Introduction by the Mughtaribin University
The University of Diaspora is a Sudanese university in Khartoum, officially opened in 2010. The University of Diaspora is the first university in the Sudan to be established as a university without going through the college stage and also the first university to be established under the concept of partnership between the Government and the private sector.
University mission:
The Library's mission is an integral part of the University's mission, which consists of higher scientific qualification and preparation for the graduation of qualified leadership staff.
The vision of Mughtaribin University:
The idea of establishing the University of Diaspora emerged as an initiative of a group of expatriates in Saudi Arabia. The idea was built by the Fourth Diaspora Conference held in August 2000 under the auspices of the Sudanese Affairs Regulator working abroad.
Features of Mughtaribin University:
To optimize the problem of the education of  as at the university level by increasing the access to university education of  as and other Sudanese children; Community service through continuing education programmes and specialized training courses in various areas.
Date of founding of the Mughtaribin University:
The idea of establishing an expatriate university emerged at the initiative of a group of expatriates in Saudi Arabia to resolve the suffering experienced by students studying for a school degree from outside the Sudan and their relatives because of their limited access to universities and their degree - determination policies. The idea was adopted by the Fourth Diaspora Conference held in August 2000 under the auspices of the Sudanese Overseas Affairs Regulator. The National Voluntary Authority for the Support of Higher Education in the Sudan in Riyadh, composed of a group of Sudanese university professors and experts, prepared a study recommending that a university should develop a modern concept through the formation of a public equity firm that does not aim to achieve profits but works to achieve the required degree of material success to enable it to accomplish its mission. and the establishment of a major joint-stock company between the Government, the diaspora and others that would establish the university.
The approval by President Omar Al-Bashir of Sudan at the Fifth Diaspora Conference held in Khartoum in August 2005 of the University as a dignified response was a vital requirement for a wide cross-section of Sudanese working abroad.

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Human Medicine 5 English -- --
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Mughtaribin University

Mughtaribin University

Sudan | Al Khartum

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Arabic and English

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ZUMA STREET Khartoum, Sudan

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