Cairo University

Introduction by the University of Cairo:

The University of Cairo is the second oldest Egyptian and third Arab university after the University of Al-Azhar and the University of the Villagers. Its various colleges were founded under Muhammad Ali, as an engineer (about 1820) and medical school in 1827. After a massive popular demand campaign to establish a modern university led by Mustafa Kamel and others.

University vision:

Cairo University is committed to excellence in the provision of education, research, consulting, training and student personality-building services in the light of the concept of comprehensive national security, the formation of culture and the dissemination of knowledge locally, regionally and internationally in accordance with quality standards as one of the most prestigious universities in the Middle East, and by contributing to the provision of technically and technologically integrated solutions to the national economy, with attention to community responsibility and the development of human capital for the sustainable development of all beneficiaries, while preserving of heritage and identity,

University mission:

Cairo University is one of the world's best third-generation universities recognized for excellence in the creation, dissemination and application of knowledge to enrich the lives of individuals, institutions and society.

Advantages of the study at the University of Cairo:

  • Cairo University is located in the heart of Greater Cairo near all service and recreational sites.
  • The University has a selection of the best professors and scientists in the various fields of science and knowledge.
  • The University has 25 colleges and institutes, as well as specialized research centres and units.
  • It includes the newly established central library with the highest techniques in documentation and research databases, as well as specialized libraries in all faculties.
  • Some of the University's colleges and research centres have specialized laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art scientific instruments.
  • The University is keen to provide its students with a variety of services from medical care and various recreational and cultural activities.
  • The University provides students from around the world with opportunities to study in all bachelor's or bachelor's degree and post-graduate courses (diploma, master's degree, PhD).
  • In addition to the regular study programmes, the University offers other distinct programmes established in cooperation with some international universities, such as:
  • Development of the Actuarial Science Programme in collaboration with the University of Kent, United Kingdom (Faculty of Commerce)
  • Master of Euro-Mediterranean Studies (Faculty of Economics and Political Science)
  • Master of Law with Indiana University (School of Law)
  • Annual Arabic Language Education Programme for Arrivals (Daralamoom College)
  • Establishment of the Diploma of Sports Management in cooperation with the International Federation of Football (FIFA) (Faculty of Commerce).

Cairo University Founding Date:

  • With the intensification of the Egyptian national movement in the early twentieth century, selected leaders of national action and pioneers of the Enlightenment and Social Thought Movement in Egypt, such as Mohamed Abdou, Mustafa Kamil, Mohamed Farid, Qasim Amin and Saad Zaghloul, have become involved in the realization of a dream that has long haunted the imagination of their compatriots. However, this opposition did not lose sight of the enthusiasm for the idea. Soon, a committee of patriots took over the matter, who made sacrifices and endured hardships until the idea came to light and became a reality. The Egyptian University was inaugurated as a civil university on December 21, 1908, at a majestic ceremony held in the Council of Laws Hall with the presence of Khediwi Abbas Halimi II and some of the State men and its. The first President of the University was Ahmed Latifi Elsayed.
  • On the evening of the opening, the University began to study in the form of lectures. Since it had no permanent premises, the lectures were given in separate rooms, which were advertised in daily newspapers, such as the Council of Laws, the High School and the Journal House, until the University took a place in Sarai Khwaja Nestor Janglais, which is currently occupied by the American University in Cairo.
  • As a result of the financial difficulties experienced by the University during the First World War, its building moved to Sarai Muhammad Sadeq in the field of flowers on Astronomical Street. The fledgling university has struggled to get on its feet, and in order to prepare a core for its faculty, it has sent some of its distinguished students to European universities for doctoral leave and to return to teach modern science. The University has also established a library of books from both inside and outside the country.
  • As a result of the hopes achieved by the Community-University, which expressed the aspirations of the Egyptians, in 1917 the Government considered the establishment of a state university. A committee was set up to include the existing higher schools in the University.
  • On 11 March 1925, a decree establishing the State University was issued on behalf of the Egyptian University, consisting of four faculties: literature, science, medicine, and rights. In the same year, the School of Pharmacy was included in the Faculty of Medicine.
  • In 1928, the University began to establish permanent premises in its current location, which it had obtained from the Government in compensation for land donated to the University by Princess Fatima Ismail bint Al Khediwi Ismail.
  • On 22 August 1935, Royal Decree-Law No. 91 incorporated engineering, agriculture, higher commerce and veterinary schools into the Egyptian University.
  • On October 31, 1935, a decree was issued to attach the Institute of Aquariums to the Egyptian University.
  • In 1938, the School of Veterinary Medicine separated from the College of Medicine to become an independent college.
  • On 23 May 1940, Law No. 27 was passed, changing the name of the Egyptian University to Fouad I University.
  • On 24 April 1946, Law No. 33 was passed to include the Faculty of the House of Sciences in the University.
  • On 28 September 1953, a decree was issued amending the university's name from Fouad I University to Cairo University.
  • In 1955 the Departments of Pharmacy, Oral and Dental Medicine separated from the Faculty of Medicine to become a separate faculty, and in the same year a branch of Cairo University was established in Khartoum and the university flags were flown on the south of the valley.
  • The colleges then continued to be established and began studying at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science in the university year 1960/1961.
  • In 1962, the Institute for Statistical Studies and Research was established, as was the Institute for Natural Therapy, which in January 1992 became the College of Physiotherapy.
  • In 1964, the Higher Institute of Nursing and the Institute of Medicine was established, in 1969 the National Institute of Oncology was established, and in 1970 the two Colleges of Information and Archaeology and the Institute of African Research and Studies were established.
  • In 1979, the Regional and Urban Planning Institute was established and transformed into the Regional and Urban Planning College in 1991.
  • In 1987, the Institute for Educational Research and Studies was established at Cairo University. On September 12, 1994, Decree No. 287 B was issued establishing the National Institute for Laser Science, the first high institute for laser science and applications in the Arab world.
  • The School of Computers and Information was established in 1996.


Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Human Medicine 6 English -- --
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Cairo University

Cairo University

Egypt | Al Qahirah

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Arabic and English

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1 Gamaa Street, Giza, Egypt
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