Jerash private University is the only university in Jerash GovernorateJordan, located about 5 km from Jerash city center. The university offers undergraduate degrees in Arts and science.
The approval of the Ministry of Higher Education to establish this university was granted in 1992, and teaching process started in the university in 1993. It was the first private university in northern Jordan, it is the major private investment institution at the level of Jerash Governorate; the university was a contributor to solving the problems of poverty and unemployment. The university graduated more than 30000 students with the bachelor's degree, and more than 800 students with the master's degree. Hence, the university provided the public and private sectors with distinguished professional cadres, including judges in courts, representatives in legislative councils, teachers in schools, accountants in companies, and engineers in contracting and agriculture fields.

Jerash University is located on an area of more than three hundred dunams. The area of the university's buildings is approximately 70.000 square meters. It includes twelve faculties: Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Business, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Sharia, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Nursing, Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Agriculture and Faculty of Applied Medical Sciences.

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
English Language and Literature 4 English 0 0
Translation and Interpretation 4 English 0 0
Sociology 4 Arabic 0 0
Accounting 4 Arabic 0 0
Rights 4 Arabic 0 0

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Arabic language and its literature 4 Arabic 0 0

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Finance and Banking 4 Arabic 0 0
Management information systems 4 Arabic 0 0

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Mathematics 4 Arabic 0 0
Physics 4 Arabic 0 0
Chemistry 4 Arabic 0 0
teacher 4 Arabic 0 0
Cyber ​​Security 5 Arabic 0 0
Advanced Electronics and Communication Technology 5 Arabic 0 0

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Physiotherapy 4 Arabic 0 0
Medical laboratory techniquess 4 Arabic 0 0
Nursing 4 Arabic 0 0
Pharmacy 5 Arabic 0 0

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Agriculture and food 4 Arabic 0 0
Civil Engineering 5 Arabic 0 0
Architecture Engineering 5 Arabic 0 0
computer science 5 Arabic 0 0
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Jerash University

Jerash University

Jordan | Jerash

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طريق اربد عمان الدولي، الأردن
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