An introduction to Atilim University
Atilim University in Ankara was established with the aim of being a university that “provides quality education, produces science and technology, conducts research and enlightens the future of our country”, and takes resolute steps to achieve its goal and even move forward.

It was established by the Atilim Foundation on July 15, 1997 to serve as a university institution as a legal entity in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 2547 Concerning the Establishment of Institutes of Higher Education.

Atilim University Rank
1. Fourth place among Turkish universities in the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking prepared by the English ranking organization TES Global on the basis of research, education, internationalization and industrial income;
2. 2nd place among Turkish universities participating in the physical sciences rankings prepared by Times Higher Education (THE);
3. 62nd place out of 300 universities from 50 countries in the global rankings of BRICS countries and emerging economies; Sixth place among Turkish universities and fourth among foundation universities.
4. 21st place in Turkey and 6th among Turkish constituent universities according to the classification of the Spanish research organization SCIMAGO on the basis of research oriented towards quality, innovation and social sensitivity;
5. 42nd place among Turkish universities and 7th among foundation universities in the Turkish Universities Ranking prepared by URAP listed under the Institute of Informatics, METU;
6. 1787 in the URAP rankings. 54th place among Turkish universities and 9th among foundation universities.
7. 43rd place among Turkish universities and 10th among foundation universities in the Webometrics ranking prepared by the Spanish research organization Cybermetrics Lap to measure the Internet performance of universities.
8. Among the top 250 universities in “Emerging Europe and Central Asia” according to the ranking prepared by QS on the basis of research, education and internationalization;
9. Among the 39 best Turkish universities and the top 6 institutional universities in the US Global News World University Rankings.
10. Ranked among the top 6 universities in the “Innovative and Entrepreneurial Universities Ranking” prepared by the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology to become one of the rising values ​​of our country with its research endeavors and industrial cooperation, Atilim University supports academics’ studies on the path of “becoming a world-class university” within the scope of:
• Scientific Research Projects (BAP),
• Undergraduate Research Projects (LAP),
• Research Laboratories Projects (ALP),
• Projects supported by TUBITAK,
• Consulting projects
The projects were implemented in cooperation with various institutions and organizations from the public and private sectors.



Atlim University establishes a scholarly perspective through undergraduate research projects

Undergraduate Research Projects (LAP) is organized to create a university research culture and raise the level of innovative researchers and students in our university, and is one of the most important programs of Atilim University thanks to its contribution to the training of pioneering researchers and realizing their potential. Atilim University encourages scientific production efforts as a group and individually by means of scholarships of up to 1,000 TL per student and 15.000 TL in total. Projects are undertaken within three subcategories including “Basic Research, Experimental Development, and Innovative Product or Process”.

Projects should preferably begin as a research project that is recognized and supported by industry and has interdisciplinary collaboration and other research capabilities. In addition to “industry supported projects”, TUBITAK projects ARDEB, TEYDEB, BIDEB, EU ERASMUS+, Horizon2020 and public institutions are considered as other externally supported projects. Undergraduate research projects, conducted since 2010, are shared with our stakeholders inside and outside the university through exhibitions and presentations at the end of each academic year.

Atilim University offers higher education service with 40 programs in the Faculties of Engineering, Law, Management, Fine Arts, Design, Architecture, Arts and Sciences, Health Sciences, Civil Aviation, and Distance Learning Directorate.

In addition, the Graduate Schools of Natural and Applied Sciences and Social Sciences offer postgraduate studies at Atilim University that have launched collaborative research projects with defense industry organizations within the scope of the Defense Industries Researcher Training Program (SAYP) developed by the Ministry of Defense Industries Agency.

Besides studies conducted in 14 research centers, students use 150 laboratories at Atilim University for research and training purposes. The Center of Excellence for Metal Forming is a research center of Atilim University, with the distinction of being one of the most advanced tree centers in Europe and the first and only research center in Turkey. The Metal Forming Center of Excellence (MFCE) was established in 2010 with funding from the Turkish Ministry of Development and Atilim University. The center aims to support the Turkish metal forming industry by researching four main areas, developing innovative knowledge-based manufacturing techniques, manufacturing high value-added components, manufacturing new and advanced materials, and exploring energy-saving manufacturing options.

Similarly, Atilim University Civil Aviation Training Center located at Esenboga Airport is the first aircraft hangar launched by a university in Ankara.

Celebrating its 20th anniversary with the motto “Entrepreneurship, Advance, Change”, Atilim University has secured the right to be supported as an executive organization in the TUBITAK BIGG (Individual Youth Entrepreneurship) program that will collect and evaluate business ideas applications for entrepreneurs, incubating ideas approval and subjecting them to confirmation processes Business idea and support entrepreneurs in terms of preparing a qualified business plan.

