
Architectural Design and Landscape Architecture

What is the specialty of Architectural Design and Landscape Architecture:

Students in the department study a variety of courses that build their skills in planning, design, analysis, planning, report writing, and computer applications. The courses (projects) give students an opportunity to deal with real-life problems and study situations related to neighborhoods, the environment, development economics such as industry, tourism, and other vital subjects.

The Section has three separate postgraduate programs: Urban planning, urban design, and real estate development, which are consistent with the University's tendency to expand its post-graduate programs, on the one hand, and, on the other, to seek the training of scientific staff to meet the needs of the labor market from specialists in the sciences of the built environment at all levels.

The Department is proud of the contribution of many of its agents to the service of society through the provision of consultations to various government and private bodies in the fields of planning and physical studies, not to mention the Department's active contribution to the scientific societies of the sciences of Imran and the Saudi Society of Drug Sciences.

The importance of studying the specialty of Architectural Design and Landscape Architecture:

  • Meeting the needs of the local market in the security of urban design professionals.
  •  Contribute to the development of knowledge and science in the field of urban design by giving students of the program the opportunity to undertake scientific research.
  • Addressing the current urban design problems in Saudi cities and offering solutions.
  • To upgrade the professional level of the urban designer and develop his/her professional practice by providing students with science, knowledge, and training in modern techniques and by developing and developing their abilities and skills.
  • To promote the development of the physical design profession and to provide it with the necessary concepts and foundations for its advancement.

Architectural Design and Landscape Architecture courses:

  • Civil engineering theory
  • Technical Drawing
  • Computer drawing
  • Calculus
  • Mechanics
  • Thermodynamics
  • Construction Theory
  • Electrical circuits
  • Mechanical systems
  • Structural analysis