Assiut University

Introduction by the University of Assiut University:

Assiut University is a public university that harnesses its potential and directs it to achieve its vision by providing the education required in the present and the future;  In addition to preparing generations capable of competing in the labor market at the local and international levels, and qualified to obtain excellence in the development of scientific research, technology and research programs that contribute to the development of society.

Assiut University’s message:

The Faculty of Law is one of the faculties of Assiut University working on: Graduating qualified and trained cadres to practice legal and legal work that is closely related to the disciplines of law in its various departments, Islamic law, economics and public finance through deepening legal knowledge, public and private skills, emotional and ethical aspects necessary for practicing legal work and deepening scientific research  In these legal and legal specializations.  Contribute to community service and environmental development by spreading legal and legal awareness and providing legal advice and training in the mentioned fields of specialization to all bodies operating in our surrounding communities

Assiut University’s Vision:

The Faculty of Law is working hard to be one of the most important tributaries of science and knowledge in Egypt in the field of legal and Sharia sciences. It also works to build generations armed with science and legal knowledge capable of working in all judicial bodies, legal and legal institutions, and liberal professions working in local, regional and international communities.
Assiut University’s advantages:

On October 28, 2021, the President of Assiut University announced the university's success in making remarkable progress in its African and global ranking, according to the US News & World Report ranking of the best international universities, which specializes in ranking universities and ranking the best ones in the world.  Only the university ranked 804 globally for the year 2022, advancing by about 88 degrees compared to the previous year’s ranking.

Assiut University’s history of establishment:

In 1949, the National Celebrations Committee of the Ministry of Education (on the occasion of the centenary of the death of Muhammad Ali al-Kabir, the Wali of Egypt) presented a project to establish a university in the Assiut Directorate called “Muhammad Ali University.” The Council of Ministers approved this project and decree-law No. 156 of 1949 was issued.  That decree stipulated a preparation period ranging from four to seven years to prepare the necessary capabilities to open the study. It also stipulated that the university should consist of the following faculties:

  • faculty of Literature
  • faculty of Commerce
  • faculty of Law
  • faculty of Agriculture
  • faculty of Medicine
  • faculty of Science
  • faculty of Engineering

It was officially ended in 1952 under the name Muhammad Ali University, but after the 1952 revolution, its name was changed to Assiut University, which is the fourth Egyptian public university in terms of the date of establishment (after the universities of Cairo, Alexandria, and Ain Shams, respectively), and the first university to be established in Upper Egypt.

However, the project did not come into actual existence until after the July Revolution. In late 1955, the Assiut University project was resurrected. Scientific missions were sent to it and the project was re-examined to put it into practice. The study actually began in the Faculties of Science and Engineering in October 1957.

Assiut University’s global Ranking:

Dr. Ahmed El-Minshawy, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, explained that according to the aforementioned American classification only, the university came in the 804th rank globally for the year 2022, advancing by about 88 degrees compared to the previous year’s classification, and the university was also able to raise its African classification, occupying the 21st place in Africa and the fifth at the level of  Egypt.

Assiut University’s local ranking:

Dr. Ahmed El-Minshawy, Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, explained that according to the aforementioned American classification only, the university came in the 804th rank globally for the year 2022, advancing by about 88 degrees compared to the previous year’s classification, and the university was also able to raise its African classification, occupying the 21st place in Africa and the fifth at the level of  Egypt

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Human Medicine 6 English -- --
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Assiut University

Assiut University

Egypt | Asyut

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Arabic and English

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El Fateh, Assiut Governorate 71515, Egypt
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