
Mechatronics Engineering

  What is the specialty of Mechatronics Engineering:

Japanese companies were aware of the problem, and they initiated the rehabilitation of a new generation of engineers called Mechatronics Engineering, a comprehensive specialization of the three engineering sciences (mechanics, electricity, and programming). The graduate of this specialty studies the three engineering sciences in great depth to be able to handle any machine, fully absorb all its components and operating system, and is trained and equipped to deal with any problem that the machine may encounter with great professionalism, at the fastest and least cost.

Mechatronics engineering is a relatively new and new specialty. The machines used to require a team of three specialized engineers (an electrical engineer, a programming engineer, a mechanical engineer) and the three must be put together to ensure the proper functioning of the production process. Most companies had a problem with the difficulty of understanding the task force because they did not study or deepen the engineering specialties of the rest of the task force, which negatively affected production and delayed maintenance and problem-solving.

History of Mechatronics Engineering Specialization:

The word Micatronix first appeared in Japan in the late 1960s and was used in Europe before spreading worldwide.

The term Micatronix was coined by a Japanese engineer from Yasaqua Electric Company in 1969 to refer to the use of electronics in mechanical control (i.e., "Mika" from mechanical engineering and "Tronix" from electrical or electronic engineering).

The design of any mechanical system requires mechanical engineering, electronics, control, and computer engineering. A microprocessor should be able to design and use symmetric and digital electronic circuits, microprocessors, mechanical machines, sensors, actuators, and control systems,

Mechatronic systems are sometimes called smart devices because they're supposed to mimic the way human thinking is.

Today, the Micatronix entered almost every device. It's not just robotics or factories. For example, we find it in autopilot; And we find this clear in the new Airbus Bus A380, that the Mechatronics is the same future, which, as Davor Haroffat, a technician at Ford Research, said: "Mechatronics are a mixture of technology and methods, they help us get a better product," as in electronic car spray (electric fuel design), ABS brakes in cars, and in household appliances such as automatic washing and even some children's toys.

The importance of studying the specialty of Mechatronics Engineering:

Mechatronics engineering has a high profile in various factories and companies, as it plays an important role in sustaining the production process in a smooth manner. The mechatronics engineer follows the performance of machines and fixes any serious failures, along with its role as a link between electrical engineers, programming, mechanics and technical supervision. A mechatronics engineer can replace any of the three engineering branches.

The number of years of study in the Mechatronics Engineering specialty is four years for the bachelor's degree. The academic content in most Turkish universities includes a variety of courses, although the content may vary from university to university.

Mechatronics Engineering courses:

First school year:

  • Introduction to programming and mathematics.
  • An introduction to Mechatronics.
  • Physics.
  • Algebra.
  • Computer science.

Second school year:

  • The basics of electrical circuits and electronics.
  • Differential equations.
  • An introduction to mechanical engineering.
  • Systems and signals.
  • Industry and technical techniques.

Third school year:

  • Learn the digital method of engineers.
  • Study of different statistics.
  • Non-technical aspects of engineering.
  • Advanced study in mechanical systems.
  • Advanced study in control systems and microcontrollers.

Fourth school year:

  • Design of the Mechatronics system, work on the graduation project and practical application of all theoretical materials to an electronic device

Fields of work for the Mechatronics Engineering major:

  • Work in the Quality and Production Sections
  • Supervision and monitoring of the work of technicians in manufacturing departments
  • Work in the maintenance and development of various machines and machines
  • Innovation of modern electronics and development of control systems

Best Universities for Mechatronics Engineering in Turkey:

  • Yildiz Technical University
  • Çankaya University 
  • Istanbul Okan University
  • Izmir Katip celebi University
  • Isik University
  • Bilgi University

Best Universities for Mechatronics Engineering in Russia:

  • University Level Mechatronics and Robotics (BAUMAN Moscow State Technical University). Moscow, Russia
  • Micatronx and robots read more Orenburg State University. Orenburg, Russia
  • Bachelor of Arts in Mechatronics and Robotics read more Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University. Izhevsk, Russia

The best universities to study Mechatronics engineering in Germany:

  • TU CLAUSTHAL University
  • To Braunschweig University
  • Magdeburg University
  • WWTH Aankhen University
  • Keements University of Technology University
  • TU Ilmenau University
  • Castle University