
Public Relations

 What is the specialty of Public Relations major:

Public relations is one of the indispensable administrative functions in any organization or company for its vital role in promoting the organization and maintaining its reputation internally within the company and outside it among the public and customers. This has no role in the development of the work of the institution and the dedication of its success among competitors and the creation of a positive image that reflects this success of the institution.

Others define public relations as managing and organizing the dissemination of information related to individuals, companies or institutions that achieve benefit and benefit and contribute to the development of the company or institution, whatever it is, in order to achieve the requirements of its customers and gain their satisfaction and the resulting increase in sales, and then increase profits.

History of the Public Relations major:

Most textbooks date the establishment of the "Propaganda Bureau" in 1900 as the beginning of the modern public relations profession. Of course, there have been many early forms of public influence and communication management in history. Basil Clark is considered the founder of the PR profession in Britain with his founding of the Editorial Services in 1924. Academic Noel Turnbull notes that systematic PR was employed in Britain first by religious evangelicals and Victorian reformers, especially opponents of slavery. In each case, early promoters focused on their own movement and were not generally for hire.

Both sides used propaganda to mobilize domestic support and demonize enemies during World War I. Public relations activists entered the private sector in the 1920s. PR was first established in the United States by Ivy Lee or Edward Bernays, and then spread internationally. Many American companies with public relations departments spread this practice to Europe after 1948 when they set up European subsidiaries as a result of the Marshall Plan.

The second half of the twentieth century was the era of building professional development for public relations. Trade associations, PR news magazines, international PR agencies, and academic principles of the profession have been created. In the early 2000s, press release services began offering press releases for social media. The Cluetrain Manifesto, which predicted the impact of social media in 1999, was controversial for its time, but by 2006 the influence of social media and new internet technologies had become widely accepted.

The importance of studying Public Relations:

Public relations is one of the most effective ways to build on marketing strategies and create a strong online reputation. Companies that have caught this are investing a tremendous amount of time and effort to stay current with their PR strategies, and they are seeing greater returns with better ROI.

Public relations is about sending the right messages to the right place and the right people, and creating a stronger brand reputation. PR agencies work hand in hand with their clients to help them achieve this and promote them in their clients' industries. Public relations is an area that can transform the future and profitability of a business. If used correctly, public relations can give a company the ability to overcome almost any obstacle it may encounter. This is some of what makes PR so essential

Subjects for the Public Relations major:

  • business strategy.
  • Internal company communications.
  • Social media or public relations.
  • Work and organizational change.
  • human behavior.
  • management in context.
  • Go to work.
  • Business Basics.

Fields of work for the specialization in Public Relations:

  • Managing public relations departments in public, private and civil institutions.
  • Preparing and implementing public relations plans.
  • Distinguished advertising design ideas.
  • Planning and preparing promotional and advertising campaigns.
  • Supervising protocol ceremonies and ceremonies.

The best universities to study Public Relations in Turkey:

  • İstanbul Atilim University.
  • İstanbul Medipol University.
  • İstanbul Okan University.
  • İstanbul Şehir University.
  • Istanbul Aydın University.

The best universities to study Public Relations in Russia:

  • Moscow State Institute Of International Relations

The best universities to study public relations in Germany:

  • HMKW Hochschule für Medien