

What is the specialty of the Nursing specialty:

It is art, science and humanity, and it is providing society with certain services that are therapeutic in nature that help the individual to remain healthy, and prevent complications resulting from diseases and injuries. It has both technical and moral (psychological and social) aspects.

It is one of the medical specialties that takes care of the patient’s health and relieves his pain, and nursing is also considered one of the auxiliary specialties of the medical profession, where the nursing specialist assists the doctor in providing the means of treatment to the patient, such as: needles and medicines, in addition to monitoring his health condition, and providing the doctor with the necessary medical statements, And the health file for each patient, and this specialization requires many conditions and qualities for its official and professional practice.

History of Nursing Specialization :

The word "nurse" came from the Latin word "nutrer", which means a nurse or incubator. It was only in the late 16th century that its modern meaning of a person who cares for the infirm was realized. Most cultures from the earliest times produced a stream of nurses dedicated to the service of religious principles, such as Christianity and the Islamic world. In Europe prior to the founding of modern nursing, Catholic nuns and the military provided services similar to nursing.

It took until the 20th century for nursing to become a specialized profession.

Importance of studying Nursing major:

The nursing profession is a humanitarian and social task in which the nurse is respected and appreciated. This lofty profession has developed a lot in the past years, and it is no longer a traditional profession limited to implementing treatment for the patient; Rather, it went far beyond that. It is a science taught in universities and nursing colleges compete to provide students with knowledge and various medical nursing sciences.

The nurse who graduated from the faculties of nursing is the middle link in the medical field. Rather, it is the safe passage for the safety of patients and the provision of medical and psychological services to them. He is the one who receives the instructions of the doctor, pharmacist, laboratory and physical therapy. To complete the medical system through it, the nursing profession is the current Corona profession. The nurse has become the first line of defense for health, and he is the one who takes care of patients, provides treatment, follows up on their cases, records and documents observations, and thus preserves the lives of patients. This prestigious role of the nurse answers the first question: Why is nursing considered one of the required human and medical specialties that enjoy great acceptance and even competition for seats in universities?

Nursing course subjects:

  • Intensive clinical training.
  • Management and leadership in nursing.
  • Community health nursing.
  • Mental health nursing.
  • Concepts of therapeutic communication.
  • Scientific research and statistical methods.
  • Maternal health nursing.
  • Child and Adolescent Health Nursing.
  • Health education and promotion.
  • Basic growth and development.
  • Adult health nursing.
  • Introduction to adult nursing care.
  • Health assessment.
  • An introduction to the nursing profession.
  • Fundamentals of the nursing profession.

Fields of work for Nursing specialization:

The fields of work for the nursing major are guaranteed fields. The specialist who has completed his years of study can find a field for his specialization. After graduation, he is entitled to work within the fields of work in government or private hospitals, as well as in rehabilitation and physiotherapy centers, and work in various bodies and organizations, such as maternity centers. and childhood, family planning centers, health training and education centers, in addition to work in universities and schools as well. Nursing is one of the most professions that open up opportunities for its owner to work abroad, such as:

  • Clinical Trainer.
  • Nursing Supervisor.
  • Nursing teacher.
  • Lab supervisor.
  • legal nurse.
  • surgery nurse.
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology Nurse.
  • Maternity and Childhood Nurse.
  • Intensive care nurse.
  • Nurse assistant or home visitor.
  • Head of the Nursing Department at universities or medical departments.

The best universities to study Nursing specialization in Turkey:

Istanbul universities are among the most distinguished universities and are interested in medical specialties in particular, so we recommend the best 5 universities to study nursing in Istanbul, where their study programs have been developed in line with European education standards. Some universities in Istanbul also contract with major institutions and bodies to train students in practice.

  • istanbul Üsküdar University.
  •  Istanbul Okan University.
  • Istanbul Gelişim University.
  •  Istanbul Aydin University.
  • istanbul Bahçeşehir University.

The best universities to study Nursing in Russia:

Russia has one of the greatest medical schools and universities. International recognition and relatively low tuition fees make it popular among applicants willing to study medicine in Russia

  •  I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
  •  RUDN University
  • Perm State Medical University

The best universities to study Nursing in Germany:

If you want to study nursing and have the conditions required to study nursing in Germany, you can learn about the following best nursing universities in Germany:

  • HS Osnabrueck University of Applied Sciences.
  • Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences.
  • HS Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.
  • Catholic University of North Rhine-Westphalia.
  • Alice Salomon HS Berlin.
  • HS Bremen University of Applied Sciences.
  • Co-operative State University of Baden-Württemberg (DHBW).
  • Hochhol Bremen University of Applied Sciences (HSB).
  • Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW).