An introduction to the university:

The University of Siegen (German: Universität Siegen) is a public research university located in Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia and is part of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, a community of leading research universities in Germany. The university was founded in 1972. 18,618 students are enrolled in the university as of 2017

University history:

Emmy Noether:

In 1996, the Comprehensive University/University of Siegen was the first German university to participate in the "Institutional Quality Audit Program" of the Conference of European Deans (CRE) and has continued to implement the recommendations of the auditors step by step. The University of Siegen considers itself a modern university that focuses on basic research, practical training and contribution to structural change in the Siegen-Wittgenstein region and adjacent regions.

In keeping with the political goals that led to the creation of inclusive universities, the University of Siegen is a hallmark of democracy, equal opportunity, transparent professional and scientific education as well as an international outlook. The reform approach inherent in the comprehensive university is put into practice through integrated programmes, such as the innovative Integrated Diploma Programs “Planning, Development and Media Consulting” and “German and European Business Law”

Under the Bologna process, the University of Siegen implemented an early bachelor/master system, with the aim of completing the preparation of this form in all faculties during the winter semester 2006-2007. The last remaining diploma programs were already converted into Bachelor's/Master's programs during the winter semester 2008-2009. This step enables students' achievements to be comparable and drives the international orientation of the programmes. In addition, modern language training is offered and enhanced with a focus on partnerships abroad.

University vision:

Siegen University strives for sustainability in research.

University mission:

Democracy, equal opportunities, transparent professional and scientific education, in addition to the international outlook.

Advantages of studying at a university:

Sustainability is indisputably a central topic nowadays, which is reflected in the thinking and actions of Siegen University. Taking responsibility and acting as a role model is already defined in the university’s mission statement “Shaping the Future Humanly” and permeates all areas of its service:

  • Siegen University strives for sustainability in research.
  • Siegen University supports sustainability in teaching.
  • The University of Siegen promotes its sustainable procedures and the sustainability of its infrastructure.
  • The University of Siegen transfers the idea of ​​sustainability to its regional environment and incorporates its self-image.
  • All Siegen University members are committed to this sustainability model.
  • Siegen University's sustainability model is implemented against the backdrop of its specific profile, which is geared towards both society and basic research. Within the university, this is characterized by academic structures that allow for the intertwining of research related to sustainability, education and collaboration in and with the environment in a sense of interdisciplinary reflection. From an external perspective, the University of Siegen is integrated into international and regional networks with the specific context of the rural area. This results in a distinctive Siegen University formula:
  • Networking with actors in the entire research cycle and project-based teaching concepts - regional to international.
  • Participatory civil society forms with direct resonance and feedback
  • The possibility of establishing internal and external laboratories for sustainability.
  • The University of Siegen combines theoretical basic research with applied research and positions itself in several ways as a co-observer: on the one hand, the university as an institution addresses the topic of sustainability with an emphasis on “realization in the university”; In other words, it tracks and evaluates its sustainability activities according to the sustainability criterion. On the other hand, Siegen University scientifically accompanies how sustainability affects from one region to another. It observes and relieves in a practical reflexive process, in which all relevant participants are involved, how people form the relationship between intentions and the consequences of sustainable action.


Campus registration mark

Siegen University is a campus of approximately 92,000 square meters. The buildings are distributed across three primary areas of Siegen (Haardter Berg hill, Emmy-Noether-Campus and the existing department in Herren Garten).

Most of the university's buildings are located in the northeastern side of the town of Siegen in the Widno region. Facilities at Harder Berg include the Adolf-Reichwein-Straße Campus which houses the largest lecture halls, central canteen and central library as well as part of the Information and Media Technology Center. The Hölderlinstraße Campus is located 500 meters southeast, which houses an IT and media center, a central course orientation service and departmental library. The Engineering Campus is located 400 meters to the south, in Paul-Bonatz-Straße, the modern descendant of the former engineering school. Located on the eastern slope of Harder Berg hill, the Artur-Woll-Haus, which opened on March 25, 2003, houses the guesthouse and externally funded research facilities.

About 5 kilometers (3.1 mi) southwest of Harder Berg, in Fischbacher Berg hill is the Emmy-Noether-Campus campus, which has, since 1999, been home to the faculties of mathematics and physics. One kilometer (0.62 mi) west of Harder Berg, on the border of the Weidenau and Gei Sweid districts, is the former brewery, where the College of Art is located. Here, art students create hands-on work, including drawing and photography, and exhibitions are held regularly. The University Administration and Student Services are located in the former Siegen Internal Revenue Offices in Herren Garten, right in the city center, while the International Office can be found in the former Telegraph Office in Siegen. The city, university and government are working together to put the entire Lower Siegen Castle at the university's disposal to accommodate the facilities and faculties.

Artur-Woll-Haus is an extraordinary building designed by Dutch architects rau architecture. It consists of a central unit in the form of an arc of three locomotive wings. The construction cost was about 8.6 million euros.

The University of Siegen is so planned along with other universities in North Rhine-Westphalia that a similar style and even some of the same building units can be found at the universities of Duisburg-Essen and Paderborn und Wuppertal.


Specialties and Fees

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Computer Engineering 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Electrical Engineering 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Civil Engineering 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Industrial Engineering 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Mechanical Engineering 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Architecture Engineering 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Architecture Engineering 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Management information systems 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
international economy 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Health management 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
human development department 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
German and European Economic Law 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
health technology management 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Business Administration 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
pre-school education (nursery or kindergarten) 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
art history 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Psychology 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Preparing teachers in secondary and middle schools 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Philosophy 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Teacher education in primary schools 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Economy and Finance 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Sociology 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
New Media 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Social Service 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
media and communication systems 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Education Technology 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
History 4 DEUTSCH 500euro500euro 500euro
Chemistry 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Mathematics 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
biology 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Civil Engineering 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Mechanical Engineering 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Electrical Engineering 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Architecture Engineering 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Mechatronics Engineering 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Computer Engineering 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Industrial Engineering 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Risk Management 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Accounting and Controlling 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Market management 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
German and European Economic Law 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Historiography 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
democracy 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Theater 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Philosophy 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Sociology 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Psychology 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
economic policy 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
German language and literature 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
New Media 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Chemistry 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Physics 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
math Science 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
biology 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
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Siegen University

Siegen University

Germany | Berlin

calendar Date of establishment :


order international rank :

order Local ranking :

students Number of students :

students study roll :

German and English

depts type :


depts University headquarters :

Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2, 57076 Siegen, Germany

ticket Subscription price

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