
Aircraft Maintenance

What is the specialty of Aircraft Maintenance specialization:

Aircraft maintenance is one of the disciplines that many students around the world are considering studying. Aircraft maintenance is an indispensable necessity to maintain the safety of different planes. Every plane must be checked by an aircraft maintenance engineer before it leaves the runway in all countries. The world, which helps to create many wonderful career opportunities that vary due to the technological complexity included in the different types of aircraft.

Aircraft maintenance is the care, repair, inspection or modification of an aircraft or an aircraft component.

Maintenance in Canada includes the installation, disassembly or sub-assembly of a component from an aircraft, but does not include:

preliminary work, such as removal and installation of tires, inspection panels, spark plugs, cylinder compression checks, etc., on a privately operated small aircraft; or dismantling or replacing of fuses, light bulbs, etc., on transport aircraft class.

Providing services, such as refueling or washing windows.

Any work performed on an aircraft or on an aircraft component as part of the manufacturing process, prior to the issuance of an airworthiness certificate or other certification document.

Maintenance may include tasks such as ensuring compliance with airworthiness directives or a maintenance bulletin.

Aircraft Maintenance specialization:

The origin of the field of aeronautical engineering goes back to the first human attempts to fly in the period between the late nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, when engineering was limited to experiences and ideas taken from other engineering

Man has dreamed of flying since ancient times, when he saw birds flying in the sky, wondering how to fly, so the first attempts to fly saw the light by people such as Abbas Ibn Firnas and George Cayley.

Scientists came up with a set of important ideas that formed a key to entering the world of aeronautical engineering and expanding it, and attempts began to design an aircraft that enables humans to fly in the air easily, until the Wright brothers were able to create the first aircraft with a propeller and an engine in 1903, after which there was a great development in This field during the First World War was manifested through the design of military aircraft participating in the war, and over the years progress in the field of aviation continued until we knew the aircraft used today, in addition to launching satellites into outer space.

The importance of studying Aircraft Maintenance specialization:

The Aviation Department at the College of Engineering aims to equip aviation engineers who are able to accomplish all tasks related to how to operate and operate aircraft. Students graduating from the Aviation Department are trained on how to design aircraft, the nature of their operation, how to control them, the mechanism of sensors and control inside aircraft, as well as the design of electromechanical systems

Aircraft Maintenance Courses:



for chemistry

Introduction to aeronautics

Materials: dynamics, thermodynamics, resistance and fluid mechanics

engineering materials science

Fields of work for Aircraft Maintenance specialization:

Work in companies that manufacture and develop aircraft and vehicles.

Work in research centers to develop the aviation sector.

Work in space research centers.

Work in power plants.

Work in the field of flight testing.

Work in aircraft and vehicle maintenance.

Work in the field of aircraft structure engineering.

The best universities to study Aircraft Maintenance in Turkey:

  • Middle East Technical University (Governmental)
  • Adana University of Science and Technology (State University)
  • Istanbul Technical University (State University)
  • Izmir Economic University (Private)
  • Istanbul Bilgi University (Private)
  • The Turkish Aviation Foundation University (Private)
  • Istanbul Gelisim University (Private)
  • istanbul Okan University (Private)

The best universities to study Aircraft Maintenance in Russia:

Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation is the leading aviation institution of higher education in Russia that trains specialists in the field of civil aviation and aircraft maintenance. MSTUCA graduates hope to find a job, not only in civil aviation and transportation, but also in other industries

The best universities to study Aircraft Maintenance in Germany:

  • Aviation Engineering
  • Engineering degrees that can be studied in Germany
  • Technical University of Munich
  • Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus
  • Technical University of Berlin
  • Dresden University of Technology
  • Braunschweig University of Technology
  • University of Technology in Munich