
logistics management

 What is the specialty of logistics management:
Logistics management is part of supply chain management and is responsible for planning and implementing effective systems for obtaining goods from the point of origin (e.g., plant) to the point of consumption (e.g., store or consumer home).
Logistics management systems generally focus on the movement of products, rather than vehicles used to transport products (sometimes referred to as transport management). In many cases, it involves modes of transport, or different types of transport (e.g., roads, railways, etc.), and distribution channels.
Some companies will employ external logistics advisers to manage the movement of goods because they often have specialized knowledge and communication in the transport industry to improve overall efficiency and save costs. Products transported with barcode, RFID or GPS markings may be distinguished to track the location to monitor the progress of the goods to their final destination and improve the integrity of the supply chain.


History of logistics management specialization:
In ancient history, the combination of local food supply, feed and self-containment in appliances and services often shows a logistical basis for operations by moderate-sized forces. Some of these operations are familiar to many schoolchildren - the long campaign of Alexander the Great from Macedonia to the Indus River, the saga of Xenophon's Ten Thousand, Hannibal campaigns in Italy. The larger armies of ancient times - such as the Persians invaders of Greece in 480 BC - seem to have been supplied with warehouses and magazines along the road of the march. The Roman Legion integrated all three modes of supply into a wonderfully flexible system. Condemns the Corps' ability to travel fast and far to a large extent on the magnificent roads and the efficiently organized supply train, which included mobile repair workshops and service teams of engineers, artists, armor manufacturers and other technicians. Supplies were seized from local authorities and stored in bunkers; Employment and animals have been formulated as required. When necessary, the Corps can carry up to 30 days of supplies on its train and on the backs of its soldiers. In the First Punic War against Carthage (264-241 BC), the Roman army marched at 16 miles (26 km) a day for four weeks.


Importance of studying the specialization of logistics management:
Increased customer satisfaction. With effective logistics management systems, companies are able to reduce disruptions and improve the speed and reliability of deliveries.
Improved transparency. Insight into each step of the supply chain helps companies to highlight areas where they need to improve and reassure customers that their products are in the best position.
Cost savings - in addition to improving customer satisfaction, the appropriate level of logistics will give the company control over freight as it moves to and from its facilities, and help with inventory management and order processing - all of which could significantly reduce costs.


Materials for logistics management:


  • International Logistics services.
  • Logistical analysis.
  • Logistics systems in service industries.
  • Management of logistics supply chains.
  • strategic sources and supply management.
  • Supply management.
  • Transport economics and policy.
  • Transportation systems.


Areas of work for logistics management:

  • Consultants.
  • Logistics analyst.
  • Customer service manager.
  • International logistics manager.
  • Inventory control manager.
  • Logistics engineer.
  • Director of Logistics Services.
  • Logistics service vendor


The best universities to study logistics management in Turkey:


  • Istanbul Bilgi University
  • Picos University
  • My Hand University cares.
  • University of Bahja Shahr
  • Beckent University
  • Okan University
  • Alten Bash University


The best universities to study logistics management in Russia:


  • University of Technology
  • RANEPA Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin.


The best universities to study logistics management in Germany:


  • Kühne Logistic University