In addition to the programs offered in Turkish, Atilim University offers the majority of higher education programs in English, and students also have the opportunity to learn different languages. More than 500 international students from 50 countries receive an education at Atilim University that reaches every corner of the world.

Atilim University strives to educate individuals who beautify life from the perspective of many perspectives such as science, culture, arts and sports. Therefore, Atilim University aims to publicize, share and multiply student values ​​to all stakeholders through the “50 Outstanding Atilim Students”, “Advancement in Life” and “Sharing Success” programs.


University mission:
Raise the level of students, academics, faculty and university employees in various fields to the international level, through the use of high-quality means for the production and application of scientific knowledge, taking into account ethical and social standards.
Advantages of studying at Atilim University:
1. Atilim University relies on English and Turkish for teaching, in addition to allowing its students to learn additional foreign languages ​​such as Japanese, Russian, German, French and Spanish.
2. Atilim University owns one of the largest libraries in Ankara, “Kadriye Zaim” library, which provides a quiet and distinguished space for lovers of reading and research.
3. Atilim University is the first Turkish university to provide video tutorials using GreenBox technology through the “Content Development” studio.
4. She is a member of the Erasmus International Student Exchange Program, where she contracts with more than 70 universities from different countries of the world.
5. Atilim University contracts with many student housing close to the campus to help students quickly and reliably find safe and comfortable accommodation.
Learn about the university's most famous specializations
1- Economy
2- Mathematics
3- Business Administration
4- Fashion and fashion design
5- Architecture
6- Computer Engineering
7- Mechatronics Engineering
8- Nursing
9- Physiotherapy
10- Translation and interpretation


Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Human Medicine 6 English 15000$ 15000$
Physiotherapy 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Nutrition and Dietetics 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Nursing 4 English 9800$ 9800$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Interior Design 4 Turkish 9800$ 9800$
Computer Engineering 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Software Engineering 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Architecture Engineering 4 Turkish 9800$ 9800$
Industrial Engineering 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Civil Engineering 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Automotive Engineering 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Electrical Engineering 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Mechanical Engineering 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Chemical Engineering 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Mechatronics Engineering 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Energy Systems Engineering 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 4 English 9800$ 9800$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Business Administration 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Business Administration 4 Turkish 9800$ 9800$
Information and knowledge management 4 English 9800$ 9800$
aviation management: 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Tourism and Hotel Management 4 English 9800$ 9800$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Psychology 4 English 9800$ 9800$
International Relations 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Public Relations 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Political Science and Public Relations 4 English 9800$ 9800$
International Trade 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Economy and Finance 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Economy and Finance 4 Turkish 9800$ 9800$
English Language and Literature 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Translation and Interpretation 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Rights 4 Turkish 9800$ 9800$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Mathematics 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Aircraft Engine Maintenance 4 English 9800$ 9800$
Fashion Design 4 Turkish 9800$ 9800$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Graphic Design 4 Turkish 9800$ 9800$

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Interior Design 2 Turkish Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
Computer Engineering 2 English Exists 8000 $ 8000 $
Software Engineering 2 English Exists 8000 $ 8000 $
Civil Engineering 2 English Exists 8000 $ 8000 $
Industrial Engineering 2 English Exists 8000 $ 8000 $
Mechatronics Engineering 2 English Exists 8000 $ 8000 $
Mechanical Engineering 2 English Exists 8000 $ 8000 $
Electrical Engineering 2 English Exists 8000 $ 8000 $
Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 2 English Exists 8000 $ 8000 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Business Administration (ONLINE) 2 English Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
Business Administration 2 English Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
Business Administration (ONLINE) 2 Turkish Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
Business Administration 2 Turkish Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
Private Law 2 Turkish Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
European Union Relations 2 Turkish Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
Tourism and Hotel Management 2 Turkish Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
health care management 2 Turkish Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
Management information systems 2 English Exists 8000 $ 8000 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Economy and Finance 2 Turkish Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
International Relations 2 English Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
Political Science and Public Relations 22 Turkish Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
English Language and Literature 2 English Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
Translation and Interpretation 2 English Exists 6500 $ 6500 $
Translation and Interpretation 2 English Doesn't exist 8000 $ 8000 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Mathematics 2 English Exists 8000 $ 8000 $
Physics 2 English Exists 8000 $ 8000 $
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Atilim University

Atilim University

Turkey | Ankara

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English and turkish

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Kızılcaşar, 06830 İncek Gölbaşı/Gölbaşı/Gölbaşı/Ankara

ticket Subscription price

15000$ 9800$
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