MEF University
Introduction by the University of MEF:
The University of Meve was founded by the Ibrahim Arkan Foundation for Scientific Education and Research. The University is an extension of MEF educational institutions. MEF institutions are seen as a symbol of innovation, difference and excellence in education in Turkey, where they have made many contributions to the education sector through their 48-year knowledge wealth and experience. The University of MEF, which admitted its first students in the 2014-2015 academic year, aims to become a university that maintains entrepreneurship and creative thinking at the forefront and has the potential to create global and local added value through its educational model.
The University of Meve has completed all necessary preparations to become a university capable of responding to the requirements of the current century. It has also obtained its recognized degree worldwide and has gained high status among universities through its academic, administrative and international organization.
University Vision:
Training global leaders, innovators and pioneers, capable of making the future.
University mission :
Graduating competitive students at the national and international levels, linking their national identities to universal values; Constantly improving themselves, perfecting technology, acting with respect for the environment and respecting social and moral values; They have the ability to combine the qualities of creativity, entrepreneurship and leadership and apply them with their research competencies in order to expand new horizons in the national and international arenas.
Gather and support leading researchers and academics who have dedicated their lives to education and to contributing to international science and technology.
Establish and maintain the necessary infrastructure and incentive environment for academics, students and administrative staff to make their goals achievable.
Advantage of the study at the University of Meve:
The University of Meve adopts English for its education, with the exception of the Faculty of Law.
The University Library is a member of LIBER (a professional association of national and university research libraries in Europe).
The University adopts the System of Hours (ECTS), which is recognized in all European States and facilitates student exchanges between universities.
The University offers its students opportunities to participate in the international student exchange program (Erasmus) in several European countries, including Germany and Italy, and has strong ties with many universities in the United States and around the world.
It always seeks to offer a sophisticated educational model, capable of providing students with adequate knowledge about cutting-edge technology.
The vision of the MEF Centre for Research and Best Educational Practices (CELT) is to enhance the effectiveness of learning and teaching in the University's modern education system.
The CELT Centre builds strong relationships between MEF and other institutions through conferences, networking events and other activities to share best practices and experiences.
University Campus:
The campus is located in the Maslaq district, within the Sarayir district, one of Istanbul's most prestigious neighborhoods, and the Maslaq region is the most important financial and commercial centre not only in Istanbul, but in Turkey as a whole. The campus offers many opportunities and tools to meet all the daily needs of students. They will also have the opportunity to learn about local business life thanks to the region's important and central location.
In addition, the Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) are a value chain that allows technology transfer to transfer skills, knowledge and techniques from researchers, innovators and entrepreneurs to society, creating economic value that benefits society and universities. An Office for Technology Transfer (MEFTO) was therefore established on the UNU campus in 2020 to transform the knowledge and technology within UNU into new applications with added value and commercial output.
Education system at the University of Mef:
The university relies on a sophisticated education system called the Flipped Learning System, which is different from the traditional education system.
Eric Mazur, a professor of physics at Harvard University, defines learning as two steps. The first is the transfer of knowledge (the transfer from the source of knowledge to the student), and the second is the absorption of knowledge by the student. This is the case in the traditional education system, where knowledge is passed on to the student by the academic in the classroom, and the student is left alone with his or her homework and projects outside the classroom at the information absorption stage.
The inverted or inverted education system is an educational model designed to use modern techniques and the Internet in such a way as to allow the teacher to prepare the lesson via video clips, audio files or other media, to be shared with students at home or elsewhere using their computers, smartphones or tablets before attending the course. Lecture time is devoted to individual and collective discussions, projects and training. All videos produced by professors are available on the digital platform of the University of Meve.
Thus, the concept of inverted education largely ensures the optimal utilization of academic time during the course of the lecture, assessing the level of students at the beginning of the lecture and then designing activities within the lecture by focusing on clarifying the concepts and consolidating the necessary knowledge and skills. It then oversees their activities and provides appropriate support to the disabled and thus has very high levels of understanding and educational attainment, as it has taken into account individual differences among learners.
Why does MEF adopt this method?
The inverted method of instruction is well aligned with the Bloom classification (a classification of the levels of study goals that teachers set for their students), where students perform low-level cognitive tasks such as acquiring knowledge and understanding before a lesson, focusing on high-level cognitive tasks such as application, analysis, structure and evaluation with the support of peers and academics during the course of the course.
The university also sees it as a more successful way for students where students can listen to the lecture whenever and wherever they want. The speed with which the lesson is understood may not be the same for each student, and the lecturer cannot understand it in the traditional way. While in reverse learning, the student can watch and repeat the lesson so he can understand it well. Also, since classes will be interactive and practical, it will be easy for students to better understand the subject. Because the student will carry out what she teaches through teamwork, she cannot remain indifferent or unhappy. Students who cannot attend the lecture for mandatory reasons are not left behind.
Arab States recognized by the League:
Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Libya, Morocco, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen
Specialization | the years | The language | Fees Before Discount | Expenses |
Civil Engineering | 4 | English | O | 38980 TL |
Industrial Engineering | 4 | English | 0 | 38980 TL |
Mechanical Engineering | 4 | English | 0 | 38980 TL |
Architecture Engineering | 4 | English | 0 | 42867 TL |
Electrical Engineering | 4 | English | 0 | 38980 TL |
Computer Engineering | 4 | English | 0 | 38980 TL |
Computer Engineering | 4 | English | 0 | 38980 TL |
Specialization | the years | The language | Fees Before Discount | Expenses |
Business Administration | 4 | English | 0 | 38980 TL |
Specialization | the years | The language | Fees Before Discount | Expenses |
Psychology | 4 | English | 0 | 38980 TL |
Political Science and Public Relations | 4 | English | 0 | 38980 TL |
Economy and Finance | 4 | English | 0 | 38980 TL |
Rights | 4 | English | 0 | 46449 TL |
English language teaching | 4 | English | 0 | 38980 TL |
Psychological Counseling and Guidance | 4 | English | 0 | 38980 TL |
Specialization | the years | The language | Fees Before Discount | Expenses |
Mathematics | 4 | English | 0 | 38980 TL |

MEF University
Turkey | Istanbul
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