Istanbul Aydın University

Introduction by the University of Aydın:

The University of Aydınwas founded on 18 May 2007 in one of Istanbul's most famous European neighborhoods, Floria, by the Anatolian Foundation for Education and Culture (AKEV), founded by Dr. Mustafa Eden and a group of academics and businessmen interested in education and community development.

The University of Aydın has become an attraction station for many international and Arab students coming to study in Turkey, thanks to its dedication to providing high-quality education and its application of the slogan "Towards a bright future" and its basic principle of "technological university," Aydın rose to be one of Turkey's most powerful private universities, demonstrating its scientific expertise in all medical, health, technical and literary fields through a highly applied educational approach through which it achieved high rankings in local and global classification.

The university offers 70 bachelor's, 115 master's, 32 Ph.D., 108 fellowship programs through 12 colleges, including the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, as well as a foreign language school, an applied science school, 3 vocational schools and an institute of higher education. It should be noted that these programs are taught by selected highly experienced academics and that there are 1.500 academics at the University of Aydın.

University vision:

The University's vision is to be a leading higher education institution at the local and international levels, seeking excellence in education and training to provide its students with the ideal skills and capabilities to transform knowledge into real production, as well as its continuing quest for innovation and improvement in line with contemporary changes, and to offer scientific and practical innovations and research to achieve sustainable development.

University mission:

  • Be an institution that serves society through education that provides basic, applied and multidisciplinary research at a global level.
  • Provide a technology-friendly infrastructure for education, training and research, and equip the campus to bring together thousands of students of different nationalities.
  • linking knowledge and production, and presenting qualified individuals in their professional fields taking into account cultural differences among students.
  • To create local and international cooperation with the academic and business world.
  • To become a center of attraction for students and academics on the national and international scene.

Advantages of the study at the University of Aydın:

  • The University of Aydın is one of the most prestigious universities to offer its specialties in different languages, thus keeping pace with changes and developments in all sciences.
  • The educational environment reflected by the University is rich in training and activities in all fields of education, culture and society to ensure that fully qualified graduates are offered to apply knowledge properly and create a better future.
  • It should also be noted that the University of Aydın has the best laboratories equipped with all educational equipment and means, and libraries equipped with the latest computers that allow the student to make the greatest use of the academic field of his or her choice.
  • The University promotes the student's ability and expertise so that its students are offered special training and employed by the best Turkish companies during their studies and upon graduation.
  • The University periodically organizes spring festivals, symposiums, conferences and other recreational activities for students throughout the academic year.
  • Support students after graduation by adopting a lifelong education approach, and provide free vocational planning service for students and graduates through the Employment Center.
  • The university offers over 10000 social and cultural activities organized by 91 student clubs and 36 research centers each year.
  • Aydın has a multicultural campus with 5500 international students from 125 different countries.
  • The University also provides various scholarships to its students to facilitate the completion of their educational career without difficulties.
  • The University of Aydın also offers its students the opportunity to study abroad, because of the conclusion of a bilateral agreement within the international student exchange program Erasmus, with 259 universities, some of them in 28 European countries, to enable their students to learn at the world's best universities.

Scientific research centers and laboratories at Istanbul Aydın University:

  • Aziz Sankar Technology Center.
  • Health Science Education and Research Laboratories.
  • Civil engineering labs.
  • Centre for Oral and Dental Health Applications and Research.
  • Astronomy Center.
  • Food Analysis Lab.
  • Africa Centre for Applications and Research.

University campus:

The University of Aydın has 3 university campuses located in the best areas of Istanbul, all of which have been attached to all the necessary educational supplies, facilities and centers, as follows:

  1. Florya's main campus, which includes all the university colleges.
  2. Buyukcekmece campus is formed and includes the Language Institute.
  3. Kadikoy campus includes schools and institutes.

The main campus of the IAU is located in the heart of the city and close to all the communication lines in the Florya region where many social and cultural activities in Istanbul are easily accessible through public transport.

 Arab countries that recognize the University:

Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Yemen


Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Teaching the Arabic Language 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Digital Game Design 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Entertainment 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Industrial Design 4 Turkish 5000 $ 4000 $
Software Development 4 English 6800 $ 6000 $
Fashion Design 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4.000 $
Training of Trainers 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Cartoon and Animation 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Turkish language teaching 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Arts Management 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
management 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Public Administration 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Political Science and International Relations 4 English 6000 $ 5000 $
Management information systems 4 Turkish 4.000 $ 4.000 $
aviation management: 4 English 6.000$ 5.000 $
Health management 4 Turkish 5.500 $ 5000 $
Business Administration 4 English 6.000$ 5.000 $
Health management 4 Turkish 5.500 $ 5000 $
Sports Management 4 Turkish 5.500 $ 4000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Architecture 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 6000$
Drama and Acting 4 Turkish 4.000 $ 4.000 $
Gastronomy 4 Turkish 4.000 $ 4.000 $
Child Development 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 5000 $
Sociology 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
International Trade 4 English 6.000$ 5.000 $
English Language and Literature 4 English 4.500$ 4.000 $
Translation and Interpretation 4 English 4.000$ 4.000 $
Historiography 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Psychology 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Economy and Finance 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Accounting 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Rights 4 Turkish 5.500 $ 5000 $
Turkish language and literature 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Communication Design 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Exercise And Sports Sciences 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Psychological Counseling and Guidance 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
food engineering 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 6000 $
Architecture Engineering 4 English 7000 $ 6000 $
Aerospace engineering 4 English 5000 $ 2900 $
Electrical Engineering 4 English 4000$ 2900 $
Computer Engineering 4 English 7.000 $ 6.000 $
Interior Design 4 Turkish 5.000$ 4.000$
Civil Engineering 4 English 6.000$ 5.000 $
Electrical Engineering 4 English 6.800$ 6.000 $
Mechanical Engineering 4 English 6.800$ 6.000 $
Industrial Engineering 4 English 6.800$ 6000 $
Software Engineering 4 English 6.800$ 6.000 $
Mechanical Engineering 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 6000 $
Civil Engineering 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 6000 $
Architecture Engineering 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 6000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Advertising 4 Turkish 4.000 $ 4.000 $
Radio, Film and Television 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4.000 $
Graphic Design 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4.000 $
New Media 4 Turkish 4.000 $ 4.000 $
Social Service 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Preparation of Television Programs and Reports 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $
Journalism 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 4000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Pharmacy 4 Turkish 9000 $ 8000 $
Nursing 4 Turkish 5.500 $ 5.000 $
Human Medicine 6 English 22.000 $ 22.000 $
Human Medicine 6 Turkish 22.000$ 22000 $
Dentistry 5 English 20000 $ 20.000 $
Dentistry 5 Turkish 20000 $ 20.000 $
Audiology 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 5000 $
Physiotherapy 4 Turkish 4.500 $ 5000 $
Nutrition and Dietetics 4 Turkish 5.500 $ 5000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Electrical Engineering 4 English $ 8.000 $ 8.000
Mechanical Engineering 4 English $ 8.000 8000
Computer Engineering 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Mechanical Engineering 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
food engineering 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Civil Engineering 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Architecture Engineering 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
English Language and Literature 4 English $ 8.000 $ 8.000
Accounting 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Turkish language and literature 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Public Relations 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
pre-school education (nursery or kindergarten) 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Physical Education 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Rights 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Applied psychology 4 Turkish 16.000 $ 11.000 $
English language teaching 4 English 15000 $ 12000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Political Science and International Relations 4 English $ 8.000 $ 8.000
Business Administration 4 English $ 13.000 $ 12.000
Business Administration 4 Turkish 12.000 $ $ 10.000
Health management 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Private Law 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Graphic Design 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Radio, Film and Television 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Audiology 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Molecular Biology and Genetics 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Gum Disease 4 Turkish 11.000 $ 10.000 $
Cosmetic Dentistry 4 Turkish 16.000 $ 15.000 $
Dentistry 4 Turkish 16.000 $ 15.000 $
Oral, Dental And Jaw Surgery 4 Turkish 16.000 $ 15.000 $
Clinical Psychology 4 Turkish 16.000 $ 15.000 $
Nutrition and Dietetics 4 English 13000 $ 10000 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Public Relations and Advertising 2 Turkish Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
Journalism 2 Turkish Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
Journalism 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Public Relations and Advertising 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 9000 $ 8000 $
Graphic Design 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Journalism 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Journalism 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8.0008 $ 7000 $
Radio, Film and Television 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Radio, Film and Television 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
New Media 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
New Media 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Social Service 2 Turkish Exists 8.500 $ 8000 $
Social Service 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Electrical Engineering 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000$ 7000 $
Aerospace engineering 2 English Exists 12000$ 9000 $
Computer Engineering 2 Turkish Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
food engineering 2 Turkish Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
Architecture Engineering 2 Turkish Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
Architecture Engineering 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Mechanical Engineering 2 Turkish Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
Electrical Engineering 2 Turkish Exists 9000$ 8000 $
Mechatronics Engineering 2 Turkish Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
Civil Engineering 2 Turkish Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
Industrial Engineering 2 English Exists 10000$ 9000 $
Industrial Engineering 2 English Doesn't exist 9000 $ 8000 $
Computer Engineering 2 English Exists 10000 $ 9000 $
Computer Engineering 2 English Doesn't exist 9000 $ 8000 $
MechanicaEngineering 2 English Exists 9800 $ 9000 $
Renewable Energy 2 English Doesn't exist $ 8.700 8000 $
Renewable Energy 2 English Exists 9800 $ 9000 $
Artificial Intelligence Engineering 2 English Exists 10000 $ 9000 $
Electrical Engineering 2 English Doesn't exist 8.900 $ 8000 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Banking and Insurance 2 Turkish Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
Banking and Insurance 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Human Resource Management 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Human Resource Management 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ $7000
Business Administration 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Marketing 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Accounting and Controlling 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Accounting and Controlling 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 9000 $ 8000 $
Administrative Economy 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Administrative Economy 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Private Law 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Private Law 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Turkish language teaching 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Educational Administration and Planning 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Political Science and International Relations 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Business Administration 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 9000 $ 8000 $
Project Management 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Health management 2 Turkish Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
Health management 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Sports Management 2 Turkish Exists 8.500 $ 8000 $
Accounting and Controlling 2 English Exists 9500 $ 9000 $
Accounting and Controlling 2 English Doesn't exist 8700 $ 8000 $
Political Science and International Relations 2 English Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
Political Science and International Relations 2 English Doesn't exist 9000 $ 8000 $
Business Administration 2 English Exists 9.550 $ 9000 $
Business Administration 2 English Doesn't exist $ 9.200 8000 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Cyber ​​Security 2 English Doesn't exist 9000 $ 8000 $
Visual Arts 2 Turkish Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
Teaching the Arabic Language 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8.000 $ 7000 $
Information Security Technology 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Psychology 2 English Exists 12000 $ 9000 $
Psychology 2 English Doesn't exist 10000 $ 8000 $
Public Relations 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Public Relations 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Rights 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Rights 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Turkish language and literature 2 Turkish Exists 8.500 $ 8000 $
Psychology 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
Psychology 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Translation and Interpretation 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
pre-school education (nursery or kindergarten) 2 Turkish Exists 9.000 $ 8000 $
pre-school education (nursery or kindergarten) 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
Psychological Counseling and Guidance 2 Turkish Exists 9000 $ 8000 $
Psychological Counseling and Guidance 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 8000 $ 7000 $
English language teaching 2 English Exists 10000 $ 9000 $
English language teaching 2 English Doesn't exist 9000 $ 8000 $
English Language and Literature 2 English Exists 9.550 $ 9000 $

