
Computer Education and Educational Technology

What is the specialty of Computer Education and Educational Technology specialization:

Computer education is a digital technology, used to enhance, supplement or replace traditional educational curricula. With the increasing ease of access to computers, and the increase in their efficiency and power, the demand for this technology has increased.

Instructional technology is the use of both physical hardware and theoretical educational software to facilitate learning and improve performance through the creation, use, and appropriate management of technological processes and resources.

The use of the computer as one of the methods of educational technology serves the goals of promoting self-education, which helps the teacher to take into account individual differences, and thus leads to improving the quality of learning and teaching.

The computer plays the role of teaching aids in presenting transparent images, films and audio recordings.

The ability to achieve educational goals related to skills, such as learning skills, computer skills, and problem solving.

Attracts students' attention. It is an interesting way that brings the student out of the routine of memorization and indoctrination to work, based on the Chinese proverb: What I hear I forget, what I see I remember, and what I do with my hands I learn.

It reduces the teacher’s effort and time in the routine educational work, which helps the teacher to invest his time and effort in planning learning situations and experiences that contribute to the development of students’ personalities in the intellectual and social aspects.

Preparing programs that meet the students' needs easily and conveniently.

Presenting the scientific material and identifying the students' weaknesses and the possibility of offering remedial activities that are consistent with the students' needs.

Reducing learning time and increasing achievement.

Stabilization and approximation of scientific concepts to the learner

It helps make the information last

Helps represent the real world that is hard to provide

The importance of studying computer education and educational technologies specialization:

The objective of the Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies is to gather experts who are able to make distance education and follow changes and developments, especially in the field of information and communication technology. ... students in particular take subjects such as general knowledge, basic sciences, computer science, educational technologies and career information education

Subjects for the specialization in Computer Education and Instructional Technologies:

  • Programming materials - Software related subjects.
  • Teaching Principles.
  • Teaching Approaches.
  • Distance Learning Technologies.
  • Computer-assisted learning - Learning with Computer.
  • E-Learning

Fields of work for the specialization of Computer Education and Educational Technologies:

  • Work in the Ministry of Education to improve and use educational technology in light of the educational process in schools.
  • Work in companies and institutions that produce computer programs and the Internet.
  • Working in media production companies and institutions (visual, audio and print).
  • Universities and private educational institutes.
  • Colleges and institutes of applied education and information technology.
  • Work in one of the state ministries.
  • Work with design, photography and production for various means.
  • Planning and management of information technology.
  • Designing web pages and developing advertising and media resources.
  • Supervising the work of computers and information centers.
  • Network management and security.
  • Working in ICT centers

The best universities to study Computer Education and Educational Technologies in Turkey:

  • Middle East Technical University
  • Istanbul Technical University
  • Bosphorus University
  • Yildiz Technical University
  • Ankara University
  • istanbul Uskudar University
  • Beykoz University
  • istanbul Altenbas University

The best universities to study Computer Education and Educational Technologies in Russia:

  • University of Information Technology and Optics ITMO
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)
  • Higher School of Economics (HSE)
  • Saint Petersburg State University (SPBU)

The best universities to study Computer Education and Educational Technologies in Germany:

  • RWTH Aachen University.
  • University of Passau.
  • Kaiserslautern University of Technology.
  • Jacob University in Bremen