
Cyber ​​Security

What is the specialty of Cyber ​​Security:

Cybersecurity or computer security is a branch of technology known as information security, as applied to computers and networking. The goal of computer security includes protecting information and property from theft, corruption, or natural disasters while allowing information and property to remain productive and accessible to its intended users. Computer system security terminology means the collective processes and mechanisms by which sensitive and valuable information and services are protected from dissemination, tampering, or collapse caused by unauthorized activities or untrustworthy personnel, and unplanned events respectively.

History of Cyber ​​Security Specialization:

The primitive Maltex operating system was notable for its early focus on computer security by design and was probably the first operating system to be designed as a secure system from the ground up. Despite this, the security of Multics has been breached, not once, but repeatedly. The strategy was known as 'hack and test' and became widely known as a never-ending process that failed to produce computer security. This led to more work on computer security that preempted the perceptions of modern security engineering techniques that produce a closed-form of the process that ends when the computer is hacked.

The importance of studying the specialty of Cyber ​​Security:

  • The labor market is witnessing a constant need for cybersecurity experts
  • By working in the field of cyber security, you will be able to read a lot of financial profits
  • With your experience in the field of cyber security, it will be a goal for every distinguished organization
  • Cybersecurity includes all practical fields, despite their differences and diversity
  • Granting the individual a wide range of unique privileges that make him earn money and achieve the desired scientific and practical entity with distinctive facilities that cannot be achieved in other professions

Cyber ​​Security Specialization Applications:

Computer security is crucial in nearly any industry that relies on technology that runs on computer systems. Computer security can also be referred to as computer safety. Computer-based systems issues and addressing myriad vulnerabilities are integral to sustaining the executive industry

Cyber ​​Security Courses:

  • Database Management.
  • Operating Systems.
  • Computer Networks.
  • Artificial Intelligence.
  • Network Management.
  • Data Analysis.
  • Programming - Programming.
  • Systems Security


Fields of work for the cyber security major:

  • Cloud support engineer.
  • IT support specialist
  • Technical support engineer.
  • Software and applications developer.
  • Network Administrator.
  • Digital Forensic Officer.

Best Universities for Cyber ​​Security in Turkey:

  • Istanbul Bahcesehir University
  • Istanbul Uskudar University
  • Antalya Belem University