physiology 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Design and innovation for sustainable food systems 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Design and innovation for sustainable food systems 2 English Doesn't exist 9720$ 9000$
Technologies for the production of medicines and cosmetics 2 English Doesn't exist 8640$ 8640$
Myology 2 English Exists 9720$ 9000$
Toxicology 2 English Exists 15120$ 14000$
Toxicology 2 English Doesn't exist 9720$ 9000$
Myology 2 English Doesn't exist 8640$ 8000$
Restorative Dentistry 2 English Doesn't exist 32670$ 30250$
Phytotherapy 2 English Doesn't exist 8640$ 8000$
Maxillofacial x-rays 2 English Exists 21600$ 20000$
orthodontics 2 English Doesn't exist 32670$ 30250$
Biomedical Device Technology 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Nutrition and Dietetics 2 English Exists 9720$ 9000$
Physiotherapy 2 English Exists 9720$ 9000$
Nursing 2 English Exists 9720$ 9000$
Clinical Pharmacology 2 English Exists 9720$ 9000$
Sports prevention and treatment 2 English Exists 9720$ 9000$
Histology and Embryology 2 English Exists 9720$ 9000$
Physiotherapy 2 English Doesn't exist 8640$ 8000$
Clinical Pharmacology 2 English Doesn't exist 8640$ 8000$
Nursing 2 English Doesn't exist 8640$ 8000$
Oral, Dental And Jaw Surgery 2 English Exists 32670$ 30250$
Gum Disease 2 English Exists 32670$ 30250$
Pediatric Dentistry 2 English Exists 32670$ 30250$
Medical Physics 2 English Exists 9720$ 9000$
Pediatric Dentistry 2 English Doesn't exist 31185$ 28870$
Clinical Psychology 2 English Exists 23760$ 22000$

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
agricultural business 2 English Doesn't exist 8640$ 8000$
agricultural business 2 English Exists 10260$ 9500$
Health management 2 English Exists 6480$ 6000$
Occupational Health and Safety 2 English Exists 6480$ 6000$
Health management 2 English Exists 8640$ 8000$
Occupational Health and Safety 2 English Doesn't exist 5400$ 5000$
Private Law 2 English Exists 12960$ 12000$
international economy 2 English Exists 10260$ 9500$
Human Resource Management 2 English Exists 10260$ 9500$
Business Administration 2 English Exists 12960$ 12000$
Accounting, Auditing and Taxes 2 English Exists ِ10260$ 9500$
Arts Management 2 English Exists ِ10260$ 9500$
Political Science and International Relations 2 English Exists ِ10260$ 9500$
Business Administration 2 English Exists 19440$ 18000$
Management information systems 2 English Exists 10260$ 9500$
Private Law 2 English Doesn't exist 11880$ 11000$
international economy 2 English Doesn't exist 9450$ 8750$
Human Resource Management 2 English Doesn't exist 9450$ 8750$
Business Administration 2 English Doesn't exist 11880$ 11000$
Accounting and Controlling 2 English Doesn't exist 9750$ 9000$
Arts Management 2 English Doesn't exist 9450$ 8750$
Political Science and International Relations 2 English Doesn't exist 9450$ 8750$
Political Science and International Relations 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 9450$ 8750$
Educational Administration and Planning 2 English Doesn't exist 12960$ 12000 $
Educational Administration and Planning 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 12960$ 12000$

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
anthropologist 2 English Exists 8640$ 8000$
Psychological Counseling and Guidance 2 English Exists 12960$ 12000$
English Language and Literature 2 English Exists 12960$ 12000 $
Psychological Counseling and Guidance 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 12960$ 12000 $
English Language and Literature 2 English Doesn't exist 12960$ 12000 $
Philosophy 2 English Exists 8640$ 8000$
Economy and Finance 2 English Exists 10260$ 9500$
Gastronomy 2 English Exists 17280$ 16000$
Communication Design 2 English Exists 10260$ 9500$
Rights 2 English Exists 12960$ 12000$
English Language and Literature 2 English Exists 8640$ 8000$
Fine arts and Drawing 2 English Exists ِ10260$ 9500$
Sociology 2 English Exists 8640$ 8000$
Historiography 2 English Exists 8640$ 8000$
International Trade 2 English Exists 10260$ 9500$
Theater 2 English Exists 8640$ 8000$
Philosophy 2 English Doesn't exist 7560$ 7000$
Economy and Finance 2 English Doesn't exist 9450$ 8750$
Gastronomy 2 English Doesn't exist 16200$ 15000$
Rights 2 English Doesn't exist 11880$ 11000$
Fine arts and Drawing 2 English Doesn't exist 9450$ 8750$
Historiography 2 English Doesn't exist 7560$ 7000$
International Trade 2 English Doesn't exist 9450$ 8750$

