Jazeera University
Jazeera University
Introduction by the University of Jazeera:
Al Jazeera University (; University of Gezira) is a Sudanese state university, a member of the World Federation of Universities, the Federation of Arab Universities, the Federation of African Universities, the Federation of Universities of the Islamic World and the Federation of Arab Scientific Research Councils. Founded on November 9, 1975, Al Jazeera University, during its short life, has strengthened scientific links with universities and scientific institutions within and outside the country and has signed a number of academic agreements and twinning programs with numerous universities, world organizations and scientific institutions within and outside Sudan, particularly in the areas of training, teaching, scientific research and exchange of experience. The University has gained a good reputation in many academic circles abroad and has received several awards at the Arab and African levels.
Al Jazeera University mission:
The mission of universities is in fact the message of the human being whom God has entrusted and come to be his successor in the Earth, who seeks science and knowledge, reveals the secrets of nature, invests the energies that God has made for him, promotes the architecture of the universe, pays tribute to human civilization in all its dimensions, establishes the balance of God, upholds genuine spiritual values, raises the word of truth and prosperity and eliminates the wrong and corruption.
University of Al Jazeera Advantages:
The first private university, the main center of which is the Governorate of Ab, is the first private university to open the bachelor's system in the Faculty of Medical Sciences. The Pharmacy and Laboratory Program and the Bachelor of Architecture in the Faculty of Science and Engineering are characterized by a distinguished teaching cadre from Yemeni and Arab universities.
Founding history of Al Jazeera University:
The Republican decision to establish Al Jazeera University and its presidency in the city of Wade Madani was passed on November 9, 1975. The island was chosen for its agricultural, economic, educational and social weight.
World Rankings:
- 4581
- number of colleges:19
- number of students:16950
- number of institutes: 9
Specialization | the years | The language | Fees Before Discount | Expenses |
Dentistry | 5 | Arabic | -- | -- |

Jazeera University
Sudan | Al Khartum
international rank :
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