
Pharmaceutical Medicine

What is the specialty of Pharmaceutical Medicine:

Pharmaceutical medicine is a medical discipline concerned with discovering, evaluating, recording and controlling the clinical aspects of pharmaceutical development, all medical disciplines overlap to some extent, similarly, the boundaries of pharmaceutical medicine are fluid. But at its center is the clinical testing of drugs, the translation of pharmaceutical drug research into new drugs, the safety and well-being of patients and research participants in clinical trials, and an understanding of drug safety profiles and their balance between benefits and risks. Pharmacists work in the pharmaceutical industry, universities/medical schools, drug regulatory authorities, and contract research organizations, but they have a close connection with their medical colleagues elsewhere.

As a post-graduate medical specialty, Pharmaceutical Medicine has an internationally recognized curriculum, courses with examinations and qualifications, its own research methodologies, professional bodies and academic societies, journals and texts, and adopts new technologies and regulations in pursuit of demonstrating efficacy, safety and efficacy of medicines.

Pharmaceutical medicine is a medical specialty incorporated in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Switzerland and Mexico, and this formal recognition is underlined by the availability of accredited education and training for specialized pharmacists, the establishment and maintenance of practice and professional standards of competence, care and behavior applicable to their work and by the growing public recognition and accountability. In the United Kingdom, the Royal College of Physicians' College of Pharmaceutical Medicine offers accreditation for the specialty.

The fundamentals of pharmaceutical medicine are established in clinical pharmacology. In addition to expertise in basic research, drug development, and the structure and function of clinical trials, pharmacologists must possess a thorough understanding of drug economics, medical aspects of drug marketing, business management, and public health.

Entry-level jobs with this qualification are often related to clinical research. At the entry-level, PMST specialists often place PMST specialists in clinical research associate, clinical research analyst, the pharmaceutical data controller, clinical research project manager, drug control and drug manager in clinical research projects.

History of the Pharmaceutical Specialization:

Pharmacy is one of the oldest sciences that have been discovered, as the origins of pharmacology go back to the first third of the twelfth century. The pharmacy did not touch all aspects of pharmacology, but it was just the beginning of new science. Until pharmacy was born as a broad independent science, and here a historical development took place from ancient times to the present day, which, of course, corresponds to this science (pharmacology), and is always linked to medicine.

The importance of studying the specialty of Pharmaceutical Medicine:

It is a very special specialty that everyone knows about unique and rare medical information that makes the student able to diagnose the disease and diagnose what the person suffers from according to the symptoms, and if the pharmacist is not able to detect sometimes and he is not authorized with powers like the doctor, but his role is a decisive role, the doctors are not present in Every time as much as the pharmacist who has more free time than them, and in general the pharmacist studies this specialty in order to work in the first place and to be able to diagnose

Pharmaceutical Medicine courses:

  • Pharmaceutical organic chemistry
  • physical pharmacy
  • pharmacology
  • medicinal chemistry
  • medical chemistry
  • Pharmaceutical Legislation
  • Calculations and formulation of pharmaceutical forms
  • pharmacology
  • automated analysis method
  • pharmacokinetics
  • Pharmaceutical Microbiology
  • Over-the-counter medicines
  • pharmaceutical marketing
  • Pharmacy Communication Skills
  • drug delivery systems
  • Clinical Pharmacology
  • toxicology
  • Anatomy and histology
  • Pathophysiology of pharmacy

Fields of work for the Pharmaceutical Medicine major:

Work for pharmaceutical factories in the fields of manufacturing, quality control and assurance, or receiving administrative tasks among other fields

Pharmaceutical factories.

Import and export companies.

Private and government pharmacies.

Clinical pharmacology.

Pharmaceutical warehouse.

Distribution companies.


Best Universities for Pharmaceutical Medicine in Turkey:

  • Istanbul Yeditepe University
  • Baskent University
  • Istanbul Medipol University
  • Istanbul Istinye University

Best Universities for Pharmaceutical Medicine in Russia:

  • Siberian State Medical University
  • I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State University.
  • Kazan Federal University

Best Universities for Pharmaceutical Medicine in Germany:

  • University of Marburg
  • Graves Wald University
  • Frankfurt University
  • University of Friborg
  • Keele university
  • University of WURZBURG
  • Free University of Berlin