
Mathematics and Computer Science

What is the specialty of Mathematics and Computer Science:

Mathematics is one of the most important and best-established disciplines in the world, a specialty of the Faculty of Science, taught at a large number of world universities, and is very popular in the world, with a large number of students seeking to study it.

Mathematics is defined as the science of abstract concepts and terms that denote quantity and number, which denotes the quantity of the manifold and the amount that can be increased and decreased.

Mathematics has been defined by a number of scientists as metrology, and mathematics is the language of science, and this specialization has played a major role in the evolution and progress of the world.

Mathematicians are ancient sciences that ancient civilizations have known, and Greek civilization has introduced many mathematicians, many of whom have provided Pythagore, Tales, Euclides, and Archimedes.

Mathematicians evolved in the following years, and Arab civilization contributed to the development of this science significantly through the group of great scientists and among the most prominent Arab algorithmic mathematicians.

History of Mathematics and Computer Science Specialization:

The first known tool for use in arithmetic was the meter, which was developed between 2700 and 2300 BC in Sumerian. The Sumerian meter consists of a table of successive columns that determines the sequence order of the size of the system of 60 numbers. It was originally used through lines drawn in sand with gravel. More modern design meters are still being used as calculators today, such as the Chinese meter.

In the 5th century BC in ancient India, grammar Pashini coined Sanskrit grammar in 3959 a rule known as Ashtadhyayi that was highly structured and technical. Panini used metarules and transfers and returns.

Antikythera is thought to be an early mechanical analog computer, designed to calculate astronomical sites. It was discovered in 1901 in an Antikythera wreck off the Greek island of Antikythera, between Kythera and Crete, dating from about 100 BC.

Analog mechanical computers resurfaced a thousand years later in the Islamic world in the Middle Ages, and were developed by Muslim astronomers, such as the Astrolabe, directed at Abi Rayhan al-Biruni, and the Astrolabe by Jaber bin Aflaq. Important advances have also been made in cryptography, such as the development of cryptography and frequency analysis by Alkindus, and Muslim engineers have invented programmable machines, such as the automatic flute player by the Bani Musa brothers, the programmable insular human-shaped machines, and the castle clock. Which is the first programmable analog computer. Technological manufacturers of similar complexity appeared in Europe in the 14th century, with mechanical astronomical clocks.

When John Napier discovered logarithms for computational purposes in the early 17th century, a period of great progress was followed by inventors and scientists in the manufacture of computational tools. In 1623, Wilhelm Schickard designed an arithmetic machine but abandoned the project, when a fire destroyed the prototype that began construction in 1624. Around 1640, the French mathematician Blaise Pascal built a mechanical additive based on the design described by the Greek mathematician Champion Alexandria. Then in 1672 Gottfried invented the Stepped Reckoner, which he completed in 1694.

In 1837, Charles Babbage first described his analytical engine, which was accepted as the first design of a modern computer. The analytical engine had expandable memory, an arithmetic module, and a logical processing capability capable of interpreting a loop programming language and conditional branching. Although the design was never built, it was widely studied and understood to be the equivalent of Turing. The analytical engine's memory capacity could have been less than 1 kilobyte of memory and an hour speed of less than 10 Hz.

Major advances in mathematics and electronics theory were required before the first modern computers were designed.

The importance of studying the specialty of Mathematics and Computer Science:

Many students want to study math, and in order to be able to study math, a student must have a general secondary degree, the scientific branch, at a good rate.

During school years, the student receives a large number of sciences and courses that help him understand and further deepen this specialization.

If a student wants to complete an undergraduate degree in mathematics and a master's degree in mathematics, he/she must achieve a good master's degree rate, and he/she must study a master's degree for three years, during which time he/she must study mathematics and eventually submit a master's degree in mathematics.

If a student wishes to study for a Ph.D. in mathematics, he/she must receive a master's degree, and he/she must study for a Ph.D. for five years.

Mathematics is of great importance and its importance lies in a range of things. One of the most important is that mathematics teaches order and accuracy because it binds a person to adhere to certain rules in order to achieve correct results.

Mathematics plays a major role in the advancement of different sciences, which are fundamental to every science.

Mathematics plays a major role in trade, sale, and purchase, as accounts are one of the most important elements of this science.

Mathematics plays a major role in computer science because it contributes to the formation of matrices. In addition, mathematics plays a significant role in calculating distances, lengths, amounts, etc.

There is also a close relationship between mathematics and engineering sciences, with mathematics contributing to the advancement of different types of engineering. Mathematics feeds on the stimulation of the mind, as it increases a person's intelligence. It sports the mind by thinking about solving complex and difficult issues and exercises. Mathematics also contributes to scientific thinking.

Mathematics and Computer Science majors:

Pure mathematics: Pure mathematics is one of the most important fields of mathematics, and is concerned with the division of mathematics into a number of branches according to the main subject of study. The foundations and philosophy of mathematics: Mathematics can be divided into computational mathematics, geometric mathematics, analysis, and algebra. Applied mathematics: This section teaches mathematical methods and methods used in various fields such as engineering, business, science and industry. And so we see mathematics as having a great role in the evolution of the rest of the sciences, and it's indispensable for any science of mathematics, and in conclusion, we hope to be successful in providing outstanding information through which to explain all the information on mathematics.

Mathematics and Computer Science courses:

During the years of study, a student of mathematics teaches a large number of courses that help him to master this specialty and learn all its details. The student also teaches other courses including measurement theory, numerical analysis, subjects in algebra, regional and non-regional geometry, and the history of mathematics. In addition, the student teaches several courses including calculus, mathematical statistics, and mathematics foundations. Courses taught by mathematics students include abstract algebra, probability theory, differential equations, numerical analysis, and inhibitory mechanics.

Fields of work for the Mathematics and Computer Science major:

Mathematics is an important discipline that provides students with a large number of opportunities to work. One of the most notable is that a graduate of mathematics can work in schools and colleges, a private teacher of mathematics, and a graduate of mathematics as a private teacher of mathematics. One area in which a math graduate can work is professional jobs, as well as in financial services institutions. A math graduate can work as a financial accountant in a large number of companies, and a graduate can work in research, physical and statistical institutions.