Specialization the years The language Thesis Fees Before Discount Expenses
Molecular Biology and Genetics 2 Turkish Exists 8.500 $ 8000 $
Physiotherapy 2 Turkish Exists 8.500 $ 8000 $
Nutrition and Dietetics 2 Turkish Exists 8.500 $ 8500 $
Clinical Psychology 2 Turkish Exists 12.500 $ 11000 $
Clinical Psychology 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 12.500 $ 11000 $
Audiology 2 Turkish Exists 8.500 $ 8000 $
Gum Disease 2 Turkish Exists 16.000 $ 15000 $
Dental Treatment and Topical Prophylaxis 2 Turkish Exists 16.000 $ 15000 $
Dental Treatment and Topical Prophylaxis 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 16.000 $ 15000 $
Oral, Dental And Jaw Surgery 2 Turkish Exists 17.000 $ 15000 $
Oral, Dental And Jaw Surgery 2 Turkish Doesn't exist 17.000 $ 15000 $

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Business Administration 2 English 3000$ 3000$
aviation management: 2 English 3000$ 3000$
Marketing 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Business Administration 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Banking and Insurance 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
aviation management: 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Human Resource Management 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
logistics management 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Health management 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Tourism and Hotel Management 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Foreign Trade 2 English 3000$ 3000$
Computer Programming 2 English 3000$ 3000$
Computer Programming 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Foreign Trade 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Fashion Design 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Aircraft Maintenance 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Cosmetic 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Advanced Electronics and Communication Technology 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Jewelry Design 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Biomedical Device Technology 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Prosthodontics technology 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
pharmacy services 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Hemodialysis 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Medical Imaging 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Medical laboratory techniquess 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
optics 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
The mouth and teeth's health 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Orthopedics and prosthetic 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Pathology Laboratory Techniques 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Physiotherapy 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
radiotherapy 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Operating room services 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
first aid 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Medical and secretarial documentation 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Audiology 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Rights 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Accounting 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Translation and Interpretation 2 Russian 2700$ 2700$
Child Development 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Gastronomy 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Public Relations 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Building Technology 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Electrical Engineering 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Mechanical Engineering 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Automotive Engineering 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$

Specialization the years The language Fees Before Discount Expenses
Graphic Design 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Preparation of Television Programs and Reports 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
Social Service 2 Turkish 2700$ 2700$
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Istanbul Aydın University

Istanbul Aydın University

Turkey | Istanbul

calendar :


order international rank :

order Local ranking :

collages number of colleges :

depts Number of specialties :

mahad number of institutes :

students Number of students :

students study roll :

Turkish and English

depts type :


depts University headquarters :

Beşyol Mahallesi, İnönü Cd. No:38, 34295 Küçükçekmece/İstanbul

ticket Subscription price

6.000 $ 5.000 $
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