
foreign language teaching

What is the specialty of  the foreign language teaching major:
It is the teaching of a foreign language or more with the mother tongue with the intention of expanding the concepts of the student or the student in order to expand his understanding and awareness of the world around him.
History of the foreign language teaching major:
In Japan the history of Western studies is widely imported. I started importing practical fields such as medicine, astronomy, geography, botany, physics, chemistry, and military sciences through Dutch studies since the middle of Edo State. This trend stems from the idea of ​​<Watama Yosai> in Arai Shiroishi's "Western History" (1715), but later, from the end of the Edo period to the Meiji period, Fukuzawa Yukichi and others. Translator of Weiland's economic books and master's books. However, Western studies began to penetrate into the field of spiritual culture. In this way, the Center for Western Japanese Studies gradually shifted from Dutch studies to English studies. This tendency was inherited even after the Meiji Restoration, and the Education System of 1868 (Meiji 1) stated that it was <was Satoshi, Kyodo-ni Imperial Road and Twenge Kashiwa>, Germany, France and the Netherlands. Later, in the 72nd year of the "School System", foreign languages ​​were imposed in preparatory (upper / lower) and elementary (first) veterinary schools, but elementary school was removed from the subject in 79. (In 1884, temporarily resumed course my choice). In middle school, the first foreign language is usually English in 1986, and the second foreign language is German or French. In 1999, either the UK, Germany or France, regardless of first or second. It was required to be in the national language. Later in the Showa period, Chinese and Malay professors were added, but they did not last long, and as a rule, most schools adopted English and foreign language education in Japanese primary and secondary education.
On the other hand, the special education in foreign languages ​​is the Tokyo School of Foreign Languages ​​founded in 1873 (admission qualifications are primary school graduates aged 14 or older, 4 years of study, English, French, German, Russian and Chinese professor). Before that, there was a Western school (later founded) that the shogunate built in Edo in 1855 (Ansi 2). Book-style desk The name was changed to "Banshi Yoshi Shibeshi" and taught foreign languages ​​to Holland, France, Germany and Russia. The newly established foreign language school can be considered a successor to this. Subsequently, foreign language schools were established in 6 cities, including Osaka and Nagasaki, but their name was changed to English Language Schools shortly after its contents, and closed after 4 years. in 1985
The importance of studying a foreign language teaching major:
Language proficiency contributes to a person’s integration with different societies, dealing with people kindly, and also helps in building strong friendships, and learning languages ​​contributes to changing a person’s view of the world around him; Every language has its own style, expressions, culture, and heritage

 teaching of foreign languages courses:


  • Spanish language for specialization
  • Auditory comprehension and conversation
  • Spanish Grammar
  • Pronunciation and speaking
  • Writing
  • Introduction to literature
  • Translation.

Fields of work for the foreign language teaching specialization:

  • Translation in government departments.
  • Proofreading.
  • Diplomatic matters.
  • media.
  • Conference translation
  • Legal translation
  • Simultaneous translation
  • Literary translation
  • translation
  • Content writer
  • journalist
  • News announcer
  • University Professor
  • teaching
  • Administration in schools and universities
  • students Affairs
  • Writing
  • Proofreader

The best universities to study foreign languages ​​in Turkey:

  • Kultur University (private)
  • Gileshem University (Private)
  • Istanbul Sehir University (Private)
  • Yeditepe University (Private)
  • Eden University (private)
  • Istanbul University (Private)

The best universities to study foreign languages ​​in Russia:

  • Moscow State Linguistic University.
  • M. F. Lomonosov.
  • Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M. A. Sholokhov.
  • foreign language institute
  • UNIC Institute.