Azerbaijan University of Economics Zakatala Branch

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Finance 4 Azerbaijani language 0 765 $
arketing 4 Azerbaijani language 0 706 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Accounting 4 Azerbaijani language 0 706 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Administrative Economy 4 Azerbaijani language 0 706 $
Business Administration 4 Azerbaijani language 0 706 $
Management information systems 4 Azerbaijani language 0 706 $
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Azerbaijan University of Economics Zakatala Branch

Azerbaijan University of Economics Zakatala Branch

Azerbaijan | Zaqatala

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جامعة أذربيجان الشمالية الغربية مدينة زاكاتالا
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