About the Cyprus Bahçeşehir University

Bahçeşehir University Cyprus was established in 2016 and began its academic life in 2017 as the latest member of the Bahçeşehir educational institution, which has universities in 9 different countries including Turkey, the United States, and Mexico. The university has 20 years of educational experience, which it has gained from its parent institution, and it has become a prominent educational force globally, attracting both international and local students. It is one of the accredited universities in Cyprus by the Turkish Ministry of Higher Education.

University Mission

Bahçeşehir University Cyprus is committed to having a strong academic staff that focuses on providing a world-class level of education, encouraging students to learn and develop themselves in all educational fields. The aim is to produce well-equipped individuals who can effectively apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios. The university seeks to achieve its international goal of being a distinguished educational destination by adopting a dynamic approach to train students and provide them with the professional knowledge necessary to enter the business world with strong expertise and scientific understanding.

University Vision

The vision of the university is to be a continuously evolving global university that can provide a unique and world-class educational level, producing competent international learners who are confident in their ability to analyze problems critically and find solutions with free thinking, while adhering to professional and ethical values.

University Campus

The campus of Bahçeşehir University is located in the center of the capital of Northern Cyprus, Nicosia, surrounded by all government institutions and social facilities such as restaurants and cafes, with plenty of public transportation options available at all times. Inside the campus, the design follows a modern architectural system that includes 5 faculties (Faculty of Architecture and Engineering, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, and Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management), as well as a graduate school for social and natural sciences, classrooms equipped with smart boards, and modern teaching and training methods in its laboratories. It also has the large Bahçeşehir Library, which is rich in books, electronic information sources, theses, and international scientific studies.

Advantages of Studying at Bahçeşehir University Cyprus

  • English is the primary language of instruction at Bahçeşehir University Cyprus. To help students improve their language skills, the university has a preparatory school where students are trained and their language knowledge is enhanced in all aspects, guided by experts in teaching foreign students.
  • The university is the preferred choice for international students in Northern Cyprus, with international students making up 92% of the total student body.
  • Bahçeşehir University Cyprus has a large and experienced academic staff with a student-to-teacher ratio of 5 students per professor. The university focuses on attracting faculty members from around the world to provide a diverse international educational environment.
  • A unique feature of Bahçeşehir University is that its academic staff is continually refreshed and improved, as faculty members are exchanged between Bahçeşehir University Cyprus and other universities within the Bahçeşehir global network.
  • The university offers students the opportunity to study for one or two semesters at any of the universities in the Bahçeşehir educational chain, either in their primary field or as a second specialization if they choose a double major. This provides students with international study opportunities.

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Political Science and International Relations 2 English Doesn't exist 00 1875 $
Business Administration 2 English Doesn't exist 00 1875 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Architecture Engineering 2 English Doesn't exist 00 1875 $
Computer Engineering 2 English Doesn't exist 00 1875 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Tourism and Hotel Management 4 English 00 1875 $
Management information systems 4 English 00 1875 $
Banking and Insurance 4 English 00 1875 $
Business Administration 4 English 00 $1875
Political Science and International Relations 4 English 00 1875 $
Business Administration 4 English 00 $1875

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Economy and Finance 4 English 00 1875 $
English language teaching 4 English 00 1875 $
Psychology 4 English 00 1875 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Civil Engineering 4 English 00 $1875
Computer Engineering 4 English 00 1875 $
Software Engineering 4 English 00 1875 $
Industrial Engineering 4 English 00 1875 $
Electrical Engineering 4 English 00 $1875
Architecture Engineering 4 English 00 1875 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Pharmacy 4 English 00 2300 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Social Service 4 English 00 1875 $
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Bahcesehir University, Cyprus

Bahcesehir University, Cyprus

Cyprus | Nicosia

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English and Turkish

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3025 $ 3025 $
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