About Ustim Technical University:
Ostim Technical University is the number one industrial university in Turkey, Ostim district, in which the university is located, is one of the leading industrial districts of Turkey, it is an international business center with more than 6,200 companies and about 60,000 employees in 17 sectors and 139 business lines. It also establishes strong partnerships with the business sector, industry and society within the industrial zone in which it is located, and provides each student with practical training opportunities in the industrial sectors inside and outside the university, with the aim that each student obtains the experience and practical training necessary for professional life and the labor market.

Ostim Technical University is located in a privileged area in the Turkish capital, Ankara, in the heart of the world of business, industry and the public sector. The university is surrounded by thousands of important industrial and commercial companies, with which the university holds many partnerships, providing a practical and applied training model that enables students to live the practical life experience during the years of study at the university.

Ostim Technical University, which is one of the best Turkish universities, includes about three faculties, headed by the Faculty of Engineering, next to the Faculty of Architecture and Design and the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences. The university also includes a group of vocational schools in various disciplines such as: mechanics, digital media, marketing and information security. In addition to scientific research and training centers, and a center for the incubation of small youth projects, the university believes that a small idea can change the world if it grows under the appropriate conditions, as the university works to encourage its students to take the first step to reach their goals and achieve their project ideas on the ground through Nursery Center. The university is also keen to build bridges of communication between experts in the business sectors and students through seminars and lectures that it holds in the presence of experienced and successful people in various fields.
Advantages of studying at Ostim Technical University

    It is one of the third generation universities, which efficiently combines academic study, scientific research and practical training
    English is the primary language of study
    It is distinguished by the modernity of its exterior and interior designs, which are represented in the technical campus, laboratories, laboratories and modern classrooms
    It seeks to provide educational, research and applied infrastructure and facilities in accordance with international standards, especially in the areas of design and training with the latest manufacturing systems and innovative technologies.
    It equips its students with the knowledge and skills required to compete vigorously in the business world. It is keen on graduating students who have the values ​​of self-confidence, self-development, innovation, high cultural awareness and various human values.
    It seeks to play an active role in increasing the efficiency of the development of science and technology in Turkey
    It prioritizes the acquisition of its students with professional competence in education and training inside and outside the university
    It supports the development and production of knowledge at the university through projects and research as a basis for the philosophy of research and publication at the university, and it is also keen to provide the possibilities of applying the information produced on the ground.
    In the field of design and advanced manufacturing systems technologies, the university provides its students with the highest level of international education, research, infrastructure and applications
    The university is keen to provide its students with experience in project management and participation in it through active participation in national projects
    It creates a lot of external and internal training opportunities for students during the period of study at the university

Date of Establishment:
Ostim Technical University is considered the first industrial university in Turkey, which was established in 2017 in the city of Ankara.

global ranking
local ranking

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Business Administration (ONLINE) 2 English Doesn't exist 2000 $ 2000 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
International Business 2 English Doesn't exist 0 2000 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Electrical Engineering 2 English Exists 0 2250 $
Software Engineering 2 Turkish Exists 0 2250 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Artificial Intelligence Engineering 4 Turkish 4500 $ 2250 $
Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 4 Turkish 4500 $ 2250 $
Computer Engineering 4 Turkish 15000 $ 2250 $
Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 4 English 15000 $ 2250 $
Mechanical Engineering 4 English 15000 $ 2250 $
Software Engineering 4 English 15000 $ 2250 $
Software Engineering 4 Turkish 15000 $ 2250 $
Industrial Engineering 4 English 15000 $ 2250 $
Industrial Engineering 4 Turkish 15000 $ 2250 $
Interior Design 4 English 15000 $ 2250 $
Interior Design 4 Turkish 15000 $ 2250 $
Computer Engineering 4 English 15000 $ 2000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Management information systems 4 English 15000 $ 2250 $
Management information systems 4 Turkish 15000 $ 2250 $
Marketing 4 English 15000 $ 2250 $
Business Administration 4 English 15000 $ 2250 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Economy and Finance 4 English 15000 $ 2250 $
International Trade 4 English 15000 $ 2250 $
Communication Design 4 English 15000 $ 2250 $
Communication Design 4 Turkish 15000 $ 2250 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
city and regional planning (area) 4 English 15000 $ 2250 $
Industrial Design 4 Turkish 15000 $ 2250 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Biomedical Device Technology 2 Turkish 7500 $ 2000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Electrical Engineering 2 Turkish 7500 $ 2000 $
Mechatronics Engineering 2 Turkish 7500 $ 2000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Vehicle technology 2 Turkish 7500 $ 2000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Information Security Technology 2 Turkish 7500 $ 2000 $
Computer Programming 2 Turkish 7500 $ 2000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
logistics management 2 Turkish 7500 $ 2000 $
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OSTIM Technical University

OSTIM Technical University

Turkey | Ankara

calendar :


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collages number of colleges :

depts Number of specialties :

students Number of students :

students study roll :

English and turkish

depts type :


depts University headquarters :

OSTİM Teknik Üniversitesi OSTİM, 06374 Ankara / Türkiye

ticket Subscription price

15000 $ 2000 $
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