An introduction to the university Bochum :

The Ruhr-Universität Bochum in Germany is one of the ten largest universities in Germany with a student population of 41000. The University of Bochum is one of Germany's leading universities in the fields of research and development.

The disciplines of the Ruhr University in Bochum cover a wide range of natural, engineering and social sciences and are taught in twenty faculties offering 120 Bachelor's and Master's degrees.

University history:

The Ruhr University was founded in Bochum in 1962, and teaching began there in 1965. It is the first university established in Germany after the Second World War.

The university building is located outside the city of Bochum in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in the Ruhr Basin region

The university is named after the Ruhr River, which is a branch of the Rhine River, the lifeblood of this region.

University mission:

So that students’ skills are not limited to their field of specialization only and in order to gain a holistic view, the Ruhr University in Bochum is concerned with the overlap and integration between disciplines where it is possible to link and combine all subjects, and even this principle can be applied between different faculties, thanks to the Ruhr University Union, which was founded in 2007 With the two neighboring universities in Dortmund Duisburg-Essen.

University vision:

The university aspires to build profile, foster talent, strategic partnerships, support structures, sustainable campus development and governance: these are the six work areas for the development of the university in the coming years up to 2025. The university development plan “Creating Knowledge Networks” outlines the main measures and objectives.

Advantages of studying at the university:

Diversity and equal opportunity

The Ruhr-Universität Bochum is located in the heart of the Metropole Ruhr. It is a place where people from different countries come together, all bringing individual resumes, heterogeneous study requirements, and diverse goals and expectations to the table. In accordance with our university's mission statement, it is a modern world and a place of mutual learning, and we acknowledge that diversity of people and knowledge is the main asset and resource upon which the excellence of our university's performance is based.

The Ruhr-Universität's diversity policy focuses on the inclusion of everyone who participates in universities. Inclusion as a guiding principle rooted in the University's core values ​​means recognizing and appreciating each person's unique set of traits and consciously recognizing their individual skills and needs. It aims to make everyone feel fully integrated into the RUB community, thus striving to overcome any manifestations of unequal participation.

RUB's inclusion measures include equal opportunities for women and men in all areas of university life, regardless of their backgrounds; a range of options for balancing work and family; Comprehensive support for staff and students from other countries; As well as assistance and guidance for people with disabilities.


Unlike many old German universities, the premises of the Ruhr University are centered on a single campus located south of Bochum. The Faculty of Medicine includes several university clinics located in different centers in Bochum, Ruhr region. A major facility for patient care is the University Hospital / Knappschafts Krankenhaus in the district of Langendreer of Bochum. Internationally known experts in his field are Professors Wolff Schmiedel in Oncology and Dick Burckhardt in Ophthalmology. The architecture of the central campus consists almost exclusively of the 1960s style of architecture referred to as Brutalism, and consists of 14 nearly identical tall buildings. A notable feature of these buildings is that although all of their roofs are at the same apparent height (sky level), the absolute heights of the buildings vary according to their position on the undulating landscape in which the university is located: the campus is located at the edge of a green belt on high ground adjacent to the Ruhr Valley .

The arrangement of the buildings, the (concrete) walkways and the bridges between them was originally intended to resemble the "Port of Knowledge", with the buildings symbolizing ships, by the architect Helmut Henrich.

Specialties and Fees

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Electrical Engineering 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Civil Engineering 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Mechanical Engineering 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Computer Engineering 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Private Law 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Economy and Finance 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Historiography 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Archeology 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
French Studies 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Sociology 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Theater 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
English Language and Literature 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Philosophy 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Psychology 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
German language and literature 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Political Science and Public Relations 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
art history 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
biology 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Chemistry 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Geography 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Information Security Technology 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
math Science 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro
Physics 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
New Media 4 DEUTSCH 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Molecular Biology and Genetics 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Medical Physics 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Molecular Biology and Genetics 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Environmental Engineering 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Environmental Engineering 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
computer science 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Electrical Engineering 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Mechanical Engineering 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Civil Engineering 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
management 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
management 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Private Law 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Information and Communications Systems 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Political Science and International Relations 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Sociology 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Economy and Finance 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Accounting 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Archeology 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Theater 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Philosophy 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Psychology 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
economic policy 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Psychology 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Sociology 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Historiography 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
English Language and Literature 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Information Security Technology 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Chemistry 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Geography 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
History 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Information Security Technology 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Criminology and Crime Scene Investigation 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Mathematics and Computer Science 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Foreign Trade 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Sports science and exercise 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
New Media 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Radio, Film and Television 2 DEUTSCH Doesn't exist 500euro 500euro
Register at the university
Bochum university

Bochum university

Germany | Berlin

calendar Date of establishment :


order international rank :

order Local ranking :

collages number of colleges :

depts Number of specialties :

students Number of students :

students study roll :

German and English

depts type :


depts University headquarters :

Universität sstraße 150, 44801 Bochum, Germany

ticket Subscription price

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