
Information management

What is the specialty of the Information management
A computerized information-processing system, designed to support corporate governance activities and functions, is designed to organize information-teaching approaches to corporate governance at all levels, make operational, tactical and strategic decisions, implement practical and routine actions that provide detailed and accurate reporting. In addition, this modern computerized system helps to collect data, integrate them, store them in a central database and contribute to the continuity of their updating.


History of information management specialization:
While it can be disputed that the history of MI systems dates back to companies that use ledgers to track accounting, the recent history of IS can be divided into five eras originally defined by Kenneth C. MI systems textbook.
The First Age - Large Computing and Microcomputer
The Second Age - Personal Computers
Era III Client/Server Networks
The Fourth Era - Institutional Computing
The Fifth Age - Cloud Computing
The first era (large computing and microcomputer) was controlled by IBM and its central computers for which it supplied both hardware and
software. These computers often operate full rooms and require teams to operate. As technology progressed, these computers were able to handle greater capabilities and thus reduce their cost. Smaller and less expensive computers allowed large companies to operate their own computing centers at home/on-site/in the workplace.

The second era (personal computers) began in 1965 as microprocessors began to compete with large and small computers and to accelerate the decentralization of computing power from large data centers to small offices. In the late 1970s, microcomputer technology gave way to personal computers, and relatively low-cost computers became large market goods, allowing companies to provide their employees with access to computing power that ten years earlier cost tens of thousands of dollars. The proliferation of computers has created a market for networking and Internet dissemination. (The first microprocessor - a four-bit device dedicated to a programmable calculator - was introduced in 1971, and microprocessor-based systems were not readily available for several years. MITS Altair 8800 was the first known microprocessor-based system, followed closely by Apple I and II. The microprocessor-based system did not achieve major success in using the microcomputer until 1979, when VisiCalc paid standard sales of Apple II on which it was operated. Business-friendly, but limited its ability to challenge microcomputer systems until the late 1980s to the early 1990s.
The third era (client/server networks) arose with increased technological complexity, lower costs, and the request of the end user (now the regular employee) to share information with other employees within the enterprise. Computers on a shared network share information on the server. This allows thousands and even millions of people to access data simultaneously on networks referred to as internal networks.
Era IV (enterprise computing), enabled by high-speed networks, standardized software applications for the original section into integrated software platforms referred to as enterprise programs. This new platform linked all aspects of the business together to provide rich access to information that includes a full governance structure



Importance of the specialized study:
Information technology has changed the world positively in the last decade, and the information technology that relates to the development, processing and distribution of data systems, as well as the development and design of computer hardware and systems, has affected the world most, because this area is growing at a very rapid pace, which has been observed over the past years, and its growth is expected to continue in the future.
fields of work for information management :

  • Enterprise Content Management
  • Knowledge Management
  • Record Management and Archive
  • Business Automation Management
  • Web content management
  • Social Media Tool Management
  • Business Intelligence
  • Master Data Management