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Industrial Engineering 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
computer science 2 English Exists 12960$ 12000$
Computer Engineering 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Bioengineering 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Electrical Engineering 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Civil Engineering 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Chemical Engineering 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Mechanical Engineering 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$ $
Mechanical Engineering 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Architecture Engineering 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Renewable Energy 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Bioengineering 2 English Doesn't exist 14580$ 13500$
Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 2 English Doesn't exist 14580$ 13500$
Architecture Engineering 2 English Doesn't exist 14580$ 13500$
Renewable Energy 2 English Doesn't exist 14580$ 13500$

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Architectural Design and Landscape Architecture 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Architectural Design and Landscape Architecture 2 English Doesn't exist 14580$ 13500$
Information Security Technology 2 English Exists 12960$ 12000$
Physics 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Architectural Design and Landscape Architecture 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Mathematics 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
data science 2 English Exists 16200$ 15000$
Architectural Design and Landscape Architecture 2 English Doesn't exist 14580$ 13500$
Mathematics 2 English Doesn't exist 14580$ 13500$
data science 2 English Doesn't exist 14580$ 13500$
Cosmetic 2 English Exists 9720$ 9000$
Cosmetic 2 English Doesn't exist 8640$ 8000$
Cartoon and Animation 2 English Exists 10260$ 9500 $
Education and teaching curricula 2 English Exists 12960$ 12000$
Educational administration and supervision 2 English Exists 12960$ 12000$
Educational administration and supervision 2 English Doesn't exist 12960$ 12000$
Education and teaching curricula 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 12960$ 12000$

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Journalism 2 English Exists 10260$ 9500$
Graphic Design 2 English Exists 10260$ 9500$
Radio, Film and Television 2 English Exists ِ10260$ 9500$
Radio, Film and Television 2 English Doesn't exist 9450$ 8750$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
orthodontics 4 English 34020$ 31500$
Physiology 4 English 10800$ 10000$
Maxillofacial x-rays 4 English 27000$ 25000$
Toxicology 4 English 8640$ 8000$
Dental Root Treatment 4 English 34020$ 31500$
Restorative Dentistry 4 English 34020$ 31500$
Neuroscience 4 English 15120$ 14000$
Medical Physics 4 English 15120$ 14000$
Pharmaceutical Chemistry 4 English 15120$ 14000$
Histology and Embryology 4 English 15120$ 14000$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Chemical Engineering 4 English 21600$ 20000$
Computer Engineering 4 English 21600$ 20000$
Electrical Engineering 4 English 21600$ 20000$
Industrial Engineering 4 English 21600$ 20000$
Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 4 English 21600$ 20000$
Architecture Engineering 4 English 21600$ 20000$
Mechanical Engineering 4 English 21600$ 20000$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Private Law 4 English 15120$ 14000$
international economy 4 English 15120$ 14000$
Business Administration 4 English 15120$ 14000$
Political Science and International Relations 4 English 10800$ 10000$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
anthropologist 4 English 10800$ 10000$
English Language and Literature 4 English 17280$ 16000$
Philosophy 4 English 10800$ 10000$
Economy and Finance 4 English 15120$ 14000$
Rights 4 English 15120$ 14000$
English Language and Literature 4 English 10800$ 10000$
Historiography 4 English 15120$ 10000$
Fine arts and Drawing 4 English 12960$ 12000$
International Trade 4 English 12960$ 12000$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Physics 4 English 21600$ 20000$
Mathematics 4 English 21600$ 20000$
Phonetics 4 English 15120$ 14000$
Education and teaching curricula 4 English 17280$ 16000$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Graphic Design 4 English 12960$ 12000$
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Yeditepe Üniversitesi

Yeditepe Üniversitesi

Turkey | Istanbul

calendar :


order international rank :

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depts Number of specialties :

students Number of students :

students study roll :

Turkish and English

depts type :


depts University headquarters :

Kayışdağı, İnönü Mahallesi, Kayışdağı Cd., 34755 Ataşehir/İstanbul

ticket Subscription price

12500 $ 4590 $
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